Download 964 disabilitydies after discharge, the Administrator, in his discretion

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 743, 744-OCT. 5, 1940
[54 STAT
and with due regard to the circumstances in each case, shall pay, for
burial and funeral expenses and transportation of the body (including preparation of the body) to the place of burial, a sum not exceeding $100 to cover such items and to be paid to such person or persons
as may be prescribed by the Administrator ."
Approved, October 5, 1940 .
October 5, 1940
[H. R .9989]
[Public, No. 797]
Memphis, Ten-
n Easement forstreetwidening purposes .
Reservation .
Authorizing the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to grant an easement in certain
land to the city of Memphis, Tennessee, for street-widening purposes .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized and directed to grant an
easement to the city of Memphis, Tennessee, for street-widening purposes, in a strip of land along the western boundary of the Veterans'
Administration facility in such city, described as follows :
Part of the homestead lot and the north part of lot 50 of the Barnett
Graham subdivision, beginning at the point in the south property line
of Lamar Avenue, ten feet east of the east property line of Dudley
Street, running thence south and parallel to the proposed new center
line of Dudley Street, as widened, a distance of six hundred and
twenty-two and one-tenth feet ; thence continuing southwardly a distance of one hundred and fifty-one and one-tenth feet to a point, which
said point is seven and two-tenths feet east of the old east property
line of Dudley Street ; thence west a distance of seven and two-tenths
feet to a point in the old east property line of Dudley Street ; thence
north with the old east property line of Dudley Street, a distance of
seven hundred and seventy-three and one-tenth feet to a point in the
south property line of Lamar Avenue ; thence east with the south property line of Lamar Avenue a distance of ten feet to the point of
beginning, containing an area of approximately eight thousand three
hundred and fifty-three square feet, and being all of that property
lying within the described limits twenty-eight and five-tenths feet east
of the new center line of Dudley Street .
SEC. 2 . Such grant shall be conditioned upon the approval by the
proper authorities of the city of Memphis of an agreement to (a)
construct a concrete wall with stone coping along the facility limits on
Dudley Street in accordance with specifications to be furnished by the
Administrator of Veterans' Affairs so as to provide a wall identical
with the one now existing along the Lamar Boulevard, (b) move the
ex,stin chain link fence and gates, and place the fence on top of the
wall, (c) move and replant such trees and shrubs as have to be
removed from their present locations, replace such trees as will not
stand moving and replace any such trees and shrubs that do not
survive, and (d) restore all areas within the reservation affected by
this work as nearly as possible to their original condition including
any necessary sodding ; all without expense to the United States . The
easement authorized by this Act shall contain the express reservation
that should the land cease to be used for street-widening purposes
then all right, title, and interest therein shall immediately revert to
and revest in the United States .
Approved, October 5, 1940 .
54 STAT.] 76TH CONG ., 3 D SESS .-CHS . 745, 746, 756-OCT . 5, 8, 1940
To amend
section 4021 of the Revised Statutes and to repeal section 4023 of the
Revised Statutes relating to establishment of postal agencies .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 4021
of the Revised Statutes (39 U . S . C ., sec. 672) is amended to read as
"SEC . 4021 . The Postmaster General may establish postal agencies
at such foreign seaports or airports at which United States mail
steamers or airships touch to land and receive mails, as may in his
judgment promote the efficiency of the foreign mail service ; and he
may pay the postal agents employed thereat a reasonable compensation for their services, in addition to the necessary expenses for office
rent, office furniture, clerk hire, and incidental expenses."
SEC . 2 . Section 4023 of the Revised Statutes (39 U . S. C ., sec . 674)
is hereby repealed .
Approved, October 5, 1940 .
October 5, 1940
[H . R . 9991]
[Public, No . 798]
Postal Service .
R . S. § 4021, amendment.
Establishment of
postal agencies at foreign seaports, etc .
Compensation of
postal agents .
Repeal .
October 6, 1940
To authorize the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to grant an easement in a[H .R .102671
small strip of land at Veterans' Administration Facility, Los Angeles, Call- [Public, No. 799]
fornia, to the county of Los Angeles, California, for sidewalk purposes .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs be, and he is hereby, authorized and
directed to grant an easement for sidewalk purposes to the county of
Los Angeles, State of California, in the following-described property located at Veterans' Administration Facility, Los Angeles,
The southerly ten feet of lot 1, block 23, of the subdivision of
Rancho San Jose de Buenos Ayres, as shown on map recorded in book
26, pages 19 and the following, of Miscellaneous Records of the County
of Los Angeles, this property being a strip of land ten feet in width
abutting the north line of Wilshire Boulevard and extending between
the east street line of Veteran Avenue and the west street line of
Gayley Avenue .
The easement authorized by this Act shall contain the express reservation that should the land cease to be used for sidewalk purposes
then all right, title, and interest therein shall immediately revert to
and revest in the United States .
Approved, October 5, 1940 .
Los Angeles, California .
Easement for sidewalk purposes.
Reservation .
October 8, 100
Making supplemental appropriations for the national defense for the fiscal year1B .R . 106721
[Public, No. 8001
ending June 30, 1941, and for other purposes .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the
Third SuppleUnited States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following mental
National Desums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- fense Appropriation
wise appropriated, for the national defense for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1941, namely