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Sleep Tech Tutor
Learning Activity
Crossword puzzle clues on Pre-Study Activities and Respiratory Recording Parameters:
2 Across
The odd numbered electrodes on the head are on the ____.
3 Across
Increased respiratory effort causes ____ pressure.
6 Across
Measure of resistance to the flow of an electric current.
7 Across
Nasal pressure transducers measure _____
9 Across
M1 and M2
10 Across
Which diagnostic measure shows the likelihood of a patient falling asleep in certain situations?
14 Across
What is the indentation between the nose and forehead?
15 Across
The measurement around the head.
16 Across
Oronasal sensors measure ______
17 Across
This type of measurement provide CO2
18 Across
The muscle the leg electrodes are placed on.
19 Across
20 Across
The percentage interval circumferentially (spell it out)
21 Across
Thermisters and thermocouples are these types of sensors.
22 Across
Which 8 question questionnaire is an accurate assessment for detecting the risk of OSA?
23 Across
What is the landmark at the occipital protuberance?
24 Across
A set of paired electrodes
25 Across
Out-of-phase thoracic movements
02 Down
This is what is measured between cornea and retina
04 Down
04 Down
05 Down
This signal going flat is an indication of REM
08 Down
Draw of blood from the radial artery in arm.
10 Down
11 Down
Which diagnostic measure for OSA is accurate but complicated?
12 Down
Which measurement scale describes the subjective level of sleepiness at that particular moment?
13 Down
The percentage between FZ and CZ (spell it out)
Crossword puzzle on Pre-Study Activities and Respiratory Recording Parameters:
Crossword puzzle clues on Instrumentation:
1 Across
Stores electrical charges
7 Across
Increase this to increase your signal amplitude
9 Across
Excitatory post synaptic potential (abbreviation)
13 Across
Nerve cell
15 Across
Having the patient look right or up causes E2's signal to be _____
16 Across
The law that calculates current flow. V = IR
17 Across
Types of signals that come from the brain, eye movements, muscle and heart (2 words)
20 Across
PSG records ______ activity from different parameters
22 Across
This device converts one form of energy into voltage
25 Across
An electrical source whose poles are charged. An eye for example.
2 Down
8-13 Hz signal
3 Down
13+ Hz signal
4 Down
What type of derivation is C3-M2?
5 Down
Number of times a signal oscillates in one second
6 Down
AC amplifiers are also known as ____ amplifiers
8 Down
AC current. The A stands for ____
10 Down
The recording of parameters to record sleep
11 Down
In the polarity calculation, what type of electrode is G1?
12 Down
Leg, chin and EKG derivations are this type of derivation?
14 Down
S = V/D. What does the S stand for?
18 Down
The positive or negative orientation of an electrical signal
19 Down
DC current. The D stands for ____
21 Down
The flow or movement of an electrical charge
23 Down
4-7 Hz signal
24 Down
Also known as slow wave sleep or deep sleep.
Crossword puzzle on Instrumentation:
Crossword puzzle clues on Neurophysiology of Sleep, Normal Sleep and Artifacts:
3 Across
An undesired signal intruding into a channel of a sleep study
6 Across
Includes N1, N2, and N3
14 Across
External sensory cues which assist the brain in circadian timing
15 Across
What type of artifact is a high frequency wave seen at the beginning of a study?
16 Across
Regulates circadian rhythms (2 words)
18 Across
4-7 Hz range signal
19 Across
Which artifact is caused by air bubbles or the electrode not flat against skin
20 Across
This wave is a sharp negative and slow positive wave (no space)
1 Down
Which artifact is caused by sound and is not correctable
2 Down
This is a type of low frequency artifact
4 Down
This artifact is seen in the respiratory belts that corresponds with heart rate
5 Down
This artifact is characterized by slow high amplitude wave in EEG channel
7 Down
You see this artifact with OSA patients
8 Down
Another name for slow wave sleep and deep sleep
9 Down
Where the hypothalamus, thalamus and pineal gland are located in the brain
10 Down
This type wave occurs at the end of N1
11 Down
Alternates between NREM and REM every 90-120 minutes (2 words)
12 Down
This cell is thought to be the primary cell for discharge of EEG activity
13 Down
Known as the hormone of darkness--released at 9 pm and causes sleep
16 Down
Strongest and most influential zeitgeber
17 Down
These waves may sometimes be seen in Stage R and usually come before rapid eye movements
21 Down
This artifact causes single waves about one second apart in channels
Crossword puzzle on Neurophysiology of Sleep, Normal Sleep and Artifacts:
Crossword puzzle clues on Cardiac Arrhythmias:
1 Across
The period of time from the onset of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS complex
6 Across
2 consecutive PVCs
12 Across
Latent pacemaker initiates junctional based rhythms (2 words)
13 Across
Has a “sawtooth” atrial pattern between the QRSs (2 words)
15 Across
Irregular-irregular rhythm (2 words)
18 Across
A single beat that starts in the ventricle rather than from SA Node (3 words)
19 Across
20 Across
Also known as Mobitz I
21 Across
Heart beat less than 60 bpm
22 Across
An EKG arrhythmia lasting more than three seconds where no cardiac rhythms are seen—flat line
23 Across
PVCs that originate from more than one site
24 Across
PVCs that originate from a single site
2 Down
QRS wave represents ... (2 words)
3 Down
T wave represents ... (2 words)
4 Down
PVC occurring every third beat
5 Down
A dysrhythmia characterized by an earlier than normal P wave (3 words)
7 Down
May have inverted or absent P wave or a P wave that follows the QRS (3 words)
8 Down
Dysrhythmia with no organized electrical activity. Tracing is chaotic in appearance. (2 words)
9 Down
P wave represents ... (2 words)
10 Down
3 consecutive PVCs, also known as a triplet (2 words)
11 Down
Dominant pacemaker site in right atrium (2 words)
14 Down
Heart beat greater than 100 bpm
16 Down
PVC occurring every fourth beat
17 Down
P-P and R-R intervals progressively widen then narrow following the patient’s breathing pattern (2 words)
21 Down
PVC alternating with a normal beat
Crossword puzzle on Cardiac Arrhythmias:
Crossword puzzle clues on Sleep Disorders:
1 Across
A condition when paralysis does not occur in Stage R sleep (abbreviation)
6 Across
Respiratory event where signal drops 30% or more and may include a 3% desat or arousal
13 Across
A person with this type of insomnia complains of not sleeping when they actually are
14 Across
Vivid, frightening dreams that occur during REM sleep
16 Across
A device used to measure movement, usually over long periods of time
17 Across
Sleep techs suffer from this type of circadian disorder (2 words)
22 Across
Unpleasant sensation in legs when person is awake (abbreviation)
23 Across
The most common insomnia in the general public (3 words)
24 Across
What age group is effected by DSPS the most?
25 Across
Jet lag is worse when traveling what direction?
26 Across
Respiratory event characterized by no airflow but with respiratory effort
28 Across
Deals with sleep disturbances that are out of rhythm of a 24 hour clock
29 Across
REM behavior disorder is what type of sleep disorder?
2 Down
This type of insomnia is life-long and starts in childhood
3 Down
A complaint of difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, or waking up too early or sleep
that is chronically non-restorative or poor in quality
4 Down
Grinding teeth during sleep
5 Down
What type of insomnia is it when an adult needs to have the TV on to fall asleep (3 words)
7 Down
A type of insomnia where there is mental arousal in bed characterized either by intrusive thoughts or a
perceived inability to sleep
8 Down
Respiratory event that occurs when there is no airflow and no respiratory effort (2 words)
9 Down
This sleep disorder causes sleep attacks
10 Down
Making sounds in Stage R sleep
11 Down
Undesirable physical events or experiences that occur falling asleep, during sleep or during arousals
from sleep
12 Down
Rhythmic limb movements while asleep (abbreviation)
15 Down
What type of insomnia occurs when a child avoids going to bed (2 words)
18 Down
Blind people suffer from this circadian problem (2 words)
19 Down
A NREM parasomnia where a person will scream and be fearful while asleep (2 words)
20 Down
Which hypersomnmia causes binge eating and hypersexuality? (2 words)
21 Down
27 Down
What age group is effected by ASPS the most?
Crossword puzzle on Sleep Disorders:
Crossword puzzle cues on PAP Titration and Therapeutic Interventions:
2 Across
Application of a constant, positive pressure such that, at end exhalation, pressure does not return to
atmospheric pressure (abbreviation)
14 Across
What does APAP stand for? (4 words)
16 Across
You would increase CPAP pressure for adults after how many RERAs? (spell out number)
17 Across
The maximum IPAP-EPAP differential is how many cm H2O? (spell out number)
1 Down
RDI (3 words)
3 Down
PAP pressure is verified by ______ (3 words)
4 Down
AHI (3 words)
5 Down
PAP stands for _________ (3 words)
6 Down
Maximum CPAP pressure for adults is how many cm H2O? (spell out word)
7 Down
In grading titrations, what would a titration be considered that reduces the RDI to less than 5/hour for at
least 15 minutes and includes REM sleep
8 Down
On the severity index, an RDI of 15-30 is considered ____
9 Down
The gold standard for treating OSA (abbreviated)
10 Down
Using bi-level, EPAP prevents airway collapse during which phase of the breathing process?
11 Down
What titration device is used for patients with Cheyne Stokes? (abbreviation)
12 Down
When using bi-level, set EPAP at the lowest pressure that eliminates what types of respiratory events?
13 Down
Another word for interface is a ______
15 Down
You would increase IPAP pressure for adults after how many obstructive hypopneas? (spell out number)
Crossword puzzle on PAP Titration and Therapeutic Interventions:
Crossword puzzle clues on Scoring:
1 Across
0.5-2 Hertz signal
4 Across
To score an arousal in Stage R, there must be at least a one second increase in the ___ channel
7 Across
To score an arousal, there must be ___ seconds of stable sleep preceding the change (spell out number)
9 Across
Stage N3 requires a minimum of how many seconds of >75 uV slow waves to be scored N3? (spell out
10 Across
Movement and muscle artifact obscuring the EEG for more than half an epoch to the extent that the
sleep stage cannot be determined
11 Across
An arousal must last at least ____ seconds (spell out number)
12 Across
______ occupies 75% of total sleep time
2 Down
What is the name of the muscle the leg electrodes are attached to (2 words)
3 Down
What type of signal indicates the senses are being blocked and sleep is stabilizing (2 words)
5 Down
REM occupies ______% of total sleep time (spell out number)
6 Down
What respiratory event requires at least three consecutive central apneas or hypopneas separated by
crescendo-decrescendo breathing amplitude (2 words)
8 Down
To be scored as a hypopnea, the airflow channel must drop by at least _____% (spell out number)
Crossword puzzle to Scoring:
Crossword puzzle clues on Sleep Reporting and Safety:
6 Across
First epoch of any stage of sleep (2 words)
9 Across
Results from different ground voltages that can exist at different plugs (2 words)
14 Across
What type of transmission spreads AIDS, HIV, lice, Hepatitis B & C and MRSA
16 Across
What type of transmission spreads the flu, mumps and pneumonia?
18 Across
PHI stands for ________ (3 words)
19 Across
This policy sets standards for protecting patient’s health information which is transmitted
electronically by health plans, clearinghouses and health care providers
20 Across
Total time in minutes spent awake after sleep onset until lights on (abbreviation)
21 Across
The R in the RACE acronym means...
22 Across
To stay alert at night, sleep techs should correctly time the intake of _______
1 Down
What type of transmission spreads TB, chicken pox and measles?
2 Down
The C in the RACE acronym means...
3 Down
The P in the acronym PASS means...
4 Down
Gloves, mask, goggles/glasses, gowns, jackets (abbreviation)
5 Down
One minute equals how many standard epochs? (spell number)
7 Down
The ratio of TST to TIB expressed as a percentage (2 words)
8 Down
TST stands for ______ (3 words)
10 Down
Time from lights out to sleep onset (2 words)
11 Down
TIB is short for ________ (3 words)
12 Down
The most effective means of controlling infection
13 Down
This term means a hospital-acquired infection
15 Down
The A in the RACE acronym means...
17 Down
Time from sleep onset to onset of REM sleep (2 words)
23 Down
The A in the acronym PASS means...
Crossword puzzle on Sleep Reporting and Safety:
Crossword puzzle clues on MSLT, Medications and Pediatrics:
3 Across
Preemies spent ____% of their TST in active or REM sleep (spell number)
4 Across
Pediatric sleep tracé discontinu is continuous pattern of REM sleep
8 Across
Assesses the patient’s ability to remain awake while resisting the pressure to fall asleep during
soporific circumstances (abbreviation)
9 Across
Other name for Zolpidem
12 Across
Recommended treatment for pediatric OSA
13 Across
Pediatric active sleep is the same as ____ sleep
14 Across
Other name for Zaleplon
15 Across
The sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age which remains unexplained after a complete
postmortem examination (abbreviation)
16 Across
Other name for eszopidone
1 Down
Flurazepam (Dalmane) is in this group of drugs.
2 Down
This group of drugs may cause PLMs
4 Down
diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is in what group of drugs?
5 Down
In Pediatrics, EEG pattern of sleeping newborns, characterized by bursts of slow waves
6 Down
A breathing pattern in which there are 3 or more respiratory pauses > 3 seconds duration with < 20
seconds of respiration between pauses (2 words)
7 Down
MSLT naps are terminated if no sleep occurs after ____ minutes (spell number)
10 Down
MSLT naps are terminated ____ minutes after sleep onset (spell number)
11 Down
This drug causes rapid eye movements in NREM sleep
17 Down
Daytime sleep study given to diagnose narcolepsy (abbreviation)
Crossword puzzle on MSLT, Medications and Pediatrics:
ANSWERS to puzzle on Pre-Study Activities and Respiratory Recording Parameters:
ANSWERS to puzzle on Instrumentation:
ANSWERS to puzzle on Neurophysiology of Sleep, Normal Sleep and Artifacts:
ANSWERS to puzzle on Cardiac Arrhythmias:
ANSWERS to puzzle on Sleep Disorders:
ANSWER to puzzle on PAP Titration and Therapeutic Interventions:
ANSWER to puzzle on Scoring:
ANSWERS to puzzle on Sleep Reporting and Safety:
ANSWER to puzzle on MSLT, Medications and Pediatrics: