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Prepared by
Mrs Farkhunda Naz
DA Degree College Ph VI
Biology Deptt
Nutrition in
Types of heterotrophic Nutrition
Types of animals on the basis of
Holozoic Nutrition
Types of Digestion
in different animals
in Amoeba
in Hydra
in Planaria
in Cockroach
called nourishment or aliment)
is the provision,
to cells andorganisms, of the
materials necessary (in the form
of food) to support life. Many
common health problems can be
prevented or alleviated with
a healthy diet.
nutrition is nutrition obtained by
digesting organic compounds.
Animals, fungi, many prokaryotes
and protoctists are unable to
synthesize organic compounds to use
as food. They are
called heterotrophs.
The four main types of heterotrophic nutrition are:
•Holozoic nutrition: Complex food is taken into a
specialist digestive system and broken down into
small pieces to be absorbed.
•Saprotrophic: Organisms feed on dead organic
remains of other organisms.
•Parasitism: Organisms obtain food from other
living organisms (the host), with the host
receiving no benefit from the parasite.
•Mutualism: A symbiotic relationship between
organisms, with each contributing and benefiting
from each other.
• Macrophagus
• Fluid feeders
• Filter feeders
nutrition (Gr. holo, whole
+ zoikos, of animals) is a method
of nutrition that involves the
ingestion of liquid or solid organic
material, digestion, absorption and
assimilation of it to utilize it. This
suggests phagocytosis where
the cell membrane completely
surrounds afood particle.
Intracellular Digestion
Mechanical Digestion
Chemical Digestion
 Unicellular
 Freshwater
 Microphagus Feeder
 Intracellular digestion
 Ingestion by pseudopodia
 Two pseudopodia at the same time
formed cup like structure around the
 Food vacuole formed
 Lysosomes
attached to food vacuole
 Lysosomes secrete enzymes like proteases,
amylases and lipases in food vacuole
 Food vacuole decreases in size due to water
 It increases acidity and PH becomes 5.6 and
Then 7.3
 Fine canals produced from digestive vacuole
 Absorption of food takes place by
 Food is circulated throughout the cytoplasm by
 Multicellular
 Diploblastic
 Belongs
to phylum Cnidarians'
 Macrophagus feeder
 Aquatic animal
 At the anterior end mouth surrounded with tentacles
which are used to capture the pray
 In tentacles special cells Nematocysts are present
 Nematocysts contains poison which paralyze the pray.
 The
mouth of hydra opens into a cavity
called gastrocoel or enteron.
 The endoderm contains two types of cells,
glandular and flagellated.
 Glandular cells secrete proteolytic
enzymes , which are helpful in digestion
 The flagellated cells and contraction of
body wall also help in digestion
 Hydra cannot digest starch.
 The digestion is extracellular as well as
 Flatworm
 Belongs
to phylum Platyhelminthes
 Carnivores
 Tube like alimentary canal is present
 It has three parts: mouth, pharynx and
 When it takes food from outside, the pharynx
comes out from the mouth
 Internally the pharynx opens into the
intestine, which divides into three branches
 The
branching system is formed for digestion,
absorption and distribution of food
 This system is called Gastro-Vascular system
 The food is taken in through the mouth which
comes into the pharynx and then intestine
 The enzyme act upon the food in the intestine
 The digested food is absorbed by the branches
of intestine, which is distributed throughout
the body by diffusion
 Digestion is both intracellular and extracellular
 Insect
 Omnivores
 It
uses antennae in the search of food
 Tube like alimentary canal present having
three parts
 Fore gut or Stomodaeum
 Mid gut or Mesenteron
 Hind gut or Proctodaeum
 Fore
gut consists of mouth, buccal cavity,
pharynx, oesophagus, crop and gizzard
 Food ingest through mouth, then comes into
the pharynx , pass through the oesophagus and
then stores in the crop
 Gizzard has thick lining for the grinding of food
 The upper outer surface of mesenteron 6-8 club
shaped hepatic cecae arises which secrete
digestive enzymes
 After digestion food is absorbed in mid gut
 Hind
gut consists of three parts:
 Short tubular Ileum
 A long coiled colon
 A broad rectum opening out through the
 The rectum absorbs and conserve s the
much needed water from the undigested
food before expelling out the faeces.
Q1: The nutrition which is obtained by digesting organic compounds is
called as
Q2: There are five steps of holozoic nutrition: Ingestion, digestion,
absorption , assimilation and egestion.
Q3: The digestion in hydra is _______________ as well as ___
Q4: How many different parts of tube like alimentary canal are present in
Q5: The process of ingestion takes place by _______________ in amoeba.