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The Hair and Laser Clinic
Thermage CPT
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Aiming to look younger without undergoing the knife is one of the many
reasons why people seek medical aesthetic procedures such as Thermage CPT.
1. What is Thermage CPT
Thermage CPT is a skin tightening treatment
that is designed to eliminate wrinkles and
other skin concerns brought about by aging
and other factors. It is a new and improved
treatment than the old Thermage, in that it
utilizes the CPT to provide a better skin
rejuvenating experience.
2. Is there any specific preparation
that needs to be done before the
There is no need for any preparation for this
treatment. No blood works, special diet or
certain creams to apply because this procedure
simply gets you right on with it.
3. Which parts of the body does
Thermage CPT work on?
Thermage CPT can treat any parts of the body
but among the most commonly treated areas
are the face and neck. It works well on the
brow areas, tightens the jowls, lifts the facial
and neck sagging. It can also be used on
stomach sagging and wrinkling. In addition to
that it also works on the thighs, buttocks,
above the knees, hands, and even your
4. How does the Thermage CPT
Thermage CPT does its function by employing
radio frequency energy in order to heat the
layers lying beneath the skin. This stimulates
that collagen-rich layers to tighten as well as
produce new collagen in order to make the
skin stronger, healthier and more flexible. It
eliminates the sagging, provide better contours
and it gives a general appearance of
youthfulness as it smoothens the skin.
This is the only treatment that reaches far into
the deep layers of the skin compared to other
skin tightening treatments.
5. How does the procedure feel
Once the tip of the machine comes in
contact with your skin, you will initially feel
a cool sensation which aids in promoting
patient comfort. After the cooling
sensation, it is then followed by a brief
heated sensation which is then finished by
another wave of cool air. The heat will tell
you that the desired temperatures are
reached in order to promote tightening and
collagen formation.
You don’t have to worry about too much
heat in a specific spot because your doctor
will regularly monitor the heat sensation
that you are receiving. This is also a way for
them to ensure your comfort as well as
successful results.
Thermage CPT- Frequently Asked Questions
6. How long is the recovery
With Thermage CPT there is no need for any
down time because you can immediately
return to normal activities right after the
procedure. This is even considered to be the
perfect lunchtime procedure. There may be
some visible redness but it will shortly
disappear after the treatment.
There is no particular aftercare that needs to
be done; you just have to put on additional
protection such as sunscreen.
7. How many treatments do I need
and how long until I see results
with Thermage CPT?
The results vary according to each patient.
Some may only need a single session and
already result to a smoother and more
rejuvenated look, while others require more
8. How long will the effects of
Thermage CPT last?
The results can last up to 6 months, even after
a single session.
9. Is Thermage CPT generally safe
to use?
Thermage CPT offers a generally safe
treatment. However, there are rare incidences
of short term redness, swelling and blistering.
More energy can be
delivered compared to
the 2nd Generation by
product upgrade
More than 30% of pain
is reduced
Lifting effect is raised
from 77% to 92%
New frame is applied
on the tip to deliver
more stable energy.
Dr Tan Tyng Yuan
BSc (Hons), MBSS (London)
Dr Tan Tyng Yuan is the Clinic Director of The Hair & Laser Clinic in
Singapore, a clinic with special interest in Medical Aesthetics.
Dr Tan obtain a Graduate Diploma in Dermatology from United Kingdom
and a Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine in USA and also holds dual medical
registration to practice both in the UK and in Singapore.
She is an active member of aesthetics international organization, such as
the The American Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine and The American
Academy of Aesthetic Medicine.