Download Hurdy Gurdy Workshop with Efrén López

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Hurdy Gurdy Workshop with Efrén López
This workshop is aimed to hurdy gurdy players of all levels who wish to expand the field
of work of their instrument, incorporating new repertoires, ornaments, phrasing and
rhythmics to the HG's techniques and common styles. In order to achieve that, we'll get
the HG of their usual context (Early music, European Folk...) to "contaminate" it with other
traditions (Bulgaria, Greece, Crete, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan...) distilling from them
interesting elements to enrich our sound, whatever is the style we usually play. The
tunings we will use in the workshop are: chanters strings in G and D, drones in D, C, A,
and G, and trompettes in D, A and G.
For more than 15 years Efrén López (Valencia, Spain, 1972) has been part as a
composer, performer or producer on some of the most creative Roots music projects of
both ends of the Mediterranean: L'Ham de Foc, Ross Daly & Labyrinth, Stelios Petrakis,
Kelly Thoma, Petrakis/López/Chemirani, Göksel Baktagir,
Zohar Fresco, Carles Dénia, María del Mar Bonet... as well
as the Middle East and Central Asia (Sima Bina, Siamak
Aghaei, Daud Khan Ensemble, Zohreh Jooya...).
His activity in the field of Medieval music or influenced by
it includes work in Spain, Germany, Greece, Denmark and
Iceland with the bands Evo, Capella de Ministrers, Oni
Wytars, Al Andalus Project, Via Artis Konsort, Faun, Ex
Silentio or Voces Tules. With these formations has given
concerts in some of the most prestigious festivals
throughout Europe, North Africa, Turkey, Israel, China, USA
and South America, and has participated in the recording of
over 60 CD's.
He has recorded or performed for television channels
TVE-2, TV3, Canal 33, Antena 3, Canal 9, National
Television of Puerto Rico, Greek Radio-Television ERT
Croatia National Television, Cyprus RIK TV. And radio: BBC, BBC Persian, RNE-Radio 3,
Deustchland Funk, WDR3 German Radio, Radio Television of Switzerland, Burç FM
(Istanbul / Turkey), Catalunya Ràdio, Canal 9 Ràdio. As a sound engineer, arranger and
producer has worked with L'Ham de Foc, Kelly Thoma, Evo, Petrakis / Lopez / Chemirani,
Stelios Petrakis, Aman Aman and Sabir.
In his work as a teacher has taught workshops on Medieval and Modal music at the
Berklee College of Music in Valencia, Labyrinth Music Workshop in Crete (Greece),
Khatawat Center (Forli, Italy), Conservatory of Reykjavik (Iceland), Nicosia (Cyprus), What
Is Music? (Frías, Burgos, Spain) Music Village (Aghios Lavrentios, Mount Pilio, Greece),
Ateliers d'Ethnomusicologie in Geneva (Switzerland) and Sintra (Portugal).