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Produced to improve your dental health and awareness
Spring 2009
We never stop working to improve our
patient’s office experience for themselves
and their friends. As a way to say thanks
and encourage your continued awareness
of our practice, we are sponsoring what we
hope you’ll see as a fun worthwhile contest.
We Can Help
In uncertain times
These are difficult times filled with
much uncertainty about the future.
But there are a few certainties that
you can count on. Winters will come
and springtimes will follow, and we
will be here for you. We are willing
to work together with you to ensure
that your good oral health continues
As you know, it is also a certainty
that oral health is linked to our
overall health and wellbeing, so
regular recare and follow-up visits
are very important. Let us explore
creative ways to finance your dental
care, including Care-Credit, the
“no interest” plan that works just
like a credit card, and monthly
payment options tailored to your
The tonic for difficult times is
confidence, and you can be confident
in our continued commitment to your
good oral health.
Yours in good dental health,
Alan Rauchberg, DMD
Joel Rauchberg, DDS
Starting March 2nd and ending May
4th, each and every patient you refer to our
practice will win you a ticket in a drawing
that will be held on the evening of May
4th. The winner will be given the 32” Flat Screen LCD Television similar to
what is pictured here.
…For your health and wellbeing
Our team at Rauchberg Dental
Group wants you to be able to keep
your teeth for a lifetime. We also want
you to experience the joy of having
a beautiful smile and feeling years
younger with good overall health.
That’s why we recently integrated
a patient wellbeing program called
nutraMetrix™ into our practice
which offers high quality nutritional
supplements that can be customized
to meet your individual dental needs.
We would like to extend a big thank you to all of our patients who
made our Invisalign® Open House a huge success!
We always look forward to this event and are pleased to announce
that our next Invisalign Day will be held on
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 From 2pm – 7pm
Call our office today for more details.
Rejuvenate your smile!
What’s your flossophy?
Defeating diabetes!
Visit our web site at
Just In Time
You get to decide!
Are you an adherent of the Before
Flossophy or the After Flossophy? People
can be surprisingly passionate about when
to floss … before or after they brush.
Even dentists can’t always agree. In a poll
conducted by the American Academy of
Periodontology, 40% recommend before,
36% after, and 25% don’t think it matters.
Truthfully, as long as you remember your
You Can Do It
home care routines and maintain your recare
Discover your inner balance
It’s all about the balance. Really. A
lifestyle that balances work with stressrelieving play and that pays attention
to nutrition and diet is a healthy one.
That’s the macro level. At the micro
level, small imbalances in the pH of
your blood, for example, can create
changes in the pH of your saliva,
altering your mouth’s environment.
In other words, your oral health can
impact and be impacted by your overall
health and here’s how…
Plaque, the thin film on your teeth,
is a biofilm and a bacterial ecosystem
within the larger bionetwork of your
mouth and body. When the scale tips
so that good bacteria are overtaken
by those that are harmful, red swollen
gums that bleed easily, gum and bone
recession, and tooth loss can occur.
Tartar is the conspicuous, cementlike substance that plaque hardens into
when you allow it to build up. Tartar
can break the natural protective seal
that your gums provide, allowing oral
bacteria into your bloodstream. Experts
believe that toxic bacteria from your
gum infection can trigger your immune
system into a constant state of alert.
Gum disease has been linked to
systemic and inflammatory
diseases including heart and
stroke, osteoarthritis, diabetes,
cancers, and lung diseases.
These complex interactions
mean that a one size fits all
approach to life, health, and
your oral health care is no
longer sufficient.
schedule, we will be happy!
So, in no particular order…
 Floss once – to clean between your
teeth and below the gumline.
 Brush gently at least twice a day –
to remove food and bacteria from your
teeth, gums, and tongue.
 Rinse often throughout the day –
plain water can keep bacteria at bay
when there’s no time to brush.
our oral health
Weighing In
Fight diabetes!
Did you know that diabetics are more likely to have gum disease than
others and that those with gum disease find it more difficult to control blood
sugar levels? Or that 90% of people newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are
overweight? Weight loss and exercise could go a long way to preventing or
managing diabetes – and your oral health!
A regular routine of physical activity is ideal, but still, you can find inventive
ways to burn calories!
 Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
 Try hiding the remote. Research shows that thin people get up and move
around more, tend to fidget more, and sit less.
 Do some eco-exercise – instead of driving, ride your bicycle when you can.
It’s important for everyone to maintain healthy routines for oral and overall health.
Prime Attraction
Get what you need
Is 50 really the new 40? It seems so. Men and women today feel
and act ten years younger than their biological age. Midlife is a strong,
powerful time of life in every way and you can see the influence you
command in the number of products tailored just for you. A prime
example is the number of esthetic innovations created to enhance your
smile, like beautiful natural-looking crown and implant restorations.
You’ll like them because…
You’re an experienced and savvy consumer
 Long-lasting natural-looking materials resist chipping, staining, and cracks.
 Improvements in options and technology have made procedures
more time-efficient and patient-friendly.
You’re health conscious
 Your damaged or discolored tooth can be covered, protected, and
strengthened with a single crown.
 Bone loss can be prevented by anchoring a permanent new tooth into the
jawbone by combining a single crown with a dental implant.
 Missing teeth can be replaced with several replacement teeth attached to a
secure crown or implant bridge restoration to prevent your other teeth from
drifting and altering your ability to eat, speak, and socialize.
You love to look great
 Crowns made of natural-looking translucent porcelain are beautiful and
designed to blend in so well with neighboring teeth that no one can tell that you
have them.
Don’t let your smile give away your age. Let us give you a midlife smile with
style! Call us to schedule a consultation.
7 Tips For A Tiptop Smile
Which would you choose?
Teeth Whitening
Instantly brighten your smile
White Fillings of
Composite or Porcelain
Make tell-tale dark fillings a thing of the past
Tooth-Colored Bonding
Cover deep-rooted stains, repair small cracks
or chips, fill in gaps, and recontour teeth
Cosmetic Veneers
Conceal spaces, crooked, chipped, or
discolored teeth
Crown Restorations
Restore severely damaged or broken teeth
Dental Implants
Restore appearance and function
& Bridge Restorations
Replace missing teeth and prevent further
damage to your smile
Improving the color, shape, or position of your teeth can improve the way
you feel about yourself. Here at a glance are seven tips for a tiptop smile that
looks completely natural.
You Deserve Happiness
Have you already done the groundwork?
The pursuit of health and
happiness is a multi billion dollar
business! Yet taking care of yourself,
especially during stressful times,
might be simpler than you think.
How’s this for a strategy? Stay positive
and have faith in your own judgment
and ability to act.
We think you’ve likely given some
thought to self-improvement and you
understand how to go about it. For
example, any one of these five positive
steps could start you on the path to
boost your health and self-confidence.
 Get more active. Control your
weight, avoid diabetes, improve
cardiovascular health, build strong
bones, and provide stress relief.
 Vary your diet more. Include
five fruits and vegetables a day to
maintain oral health, a healthy weight,
and promote vigorous cardiovascular,
immune, and nervous systems.
 Stop smoking. It wreaks havoc
Rauchberg Dental Group
Alan Rauchberg, DMD
Joel Rauchberg, DDS
199 Baldwin Road, Suite 120
Parsippany, NJ 07054-2043
Office Hours
9:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
8:00 am
7:00 pm
6:00 pm
3:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:00 pm
1:00 pm *
* select Saturdays
Contact Information
Web site
(862) 207-4408
(973) 334-0856
[email protected]
Office Staff
Lisa ........................... Practice Manager
Lori .................... Practice Administrator
Mickey, Annie, Elaine ..........................
.................................Dental Hygienists
Marina .........................Dental Assistant
Kandy ..........................Dental Assistant
Burcu, Eileen ...................... Sterilization
Nicole ....................Hygiene Coordinator
Information included is not dental or medical advice. For your
specific information be sure to consult our office. If you do not wish
to receive this newsletter, please contact us directly.
We are proud to announce our
newest technology! The Biolase®
Laser. It is used for soft tissue dental
procedures. No incisions, No stitches,
No post-op bleeding, No swelling,
Minimal or No pain, No lost time
from work or other activities. Safe for
patients with health concerns such as
diabetes, bleeding disorders, or those
medications such as blood thinners,
cyclosporine or chemotherapy agents.
with your health and has been linked
to gum disease as well as some
 Keep your regular medical
and dental checkups. Research has
linked gum disease to other health
problems including heart disease
and stroke, respiratory diseases,
cancers, osteoporosis, diabetes, and
complications during pregnancy.
 Re-sculpt your mind. Through
relaxing meditation, you can actually
rewire your brain to think more
positively throughout your life.
A positive attitude and good health
can’t solve all the world’s problems…
or yours. But they can provide a strong
foundation for building the happiness
you deserve.
Payment options
You’re important to
us and so is your oral
health. That’s why we are
committed to working
with you to ensure that
your personal financial
circumstances do not keep
you from receiving the
dental care you deserve.
Our financial support
doesn’t stop there. Paper
work can be intimidating,
so we are also happy to
take on the lion’s share of
the paper work involved in
the processing of insurance
forms. And, to remind you
to get the maximum benefits
by using your plan before
year’s end. Because once those
benefits are gone, they are lost
forever and don’t apply to
next year.
Rest assured that together
we will find a financial
arrangement that will enable
you to enjoy optimal health
care now and into the future.
Contents may not be reproduced without permission from the publisher.
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