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Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 4
The Anatomy of the Ear ..................................................................................................... 5
Hearing Loss ......................................................................................................................... 10
Treating Hearing Loss ....................................................................................................... 23
The Amish Way of Healing .............................................................................................. 35
Effects of Nutrition on Hearing ..................................................................................... 54
Preventing Hearing Loss .................................................................................................. 72
Apps for Hearing Loss....................................................................................................... 85
Resources for Hearing Loss ............................................................................................ 95
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 98
15-Day Action Plan ......................................................................................................... 102
mong the many blessings of nature, hearing is one that humans can
never be grateful for enough; we generally take this sense for granted.
It is only when people lose their sense of hearing that they realize how
bland and blank that life can become.
Understanding the way that our ear works is important in order to grasp how
hearing loss is a phenomenon that affects so many people all over the world.
The contents of this book target topics that revolve around determining the
causes of hearing loss as well as the way it can be treated most effectively.
Since this problem has become quite common, a number of treatments are
being introduced to treat the ear.
Amidst these invasive surgical treatments, many natural ways of healing can
restore hearing in a person who loses this capability. In the subsequent
chapters of the book, you will read about natural ways like The Amish Way
to Healing and Healing Hearing with Nutrition. Both doctors and patients
alike often overlook these methods; however, extensive research has shown
that natural remedies for hearing loss are both productive and healthy.
If your loved one has gone through the terrible trauma of losing their
hearing, this book will be a valuable resource for you to learn about and
familiarize yourself with the necessary details regarding this condition. You
can then stand in a better position to suggest treatment options and to make
sure that the patient is being looked after properly with all remedies and
areas of improvement being explored.
Lastly, you will get to know about the many preventive measures that can be
taken to ensure a healthily functioning sense of hearing. These measures
range from having a healthy lifestyle and taking proper nutrition, to cleaning
the ears regularly and taking a couple of essential exercises into
consideration. Alongside these techniques, we will also discuss the many
hearing loss apps that can be used by those whose hearing is not totally lost,
but may have reduced to some extent.
The Anatomy of the Ear
The Sense of Hearing
n the same way that all other structures and processes in the body have
an organized and working system, the sense of hearing is also a system
with many components and smaller processes to complete it. For a person
to hear sound and then communicate information as a response, the entire
body has to function in connection to the brain.
Although the common statement is that “we hear with our ears”, the
functions going on inside the body are highly complicated and work at a
deeper level. How does the ear function help you to recognize different types
of sounds? How does it record different pitches, volumes and frequencies?
Answering questions like these means understanding the exact anatomy of
the ear. Once the many nitty-gritties of the basic bodily functions of our
hearing system are understood, then the loss of hearing can be identified
As part of the anatomy of the ear, there are two main topics for discussion.
1. Parts of the ear and the hearing system in general
2. The process of hearing (i.e. receiving and processing sound)
Parts Of The Ear
It will come as a surprise for many
that the ear itself is a complicated
organ. There are many parts,
some that have very important
functions and others that are just
present for support. While a
detailed anatomy is usually on
professionals, knowing a bit
about the structure of the ear is a
must for general readers as well.
The structure of the ear is divided into three main parts, namely the external,
middle and inner sections of the ear. Within each part, various smaller parts
work together to receive and process sound.
 External Ear: The external ear contains two parts: the pinna and the
ear canal (external auditory meatus). The pinna is the specifically
shaped structure that is made up of soft cartilage and is covered by the
skin. This is the entrance to the ear. It is attached to the ear canal, which
is 2.5cm in length and 0.7cm in diameter in the average adult.
 Middle Ear: The parts of the middle ear are connected to the ear canal
from the outside. The middle ear contains:
 Eardrum
 Tympanic Cavity
 Ossicles (three soft bones)
o Malleus (also called the hammer is attached to the eardrum
o Incus (also called the anvil bridges the gap between the malleus
and the stapes
o Stapes (also called the stirrup is the footplate, which is the
smallest bone in a human.
 Inner Ear: The inner ear includes a number of important parts:
 Oval Window: The oval window connects the middle ear to the
inner ear.
 Semicircular Ducts: The semicircular ducts are filled with fluid. They
communicate the position of the head to the brain. These ducts
play an important role in helping the brain interpret balance.
 Cochlea: Cochlea is a spiral-shaped structure that converts sounds
into signals for the brain to interpret. These signals, when sent to
the brain, are broken down into messages and then given to the
body to bring about action.
 Auditory Tube: The auditory tube is a support organ in the inner
ear. Its function is to drain excess fluid that collects inside the ears.
It is connected to the back of the throat, thus providing the fluid a
passage to exit the ear structure.
The Process of Hearing
The process of hearing involves all the above parts of the ear in combination
with the cognitive and processing ability of the brain. Together, this makes
up the sense of hearing. Hence, when discussing the hearing ability in human
beings, we will refer to the parts discussed above.
Receiving Sound Waves
When the ear receives sound, it is sent to the auditory cortex, which is a
special region located at the back of the brain that is dedicated to process
the sound waves in the body. The most important component of the ear in
regards to the reception of sound waves is the eardrum. It is in the eardrum
that these waves collect and then travel into the inner ear for processing.
While travelling in the eardrum, these waves cause vibrations and make the
entire auditory structure vibrate in order to sense the presence of sound.
These waves then reach the ossicles, which are three small bones in the
middle ear. From here, they are passed on to the cochlea. It is believed that
“true hearing” (when a person feels there is noise in their surroundings)
begins when the sound waves reach the cochlea.
The cochlea transforms sound waves into nervous impulses that are sent to
the brain. Since the function of the cochlea is so important, it deserves some
detail. Inside the cochlea resides a sensory organ called the corti. An Italian
anatomist named Alfonso Corti discovered the corti in 1851. It was
discovered that the corti contains 15,000-20,000 sensory cells, each of which
has its own tiny hairs.
This hair is able to pick up the most sensitive of sounds by detecting minute
vibrations in the cochlear fluid. Moreover, each hair is specialized to detect
different types of sounds that belong to various frequencies. Combined, they
enable human ears to hear sounds belonging to the frequency range of 20
Hz to 20 KHz and a volume range of 5 to 15 decibels.
The hairs in the cochlea are extremely sensitive. They need to be cleaned and
taken care of very delicately because, once they are destroyed, they will never
grow back.
The next part of sound processing begins in the brain. When signals are
received, the brain interprets them and orders the body to behave in a certain
manner. Each of these behavioral patterns is either previously recorded or is
introduced into the body with new sound frequencies. This is the reason why
when you hear a sound that the brain has processed previously, you behave
exactly how you behaved the previous time.
This learning ability of the brain, combined with the hearing process in the
various parts of the ears, is what completes the sense of hearing.
Hearing Loss
What Causes Hearing Loss?
1. Damage to the inner ear: Any damage caused to the inner structure
of the ear results in permanent hearing loss. As mentioned previously,
the ossicles and the eardrum are very sensitive parts that can be
damaged even if one cleans the ear too vigorously. Extreme caution
and care need to be exercised when inserting a cleaning tool or
inspection devices into the ear to make sure that the tiny fragile bones
are not disturbed.
2. Abnormal bone growth or tumors: The growth of tumors, even if
they are not cancerous, can cause hearing functions to be impaired. A
bulging tumor can block the passage of the ear canal, hindering sound
waves from reaching the cochlea. Examples of these tumors include
osteomas, exostoses, acoustic neuroma and benign polyps. Multiple
treatments have been designed to clear the tumors; however, in many
cases, only partial hearing is ever restored.
3. Exposure to loud noises: Constant and persistent exposure to loud
noises can cause significant damage to the inner ear structures. Such
damage is often permanent and leads to hearing loss in people of all
ages. Often times, exposure to intense noises cannot be avoided
because people work at jobs involving manufacturing, assembly line
plants, airplane communication, noises created by motorbikes, and
heavy machineries. According to research, more than 30 million
Americans are exposed to dangerous levels of noise at work. Ear
protectors are the easiest solution to this problem.
Apart from work, many unhealthy and undesirable noises are part of
the lifestyle choices made by us. For instance, continuously attending
concerts and rock shows during which music is played above 100Hz
can cause temporary or permanent damage to the eardrum and
ossicles only after 15 to 29 minutes of exposure.
The same way, if the sound of music and singing is above 85 decibels,
it can cause damage to the ear. Tinnitus, which means experiencing
continuous ringing in the ears, is usually a result of such exposure. In
many cases, tinnitus ceases within a few minutes or hours; however, in
many others, it becomes a persistent problem.
4. Injury or pressure changes: Injuries such as severe head trauma can
result in the dislocation of the ossicles, or permanent damage to the
nerves running through the ears. Contact sports like wrestling, boxing
and rugby are the causes of intensive injuries around the brain and
Apart from injury, sudden and massive changes in pressure resulting
from activities like scuba diving, flying or swimming without proper
gear cause changes in air pressure in the ear canal.
While the eardrum does have the ability to heal in a few weeks, if the
damage is severe, surgical procedures may be required.
5. Medicines: Did you know that regular use of aspirin increases the risk
of hearing loss? Other than this, many intensive medicines like those
prescribed for cancer have the power to affect hearing adversely.
Whenever such medication is administered, a patient’s hearing is
constantly monitored to record distortions and impairment levels.
Many times, adverse side effects on hearing clear up after the drug is
6. Chronic diseases: Diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart
attacks and strokes – all of which have no connection to the ear
whatsoever – have the power to affect hearing because they may
reduce or interrupt the flow of blood between the inner ear and the
brain. As these diseases are chronic, hearing may be lost for good.
7. Use of earphones: The use of earphones and earplugs has gone up
considerably. With more and more people listening to loud music and
commentaries using headphones that aim the sound waves directly
into the inner ear, the chances of inner ear damage have increased
considerably. The extent of hearing loss depends on the level of
volume and on the duration of listening time.
8. Buildup of Earwax: Earwax is naturally present in the ears for
lubrication and protection of the inner structures. Moreover, it also
protects the ear canal against the collection of bacteria and dirt within
the ear canal. However, when earwax keeps accumulating, it hardens
and consequently leaves an uncomfortable feeling. With a clogged ear,
earaches are common and, in more extreme cases, hearing impairment
may also occur.
Still, removing earwax at home is highly dangerous since poking into
the ear can damage the sensitive nerves and hearing organs. If you
think you have a clogged ear, it is best to consult a doctor who will use
special tools to remove the earwax without causing any pain.
9. Heredity: Is it possible to have hearing impairments, if such a condition
is in your genes? Yes, medical research has proven that family history
often results in the malformation of the ear and its inner organs.
Studies show that almost 70 percent of deafness cases are passed on
by recessive genes and 30 percent by dominant genes. Such a case of
hearing loss has a very slim chance of being treated.
What’s Age Got To Do With Hearing?
It is undeniable that hearing loss can happen
at any age; the number of young children with
hearing aids and ear issues has increased
significantly in the last two decades.
Data from the U.S. government reveals that
close to 5.2 million children between the age
of 6 and 19 have impaired hearing because of
exposure to unfavorable environments or due
to being born with abnormal hearing function.
Still, what if you have never been injured or if
you have never worked in a facility or
environment that is exposed to loud noises. What would be the cause of
hearing loss?
According to many studies completed by the National Institute of Deafness
and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), in the same way that aging
affects the overall condition of the body and its organs, it also affects the
ears and their inner structure. This means that, as a person ages, the ears age
as well; eventually, their function to detect noises deteriorates. This condition
is known as presbycusis.
An extensive research conducted by NIDCD indicates that one in every three
Americans between the age of 65 and 75 suffers from impaired hearing.
Those who are 75 and older also have a certain level of deterioration in their
hearing levels. These studies conclude that despite all the care you take to
keep your ears and their structure safe, as you age, hearing distortion is
usually an inevitable result.
What does age have to do with hearing? In the previous section, the function
of the brain was outlined in great detail. In the hearing process, the brain
plays a major role in the processing of sound waves and in the initiation of
behavior. A young person’s brain is alert and active; hence, it has a lot of
processing power and can interpret thousands of nervous signals at a time.
Similarly, the structures in the inner ear are young and in their prime, so
detecting even the most minute of sounds in the surroundings. With age, the
processing ability of the brain weakens; it understands much less than it used
to, thus reducing the capacity to hear.
Similar age-related structural changes in the brain are also responsible for
confusion that may be felt while deciphering difficult words. These behaviors
are quite among the aged and are evidence that hearing is definitely affected
by the aging process.
What can be done to prevent hearing loss that occurs due to age? Even
though the prevention of hearing loss is the topic of discussion in the next
few chapters, it is essential to mention here that while age-related hearing
loss may not be unavoidable, doctors predict that the onset can be delayed
to an extent. Since the main reason for this type of hearing impairment is the
slower functioning of the brain, efforts should be made to keep the brain
healthy and strong.
Proper nutrition and lots of challenging brain exercises are the key to
ensuring that brain cells are active and accustomed to working smoothly
under pressure. Auditory exercises and a healthy lifestyle are some sure-shot
ways to help detail the effects of aging on hearing.
Types of Hearing Damage
Identifying the type of hearing damage or loss is the first step towards
treating it. Comprehensive Auditory Evaluation (CAE) is necessary to be done
before medical professionals can estimate the extent of damage to the outer
and inner ears. A couple of tests like the Speech Audiometry Test or the
Balance Test are conducted on patients to determine which part of the ear
has been affected.
Once the results of these tests are evaluated and studied at great lengths,
doctors can determine which type of hearing damage the patient is suffering
from. There are three main types of hearing losses that have been identified.
1. Conductive Hearing Loss:
Conductive hearing loss (CLH) is a conduction that relates to the
mechanical movement of sound waves. When this movement is
hindered in the form of a blockade or an abnormality that prevents the
middle ear from transmitting sound waves to the inner ear, a patient is
said to be suffering from conductive hearing loss.
When the middle ear’s ability to transmit sound decreases, sound is not
recorded by the ear at its true intensity. This means that while the
original sound may have been extremely loud, what reaches the inner
ear (and the cochlea) is very dim with low intensity, which can also be
considered as a distortion of the sound wave.
In other words, the true intensity of mechanical energy is not being
transmitted in the ear in such a condition. A patient suffering from CHL
cannot hear low voices, minute sounds or far away noises, all of which
already have very low intensities.
Some causes of CHL are as follows.
 Malformation of any part of the ear
 Allergies
 Tumors
 Collection of fluid in the middle ear
 Trapped foreign materials in the ear
 Infection in the ear canal
There are many treatment options for conductive hearing loss. Since it
is usually the result of a temporary condition that hampers mechanical
energy, most cases of this condition are curable. After a medical or
surgical procedure, patients are able to hear fully or partially. In the
case that hearing is recovered partially, hearing aids can be used.
2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss:
The words “sensory” and
“neural” – which together
make up the second type of
hearing loss – indicate that
this is a result of nerve and
sensory neuron damage in
specifically, auditory nerve
dysfunction results in the
loss of hearing in patients
suffering from this condition.
Research has revealed that in a case of sensorineural hearing loss, the
corti inside the cochlea becomes injured. Other cases include damage
to the tiny hairs that are specialized at detecting different types of
sounds or a problem with the inner fluids of the ear. Such damage
always leads to the sensory inability of the auditory nerves to transmit
sound signals to the brain via the auditory pathways.
Unlike conductive hearing loss, sensorineural problems do not stop at
merely lowering the intensity of sound. Instead, this loss is coupled with
low intensity with a complete distortion of the original message, so
much so that the hearer cannot determine the exact message even if it
is very loud.
Common reasons for sensorineural hearing loss are:
Toxic drugs
Trauma to the head
Intensive exposure to loud noises
Illnesses like otosclerosis or autoimmune inner ear disease
Genetic hearing impairments
Meniere’s disease
Treating sensorineural hearing loss is not easy. Surgical options are not
enough to make the sensory hair work again, nor are they able to build
nerve connections to the brain. In most cases, the damage is a
permanent condition and no cure has yet been found to reverse the
neural shock received by the body.
3. Mixed Hearing Loss:
Mixed hearing loss results when the impairment can be detected as
being sensorineural, with conductive loss affecting a few parts of the
ear. Mixed hearing loss usually signals that the inner and middle ear
have both suffered damage. In other words, the inner ear loses sensory
experience while the middle ear reduces the mechanical intensity of
sound. The result is a coupled effect of minimal sound detection.
Mixed hearing loss cases are worse than both types happening
separately; while the mechanical component can be fixed, the sensory
and neural one is permanent.
The causes of MHL combine both of those related to conductive and
sensorineural loss.
The many different types of hearing loss conditions are all classified under
these three broad categories outlined above. While there are no strict lines,
the second type is medically considered the worst of all because it results in
pain and uncomfortable feelings for the patient, not to mention that it is also
incurable. Conductive and sensorineural are both being researched
thoroughly and studied to make constant discoveries about their causes and
Regardless of the type of hearing loss, caution must be exercised when
examining the inner ear and when determining the extent of damage done.
Since treatment options are based on this examination, audiologists
prescribe extensive treatments to be wholly and unconditionally confident
about their decision.
Can Infections Lead To Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is a result of a number of causes and illnesses. The previous
topics have highlighted a number of reasons for hearing loss that can cripple
a patient and completely devoid their body of sound. Such conditions, as
hard as they are to bear, put the patient at a high risk of other neural and
sensory diseases.
Hearing loss caused by aging is a phenomenon that is both natural and
controllable. However, unlike age-related hearing loss, other more serious
ear conditions are severely damaging to the overall health of the brain and
the body. Some of the most commonly occurring hearing disorders are:
 Cerumen Impaction: This is the medical name for the collection of
compressed earwax. As mentioned previously, the collection of hard
earwax leads to a hearing distortion that can be fixed by cleaning it.
 Otitis Externa: Also called swimmer’s ear, this is the inflammation of
the outer and middle ear. The target of inflammation is the external
auditory canal.
 Cholesteatoma: Cholesteatoma is the collection of a mass in the
middle ear that is made up of squamous cell epithelium and lots of
cholesterol. This condition usually affects the middle ear.
 Otosclerosis: This is a type of conductive and sensorineural hearing
loss that is classified by the growth of a long bone-like structure in the
ear. This growth fixes the location of the stapes, thus preventing them
from vibrating.
 Trauma: Trauma is another type of hearing disorder that results in
severe injury.
 Infections: Many infections are not easily or directly noticeable. These
are caused by infections and misophonic bacteria that raise havoc in
the middle and inner ear.
In the next topic, the last hearing disorder that is caused by infections inside
the ear will be discussed in further detail.
Hearing Loss Caused By Infection
To make the understanding of hearing loss clearer, we discussed the many
causes of all types of hearing losses. It is important to understand that the
damage of the ear and its many components can be caused by infections
and bacteria-related issues.
Broadly speaking, sound waves do not reach the inner ear when they are
being blocked by a hindrance in the ear canal or the eardrum. This hindrance
can be the result of numerous instances, such as the insertion of a foreign
object, a tumor, or even a serious infection.
Many times, the attack made by infectious bacteria can cause irreparable
damage to the ear and its inner structures. Infections have the power to give
a patient severe earache and might even make them extremely dizzy and
uncomfortable. In this regard, the first infection that deprives many people
of the ability to hear is called the acute OTITIS media.
The most common patients with the OTITIS infection are children. Since they
are more active and tend to play in all kinds of outdoor conditions, they are
more prone to this infection. Although such an infection in your child’s ear
may have passed without any damage many times before, repeated
occurrence is a sign of distress.
What Is OTITIS Media?
OTITIS media is a medical name for the
inflammation of the middle ear, and
acute OTITIS media is the name of the
infection that results from this condition.
Studies have shown that acute OTITIS
media is the result of a cold or allergy
when the body is being attacked by
bacteria. When these bacteria host on the
body and leave it weak or fragile, it gives
the organisms the perfect chance to
enter into the small ducts and canals
within the body.
The presence of bacteria and viruses often result in the collection of pus and
mucus, both of which accumulate behind the eardrum. In this location, pus
blocks the eustachian tube (auditory tube), hence causing a lot of swelling
and pain. In a healthy individual, the eustachian tube should remain
collapsed so that the path to the sensitive middle ear remains closed.
However, when it fails to do so, bacteria and other germs in the nose and the
throat enter the middle ear easily.
The presence of bacteria in the ear has also been attributed to a condition
called the upper respiratory disease. Since the ear and the throat are directly
connected via the auditory tube, bacteria from the lungs can easily travel to
the eardrum. As the bacteria multiply, air is pushed out of the middle ear,
creating a vacuum-like condition that sucks in more and more bacteria from
the surrounding pathways.
Another reason why this ear infection is found mostly in children is that the
eustachian tubes in toddlers and adolescents are shorter, horizontal, and
straighter. This structural difference makes it even easier for the surrounding
bacteria to travel to the ear quickly.
In the initial and the last stages of the infection, during the time when the
pus is leaking, there is a high chance of fluid collection in the middle ear. This
fluid sometimes also finds its way to the pinna, indicating the person that
something is wrong with the inner working of the ear. Such a condition is
called OTITIS media effusion.
If not taken care of, these fluids can collect in the ear for weeks, thus causing
the infection to worsen and permanently affect the hearing ability of the
patient. As a standard, if fluids remain in the middle ear for more than three
months and hearing is impaired for six weeks at a stretch, you should get
your patient tested by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist.
How Does It Affect Hearing?
Regardless of the extent of acute OTITIS media, hear loss and impairment is
inevitable. Since the collection of fluids creates an imbalance in the ear,
conversion of sound waves into signals and then transmission of these
signals is adversely affected. Children and adults with this infection
experience a loss of hearing of about 24 decibels.
In mathematical terms, 24 decibels is equal to a loud whisper. This means
that those affected by this ear infection cannot identify or interpret whispers.
It should be noted that the intensity and consistency of the fluids in the ear
vary from one patient to the next. If the pus and fluids are of a thicker
consistency, the 24 decibels increase to 45 decibels, thus increasing the
extent of hearing loss greatly.
In children, detecting acute OTITIS media is not easy. However, certain signs
and symptoms have been listed that help parents, guardians and doctors in
detecting the infection in children. These include:
 Misunderstanding speech
 Talking louder than normal
 Ignoring moderate sound levels and volumes
 Exhibiting a delayed development in speech
Misunderstanding of messages and hearing muffled voices can be a very
dangerous condition in a school-going child. A child that cannot process the
most basic instructions in a classroom setting will be unable to stay abreast
with academic work and expectations. At an age when mental and cognitive
development is at its peak, an acute OTITIS media infection can make the
path to learning very difficult, thus resulting only in an extremely slow and
unresponsive development and learning levels in a child that only leads to
delayed language and skill development.
Treating Hearing Loss
What are my options?
nce a patient has been diagnosed with hearing problems, the most
common solution suggested by doctors is the use of a hearing aid.
However, before a patient is advised to proceed with any kind of
treatment, it is very important for the doctor to first diagnose the exact
symptoms and root cause of the problem; the risk of further damage to
hearing is minimized and prevented. There are a number of available
treatment options, from being medically supported by a professional to
utilizing more natural and organic cures.
Depending on the nature and extent of the problem, most of the disorders
related to hearing loss have medical cures. However, in a few cases of higher
severity, it is highly challenging to cure this ailment, especially in those
patients that are suffering from irreversible hearing disorders that may be
caused by inherited genes or by traumatic accidents. With the recent
advancements in audiology, there are now many possible treatments for
such patients. In these treatments, such patients may not be able to regain
their hearing ability completely, but they may be able to discern various
sounds to a certain extent. This advancement in hearing loss treatment is a
big leap forward for such patients; researchers are trying their best to aid
them with the most accessible treatment options.
While these cases may be severe, there are numerous ways through which
you can avoid hear loss and may even prevent it completely, especially when
you age or when you are bound to deal with occupational noise. Taking a
well-balanced diet, preferably enriched with a combination of anti-oxidation
components, is the best way to prevent hearing loss and any other associated
Natural Hearing
Since using hearing aids can be uncomfortable and uneasy, most patients
tend to avoid their usage. Many people are actually unaware of the fact that
there are more natural ways of controlling hearing problems, and even of
preventing such problems from further damaging your ear. The best herb
recommended for prevention is Gingko Biloba, which is believed to prevent
cochlear damage and other associated disorders, along with lubrication of
the neurological functions of our bodies.
It has been observed that hearing loss may occur from head trauma or neck
damage; so, treating such distresses may result in curing hearing problems
in those patients. As mentioned before, a well-balanced diet also keeps your
hearing preserved. It is best to avoid animal fat and replace it with refined
sources of carbohydrates. Consuming cold-water fish enriched with omega3 fatty acids regulates the blood supply of your ear in the same way that it
regulates the whole circulation system in the rest of the body. Include fresh
juices, vegetables, fruits, fiber-associated foods, seeds and herbs in your daily
diet, which are all very useful and effective in conserving your hearing. Also,
cut down on your salt intake; excessive salt in your daily diet can cause fluids
to retain inside your ear, which may consequently develop into a hearing
The use of foods that are rich in vitamin A and E are the best way of
preserving your hearing. It will not only help in protecting your hearing, but
will also prevent you from developing any hearing disorders. Doctors may
advise their patients to utilize supplements rich in various types of vitamins
in order to protect your hearing from developing any associated problems.
Medical Treatment
There are many associated hearing disorders related to your ear, and each
type requires a different set of medication. In severe cases, surgery may be
required. For conductive hearing loss – in which the middle ear bones are
damaged – surgery is the most common medical solution offered to such
patients. For patients who might be suffering from some form of bacterial
infection in their ear or from a blockage of earwax, antibiotics are advised in
order to clear away all the bacterial growth present within the ear.
If a person is diagnosed with a case of permanent hearing loss, which is
condition commonly found in people who have aged above 80 years, then
using a hearing aid is the best available option for them. In other cases,
hearing assistance devices and associated technologies are also
recommended to patients suffering from hearing loss as a good alternative
to hearing devices.
With the advancement of hearing aid technology, a cochlear implant is
proving to be an innovative invention of helping people with a severe and
irreversible form of hearing loss. The cochlear implant may not make patients
completely able to hear speech clearly and loudly, but it assures a miraculous
sound travel and the discerning ability to stir up in their ears.
Healing Through Nutrition
Antioxidants, such as vitamin A and E, are some of the highly recommended
food components that should be consumed for preserving and protecting
hearing abilities. They are known to neutralize the oxygen value up to the
normal limit that is required by your body. Similarly, it also helps to maintain
oxygen levels in our ear for the maintenance of good hearing abilities. The
most popular antioxidant-enriched foods are leafy vegetables, lentils, dried
beans and bananas.
 Vitamin C is found in berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupes,
cauliflowers, peppers (red, green and yellow), tomatoes, strawberries,
sweet potatoes, papayas, snow peas, grapefruits, honey dew, kale,
kiwis, mangoes, turnips, nectarines and peaches. Vitamin E is found in
sunflower seeds, spinach, pumpkins, red peppers, broccoli, carrots,
chard, mustard, turnip greens, mangoes and nuts.
 Vitamin B-12 is very important for your nerves and associated cells. It
has been observed that people who have low levels of vitamin B-12 are
more likely to develop hearing loss and other disorders as they age. In
addition, food enriched with vitamin D can help in conserving your
hearing ability and it is mostly found in food such as milk, salmon, tofu,
eggs and salami. It helps in maintaining your bone density ratio, which
can then shield you against the development of diseases like
 It is also observed that people who consume a diet that is abundant in
omega-3 fatty acids are more likely to successfully shield themselves
from losing hearing sense. These fatty acids are found in cold-water
fish and fish oil. Nutritionists may advise patients who are in danger of
developing hearing disorders to begin taking fish oil capsules in order
to overcome the symptoms and preserve their sense of hearing.
 Food containing generous amounts of magnesium plays a vital role in
protecting your inner ear bones, especially if they are at risk of being
damaged during loud sound exposures. Magnesium is found in
bananas, artichokes, broccoli, soybeans and squash.
 It is believed that zinc has the power of protecting your hearing ability
from diseases like tinnitus, cochlear damage and other related
syndromes. Zinc is found richly in foods such as red meat, poultry,
beans, cooked oysters, seafood, whole grains, fortified cereal, dairy
products, chocolate, mushrooms, spinach and cashews.
 Selenium is abundantly found in fortified breads, tuna, Brazil nuts, beef,
poultry products and grains.
 Food rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids are watermelons,
tomatoes, tangerines, sweet potatoes, apricots, asparagus, beets,
broccoli, cantaloupes, carrots, corn, spinach, squash, pumpkins, pink
grapefruit, peaches, nectarines, kale, mangoes and green peppers.
 Other foods rich in antioxidants are beans, eggplants, prunes, onions,
alfalfa sprouts, red grapes, plums, raisins and apples.
Amish healing
The Amish community is renowned for their traditional ways of life and use
of natural remedies in curing ailments, as well as in preventing them. They
use a variety of medical herbs in ointments, poultices, salves, tea and bitter
tonics for this purpose. Folk medicine plays an essential role in the Amish
ways of creating cures for all sorts of ailments. It has been observed that
these folk medicines most commonly comprise of corn silk and pumpkin
seeds. A number of the most popular remedies for ear infections practiced
by the Amish community are described as follows.
 Ear candle - The Amish people use the
traditional ear candles for clearing out
wax from ears. This is done by covering
one end of dowel rod with a linen cloth
that has been dipped into melted paraffin
wax. Once the paraffin wax cools down,
you can remove the dowel rod. Then, you
can put the pointed cone-shaped tip
covered with paraffin wax inside the ear
by lighting the other end with fire. For this, the patient needs to sit
upright so that the wax does not drip inside the ear when it melts. This
process is a very old technique of clearing out extra wax from the ear
and it is still practiced by the Amish.
 Garlic - Garlic has exceptional pain-relieving abilities that are regularly
used by the Amish for ear infections; it has antimicrobial constituents
that are extremely useful in curing such infections. It is used in the form
of garlic oil, which is extracted by using a couple garlic cloves and
heating it in two tablespoons of sesame oil or mustard oil. When the
solution turns black, it is strained. A few hot drops of this solution are
used to clear away the infection. These drops can also be mixed with
other drops to have a speedier cure for the ear infection.
 Salt - Salt is the most common and readily available home remedy for
relieving pain and controlling infection in your ears. For this, you need
to heat a cup of salt on a pan. When it is sufficiently heated, put the
salt in a sock, or cover it with a cloth and tie the end with a rubber
band. Then, lay down and press the cloth-covered salt bundle on your
infected ear, doing so while the salt is still quite warm. This will help in
extracting the infected fluid from your ear and in easing the pain that
is caused by the infection.
 Basil - Basil leaves are also known to relieve pain that is a result of an
ear infection. A few basil leaves are crushed and their juice is extracted.
This juice is applied around or over the ear by making sure it does not
enter your ear canal. Another technique is to mix the basil leaf oil with
mustard oil. You can then dip a cotton ball into the oil mixture and
apply it around the ear as well as within the outer lining of the ear.
 Olive oil - Olive oil is considered to play the best role in clearing out
wax blockage within the ears. When extra wax blocks the ears, it may
give an opportunity for infections to develop and cause painful aching
in the ears. Olive oil is usually heated and then applied as drops into
the ear when it is still warm. When these drops of oil are exposed to
the earwax, it melts the wax instantly and the ear canal passage starts
to clear out. You can then clean the ear canal with cotton swabs. It is
important to note here that being careful with ear swabs is essential as
the eardrum could easily be damaged accidentally. Using warm
mustard oil can also give the same positive results.
 Apple cider - Apple cider vinegar is very useful in treating infections
that are caused by fungal growth inside the ear. Apple cider vinegar is
mixed with an equal amount of water quantity. You can then dip a
cotton swab in the mixture and place it on your ear, keeping it there
for about five minutes. After that, remove the cotton swab. You will
notice the infectious fluid draining out of your ear. You can repeat this
process after regular time intervals, until the whole infection is removed
from the ear.
 Onion - The consumption of onion your daily diet routine plays a vital
role in preventing hearing loss and other associated diseases. Similarly,
onion juice is also used for clearing out infectious fluid from the ear
canal. You can chop up a small onion and heat it in a microwave for
about ten minutes. Use the onion juice inside your ear for five to seven
minutes and turn your head to a side to let the fluid from the infection
drain out of your ear. You can also use a baked onion by covering it up
in a piece of cloth and placing it over your ear for ten minutes. Repeat
the process until fluid from your ear’s infection has completely drained
 Warm water - Applying heat to the infected area helps in relieving the
any pain that is associated with that infection. For quick pain-relief
remedy, you can always use a piece of cloth that has been dipped into
lukewarm water, or you can place a warm water bottle against your
infected ear to ease the uncomfortable feelings. It should be noted
here that heat must not be applied consecutively to the infected ear,
since it may cause further damage. Instead, it is advised to apply heat
at regular intervals so that you can get relief from pain while keeping
your ear canal risk-free from further damage.
 Breast milk - Breast milk is known to be enriched with natural
antibodies that fight against all sorts of infections. It is particularly used
to cure ear infections. You can use a dropper to add a few drops of
breast milk inside the infected ear and then repeat the process after
every four to five hours. Within two to three days, pain will be relieved
considerably. Breast milk is also used in curing eye infections and minor
 Mango leaf juice - The Amish community regards mango leaf juice as
a highly responsive treatment for ear infections and associated pain.
You can crush or grind a few mango leaves to extract the juice and put
it into your infected ear with the help of a dropper. It is best advised to
use this juice by warming it a little. When this juice enters your ear
canal, it works as an instant pain reliever and drains the infected fluid
out of the ear.
 Tea tree oil - Tea tree oil is believed to have adequate antibacterial
abilities and it is specially used in treating infected ears and earaches.
It is used by making a mixture of three drops of tea tree oil, two
tablespoons of olive oil, one teaspoon of colloidal silver and one
teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. This mixture is then warmed up and is
put inside the infected ear with the help of a dropper, where it will now
remain until the mixture settles. You then need to turn your head to
drain out the mixture as well as the infected fluid out of the ear; the
pain will be eased swiftly. It is required to repeat this process after every
few hours and for two to three days altogether in order to completely
eliminate the ear infection.
Nutrition and Hearing Loss
What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are natural substances that play a vital role in the efficient
development of cellular structures of our bodies. They help in preventing
adverse effects of free radicals. Free radicals are substances that are released
when food components are broken down into energy components; they may
enter the bloodstream, thus creating risks of developing diseases like heartrelated disorders or even cancers. Antioxidants shield our cells from such
intruding substances and protect our bodies from multiple different diseases.
How essential are they for cellular development in our
In scientific terms, an antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of
other molecules. When your body needs to put up its best defense against
Mother Nature or when any part of your body is exposed to the environment
for damage, antioxidants jump in. It is important to understand here that old
cells die and new cells are born; this is a very natural process carried out in
your body 24 hours a day.
When a cell dies, it is replaced by new ones. When your body metabolizes
oxygen, it has been observed that there is a one to two percent chance of
cell damage occurring during that process, and those damaged cells may
then turn into free radicals. These free radicals are sources of trouble and
may damage your body functions. They are called free radicals because they
are lacking a crucial molecule, and looking for a partner molecule to get
associated with in order to obtain energy and growth potential. These free
radicals may set up on the journey of killing cells, but this is not particularly
harmful as your body will regenerate new ones to replace them.
The only concern is that sometimes, while killing a cell, a free radical may also
damage the DNA structure of cell. This could consequently expose you to a
number of associated diseases. Hence, this is where antioxidants come into
action and protect your cellular development process, as well as their delicate
structure, against the rampage of free radicals. They also help to maintain a
healthy blood flow, which goes on to help in keeping your body organs intact
and efficient.
Antioxidants are abundantly found in fruits and vegetables. It is observed
that people who consume more fruits and vegetables as core parts of their
daily diet are less likely to remain protected from diseases. Still, this is not a
proven fact. Antioxidants include components such as vitamins A, C and E,
selenium, lycopene, lutein, beta-carotene. Therefore, foods that are rich in
such components are unarguably essential for keeping the anti-oxidation
process working effectively.
How do antioxidants help in preventing hear loss?
It is believed that when your body takes a sufficiently rich diet with vitamins
A, C and E alongside healthy doses of magnesium, you become prone to
exposure of loud noise. Moreover, you are effectively protected from
permanent hearing loss and other associated disorders.
In previous research, it was believed that hearing loss problems might
develop from exposure to loud sounds or damaging noises, since this would
harm your inner ear’s hair cells that are responsible for carrying out sensory
hearing. However, recent research has shown that hear loss actually occurs
from the formation of free radicals in the inner ear cellular structures, which
is responsible for molecular binding that could cause the death of other cells.
Hence, the best solution available for such problems is to conserve your
hearing by keeping your anti-oxidation process streamlined.
For these reasons, it is recommended that people who work at noisy places
where they are required to be exposed to loud sounds, or those attending
noisy events or using earplugs for music, that they consume an antioxidantrich diet, supplements or a pill. This will act as a strong force of resistance
against the oxidation process and the rise of free radicals in your
bloodstream. According to research, exposure to cancer chemotherapeutic
agents like cisplatin and the use of antibiotics for an extended period can
also cause hearing loss in patients, for the same underlying reasons.
Antioxidants consumed through natural products such as vegetables and
fruits and other magnesium-enriched diets are the most suitable sources, but
now it is also available in forms of supplements and pills. It is best that you
take these supplements or pills with the prescription of a doctor, who will
advise you exactly how much is required for you to consume, depending on
your state of hearing ability.
Using A Combination Of Antioxidants
The use of antioxidant therapy for the prevention of hearing loss is believed
to be working successfully as it has helped quite a number of patients who
were developing hearing loss or were suffering from tinnitus and other
related disorders. A number of studies revealed that out of all the
components blended in antioxidant structures, vitamin E is the starring
factor. It not only helps in preventing hear loss, but it also helps in gaining it
back. This is particularly true for patients who suffered a sudden idiopathic
hear loss, noise-induced cochlear damage and cisplatin-induced cochlear
damage. In addition, a supplement with combination of vitamin E, vitamin C,
beta-carotene and phosphatides are observed to solve the issues of
discomfort for patients suffering from idiopathic tinnitus.
With the help of research, it has been concluded that using a single
antioxidant for preventing hear loss may not be doing as much good as
expected. It is advised to use a combination of antioxidants in supplements
or as pills for such patients. This is because the use of a simple antioxidant
may act as a pro-oxidation component in the process, especially in patients
who smoke or consume heavy quantities of tobacco.
Conclusively, it is best that an antioxidant-enriched diet should be consumed
for protecting yourself from hearing disorders like tinnitus and other forms
of cochlear damage. Furthermore, for the standard therapy of such disorders,
patients are recommended to use supplements that are a combination of
antioxidant components, which will create a more powerful shield against the
free radicals and overcome the general hearing problems in a more effective
and harmless manner.
The Amish Way of Healing
Brief History of Amish People
he history of the Amish dates back to 1693. Their origins have been
traced back to Switzerland, where a man Jakob Ammann started the
Amish traditions. Initially, this movement began as a way to restore
some of the lost values of the Mennonite Faith. Those who followed Ammann
and his teachings were then known as the Amish.
There is a certain level of controversy regarding who the Amish are. Since
they have always maintained a low profile, many believe that these people
belong to the:
 Conservative Protestants Block
 The Anabaptists Clan
 The European Free Church Family
Despite all these assumptions, the Amish have very strict values and their
belief system revolves around the writings of Menno Simons. However, as
time went by, the Amish split from the Mennonites during the 17th century
because the latter ‘lacked discipline in their faith.’ From here on, the Amish
were recognized as a separate clan.
In the 18th century, many of the Amish people migrated to the United States
and settled in different areas. Today, most of them are found in Pennsylvania,
New York, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Missouri Ohio. Living in modern
societies, the Amish try to hold onto centuries old European Values that they
learnt from their leader.
Perhaps, what is most striking about the Amish is the staunchness of their
faith. They are known to live simply, dress down with plain, unprinted clothes
and like to adopt as little of modern technology as possible. The reason very
few Amish clans exist today is that membership to the Amish is not open to
one and all. Membership begins with Baptism in the church between the ages
of 16 and 25.
Once admitted to the church, Amish are only allowed to marry within their
people. Attendance at Sunday church sessions is mandatory and people are
prohibited to use automobiles, telephone lines or the public Social Security
services. Staunch followers are also not allowed to serve in the military. The
emphasis on family relations is heavy and the Amish prefer to stay aloof from
modern citizens belonging to America and Canada.
Over the years, as the Amish progressed in their beliefs that were so different
from others around them; they developed their own ways of living, teaching,
socializing and healing. While it wasn’t uncommon for olden tribes and
communities to have their own healing leaders who performed distinct
practices to bring health to a sick person; the Amish stand aloof because they
widely practice the same healing methods even today.
All healing techniques used by this group of people align well with their own
belief system. Staying away from modernization and societal developments
is at the heart of the Amish Culture; hence, the same values are also reflected
in the way they conduct their healing procedures.
The Amish way of healing revolves around folk medicine. These remedies are
self-created at home using domestic ingredients like teas, powders, liniments
and other foods that have been part of the community for decades. These
foods are mixed, churned and combined; with their essence extracted for the
sick ones. These can be used to control and cure skin diseases, rashes,
digestive problems, heart problems, headaches and many more conditions
for which the modern man seeks professional medical help.
Such traditional means of healing emphasize the power of herbal ingredients
in the face of modern day medicines. After all, the effectiveness of these
ingredients is the reason why the Amish still believe in folk remedies. Not
only do they discourage using professional help; they do not need it either
because the power of folk, herbal and homeopathic medicines has made
them self-sufficient when it comes to curing and healing various illnesses.
Coupled with the herbal cures, another strong healing methodology among
the Amish is called, Powwowing. Powwowing belongs to the German Amish
ancestry. In simple words, this term translates into ‘Sympathy Healing’, which
is done with the use of chants, amulets, charms and physical manipulations
to the body of a sick man. There is some controversy regarding the efficacy
of Powwowing in different sects among the Amish as well. However, in most,
this method is used in conjunction with herbal cures to initiate healing.
Both these methods combined, the Amish have managed to stay away from
modern medicine quite successfully for a number of reasons. For one, they
do not have health insurance, nor do they believe in it. As a result,
nontraditional treatments are very costly for them. Secondly, they do not use
modern day transport. Covering miles in an Amish Buggy to reach a hospital
is not only inconvenient; it is unthinkable for most adults of the tribes.
Lastly, doing so can often result in the shunning of families because a strong
tribal principle is ‘avoidance of the world.’ The Amish ways of healing have
gained immense popularity over the years. As the world talks about
noninvasive cures to ailments and turns towards the power of herbs and
plants; the Amish healing methodology attracts attention.
Amish publications, like The Budget, are a great source of information on the
various healing methods that they use. Such gazettes are now available in
many modern bookstores, again because of the same popularity of folk
remedies and culture. This is not to say that the Amish way to healing always
works. There are definitely some highs and lows in this type of medicine as
However, its natural roots, non-invasive nature and minimal side effects is
what makes such healing methods a high priority among those who believe
in the power of alternative medical cures.
The Amish Way Of Dealing With
Hearing Loss
How do the Amish deal with hearing loss? It is now apparent that people
belonging to this group would hardly contact a modern day hospital facility
to get their ears checked. While many of those who are less staunch in the
beliefs do visit doctors for monthly checkups of their toddlers; those with
very strict values stay clear of anything that is mainstream.
In light of this, how do the Amish treat hearing loss? What are their practices
and how do they involve the use of herbs in a medical field as complicated,
yet sensitive, as hearing? Most of all, can modern scientific discoveries
provide proof to assert that herbal cures do favorably affect hearing loss?
There is a lot to explore and discover in the Amish Way of Treating hearing
Loss. It would not be incorrect to say that the belief in this system is at best
divided among those who consider nature powerful enough to cure hearing
loss, and those who disregard its involvement completely. However, in our
quest to find cures for hearing loss, the Amish way begs to be explored and
Since the Amish have successfully used herbal concoctions and recipes for
years, their efficacy is somewhat established in the world of alternative
medicine. There have been hundreds of success stories that assert that the
use of herbs for treating hearing loss is, in fact, credible.
The typical Amish way of dealing with hearing loss involves mixing a lot of
herbs, each with its own beneficial properties. These herbs are used in their
raw form, are boiled and then cooled so that their extracts can be squeezed
out. Decades ago, when the Amish started developing their own alternative
medical methodology; the number of herbs available was very limited.
Today, when a plethora of herbs from one part of the world are available in
the other, there are plenty of Amish cures for hearing loss that can be studied
and applied in life. Dr. Christopher, an esteemed herbal physician and
researcher has conducted various studies to experiment with herbs and
conclude the benefits of each on human health; especially ear infections,
aches and hearing loss.
According to him, most herbs for hearing loss should be used with a ‘B&B
Tincture’ solution that acts as an antibacterial agent and clears up infections
within a matter of days. Herbs like garlic oil, mullein and ginkgo are highly
beneficial; so much so that many patients who were considered deaf at birth
were cured with these herbs combined with the tincture.
Similarly, those who experienced sudden deafness because of injury or
rupture of the eardrum were also cured with herbal concoctions prepared by
the physician. These patients felt depressed with life because they could no
longer perform even the smallest tasks like talking on the phone, having a
conversation with friends or reply to a basic query. With the Amish
treatments, their ear injuries, infections and pains were treated painlessly.
Like any other alternative remedy, Amish cures to hearing loss do not turn
up results in a day, a week or even a month. These treatments are supposed
to be carried on for many months in a stretch for any difference to be seen.
Dr. Christopher suggests a minimum of six months for the B&B Tincture and
Garlic Oil method to give results.
Moreover, a strict routine should be adopted to make sure that the potions
recommended are used on a daily basis or even more frequently- as
prescribed. No two patients are alike; hence, varying periods of treatment
and cure are needed for the body to respond slowly and gradually.
Amish hearing loss treatments have been made part of several Deafness
Programs offered in Educational and Development Institutions. People who
have been deaf for more than 12 to 15 years are often enrolled in these
programs to help them exercise and lead a better life. With the Amish
treatments, such programs have enabled chronically deaf individuals to hear
again without the use of hearing aids.
There are plenty of testimonials that reveal that effectiveness of Amish Herbal
Remedies for hearing loss. One woman using these healing remedies
reported that when her husband was struck by lightening in 1940. Since then
he lost his hearing ability for the next 40 years. While hearing aids did help
to an extent, the quality of life for the couple deteriorated drastically, with
the husband being reduced to a fully dependent individual. After reading
about the Amish Way to Hearing Loss, the woman started a strict regime
defined by Dr. Christopher. Using a combination of B&B Tincture, Garlic Oil
and Apple Cider Vinegar, she was able to help her husband within a short
span of only 2 weeks. Not only could be hear again, he felt life being put into
him again.
Herbs And Amish Healing
Being part of herbal and alternative medicine, the Amish cures to hearing
loss make use of concoctions that are made from simple herbal
combinations. Remember, simplicity is the core of Amish teachings. Hence,
the same is reflected in the way herbal remedies are made and used. These
can be understood by taking into account how some of the most commonly
available ingredients work and what their specialties are.
Before going into various success stories, testimonials and healing recipes,
let’s take a look at some of the most popular herbs and ingredients used by
the Amish for healing hearing loss. What makes our belief staunch in these
herbs is the fact their first use is documented in history way before the Amish
tribes emerged…
Amish Herbs for Hearing Loss
While there are thousands of herbs that are used in alternative medicine to
cure ear infections, aches and inflammation; the most popular ones have
been discussed in this topic to create an understanding of the Amish way of
Hearing Loss.
1. Ginkgo
According to historical records, ginkgo was first
used in 3500 B.C as a cure for respiratory
problems and heart disease. Since then, the herb
has been used in many situations by various
factions and societies who assert their belief in it
even today. Over the years, Ginkgo also became
popular as an herb that had the power to
increase the flow of blood in the small nerves and
vessels in the inner ear.
In his book, The Healing Herbs, Michael
Castleman has praised Ginkgo for its abilities to
improve hearing and reduce the condition of
Tinnitus- also known as ‘ringing in the ears.’
Ginkgo is best used in conditions when hearing loss is sudden and is usually
the result of clogged arteries. There have been several studies that have
confirmed the benefits of this herb for improving hearing.
In one study, 106 participants with known hearing loss were enrolled. Half of
the participants were given a very low dosage of Ginkgo Extract, close to
12mg twice daily; while the remaining half were given a dose of 120mg of
Ginkgo Extract twice daily. The former being a negligible amount, was
considered the Placebo group, i.e. a control for the experiment.
After the 8 weeks of the trial, doctors were surprised to see that participants
of both groups had recorded recovery and improvement in the ability to
hear. Regardless of the amount of Ginkgo given, people with sudden hearing
loss recovered remarkably when Ginkgo was used.
2. Echinacea
Echinacea flowers are a native plant of North
America. The Indians living on the northern
plains have used them for centuries as a wound
healer. After years of use, in 1800, Echinacea
caught attention of the Europeans who
prescribed it for a number of other ailments.
Since then, a lot of research has been done on
this herb and its hidden healing properties.
Within the petals of the Echinacea plant are
juices that are rich in antibiotics and antiviral properties- both of which can
be used to treat inner ear infections. As mentioned in previous chapters,
middle and inner ear infections that cause inflammation and pus can lead to
hearing loss. Instead of treating these infections with modern antibiotics, the
Amish prefer to use Echinacea and its natural antibiotics to clear away
infections and reduce swelling.
Owing to these properties, the herb also dries out the fluid in the inner ear,
hence preventing clogging of the ear canal. Once the inflammation is
reduced and the fluid is out of the way, sound waves reach the cochlea
Apart from its antibiotic properties, Echinacea is also an immune booster.
With a dose of 400mg on a daily basis, this herb spikes the immune system,
preparing it to deal with foreign bacteria and viral attacks in a more forceful
manner. With a strong immune system, the body is in a better shape to
reduce the damage done by infections in the ear.
Now that Echinacea has entered the mainstream herbal market, its use and
benefits are renowned in alternative medicine circles. In the United States,
Echinacea has been declared safe to use by the Food and Drug
Administration as well.
3. Oregon Grape
Known as Berberis Aquifolium in ancient
times, Oregon Grape is a very effective
herb used in alternative medicine. It
contains an antibiotic called Berberine
that is very effective against the bacteria
that settle in the inner ear. With a regular
dose of Oregon Grape, those who have a
hearing problem can feel relieved as the
infection reduces and hearing is fully or partially restored.
A dosage of 600mg is advisable for patients who are otherwise healthy.
Oregon Grape may not be suitable for pregnant women.
4. Ginger and Garlic
Another name for garlic is Allium Sativum. Mostly used in Pan Asian Cuisines,
Garlic is one of the most common herbs found easily in every home. Many
American research journals relate Chinese history in which garlic was used
widely as a healer for war wounds. Similarly, during the two world wars, Garlic
was used extensively on soldiers who were badly injured.
Garlic extract contains natural immune strengthening properties. It is an antiviral and an antibacterial and is most effective against cold and flu causing
bacteria that mostly settle in the cavity of the ear. A dose of 500-600 mg
Garlic that contains 4-5mg of Allium is the best cure for ear infections.
According to Castleman, Ginger has much of the same antibacterial quality
as Garlic. It is highly effective against clogging of nerves in the inner ear and
helps restore hearing by preventing damage done to the nerves in the inner
ear that relay sound to the brain. Moreover, Ginger is also known for anti43
inflammatory properties that reduce swelling of the pinna and the inner
Garlic and Ginger Oils are administered via an ear-dropper.
5. Lemon Balm
Also called, Melissa officinalis, Lemon Balm is a great anti-biotic for healing
open wounds. Along with antiviral properties, this herbal ingredient also has
soothing effects that naturally calm the nerves and reduce inflammation.
Since lemon balm is used for a number of conditions, the dosage depends
on the extent and type of problem under question.
For ear infections, lemon balm can be taken in the form of capsules or its
extracts can also be used. Lemon balm oil is put in the ear, which are then
plugged and concealed so that the liquid can soothe the inner ear and reduce
inflammation of the outer pinna.
6. Onion or Onion Juice
Onion is a very effective ingredient for hearing loss and ear infections.
According to Dr. Christopher, it can be used by people who suffer from
hearing loss due to infections, inflammations and sudden pressure changes.
Onion is also one of the best herbal and home ingredients to use for
earaches. Dr. Christopher recommends using Onion in this manner:
1. Put an onion in the oven and turn on the heat at 450 degrees.
2. Let the onion heat for about 15-20 minutes. Then let it cool in the oven
until it can be handled.
3. Once cooled, take it out and cut it into half.
4. If an adult is using this recipe, both halves of the baked onion should
be strapped to the ears and left over night.
5. In case this is not possible or if a child has a terrible earache, squeeze
the onion lightly, taking out its juice in a small bowl.
6. Using an ear dropper put a few drops of juice in both ears- regardless
of which one is aching.
7. Put cotton balls in the ear to make sure the juice stays in for a while.
Using onion in this manner is not only cost effective; it is also the best way
to soothe earaches in toddlers. Owing to inflammation and infections in the
ear, a baby may experience a lot of pressure in the ear canal, making him
uncomfortable and itchy. Onion juice works like a miracle in such situations
and calms down the baby in a matter of minutes.
8. Chamomile
Chamomile is an essential oil that is used for its
soothing and calming properties. The oil is also rich
in natural antibacterial that not only soothes an ear
infection; it also prevents it from spreading further
into the ear. When used on its own, only a few drops
of Chamomile are enough to relieve earaches and
ear infections. If Chamomile oil is unavailable, Dr. Christopher suggests that
warm chamomile tea can also be used by cooling it down to room
temperature and dipping cotton balls in it. Insert the cotton in both ears and
let it stay overnight.
9. Lobelia
The first use of Lobelia dates back to the 17th
century. Apart from other uses, it is famous for
curing middle ear infections owing to its
antispasmodic properties, which relax nerves and
clears away infections. Its use is known to be in
conjunction with garlic or mullein flowers. It is
usually used in the form of a tincture.
10. Hops
Hops are the female part of the herbal plant, Humulus Lupulus that is used
for many medical conditions. Apart from treating digestive problems and
insomnia, Hops are also used to soothe ear infections and prevent them from
spreading to the inner ear and nervous system. This herb can be used as a
tincture or as an extract- both of which are taken out after boiling and
heating the herb.
Dr. Christopher suggests placing a bag of heating hops over the ears of an
adult who is suffering from earaches and infections.
Mullein is herb-plant from the Figwot family. This herb is native to Asia and
Europe, but is now easily available in many other parts of the world. Having
more than 250 different species, Mullein is an exotic herb that is used in
various medical treatments.
Mullein has antibacterial properties that make it the perfect antidote to cold,
flues and earaches that are caused by bacterial and fungal infections. It is
used as an astringent and a soothing agent that reduces inflammation and
swelling in the ears, and also helps restore hearing in patients who are
otherwise healthy.
To use for earaches, Mullein oil is extracted from the yellow flowers of the
herb. This oil is then stored, warmed and put in the ears with the help of
cotton balls.
Who Can Perform Amish Healing
Just like modern medicine is practiced by a professional and learned doctor,
Amish Healing should only be performed by someone who has knowledge
of religion and is capable of directing its healing powers towards the sick.
Even though the healing methods with herbs sound easy to undertake; they
require a certain level of expertise and professionalism that a layman lacks.
As mentioned previously, Amish healing is done with herbs, and it is coupled
with Powwowing-a chanting and charm system that heals spiritually. To
perform Powwowing, one needs a lot of information, knowledge and
experience with chants and charms. For instance, the Amish have different
chants for every ailment, disease and condition. Amulets and charms that
have various types of stones, natural gems and writings on them are specific
to the kind of condition being cured.
Such knowledge is very important because performing a wrong spiritual
healing procedure is believed to bring about side effects and worsen the
condition, in extreme cases. Moreover, since only a few Amish tribes now
practice Powwowing, the chants and charms used belong to the ancient
times when this method of healing was more prevalent.
Words and phrases used in the chants reflect a strong belief in the Amish
Church, its principals and values. Hence, even if one is a staunch Amish, he
may not qualify to put together specific words and phrases without knowing
what they mean. Moreover, the number of times a chant is spoken is also of
great importance in the Amish tradition. For instance, a chant for a very
strong and persistent headache is different from one that is said for a mild
and occasional ache.
Similarly, when using herb and concoctions, an Amish healer has to be
mindful of the kind of herbs used and their quantities. Even though the
chances of experiencing side effects are slim, many herbs should not be used
during pregnancies or if one has pain in the kidneys or has an eye condition
such as cataract.
Hence, determining the usability and feasibility of each herb and oil is
something that requires adequate knowledge of alternative cures and
healing processes. For this reason, Amish healing is usually only performed
by a Faith Leader.
An Amish Faith Leader belongs to the Old Order Amish and holds a strong
believe that ‘faith’ is a healing medicine for all ailments. This leader is believed
to have the power and knowledge of the unseen because he can look into
the eyes of the patient or touch him lightly to understand the ailments and
health conditions he is suffering from.
Such a leader is also well versed in the olden day Amish healing techniques
that were introduced and practiced by leaders of ancient times. An Amish
Faith Leader is known to give ‘nutritional guidance with the help of the bible’
and he does not charge for his services. He does not have a degree in medical
science to support his healing practices; however, for the Amish a staunch
belief in God and natural ways of healing is enough proof of credibility.
Owing to the popularity of Amish Healing and Herbal Concoctions, an Amish
Faith Leader receives patients even outside the Amish Clans. To him, all
people are equal, without any discrimination against religion, sect, race or
Most Common Amish Recipes for
Hearing Loss
After reading so much about Amish herbs and ingredients, aren’t you
wondering how these should be used? While only an Amish Faith Leader can
perform Amish Healing, the basic concoctions that have been put down in
publications can be used by people on a regular basis. These potions, their
quantities and the way they are administered should always be kept the
Let’s take a look at some potion and meal recipes that involve beneficial
Potion Recipes:
Vinegar and Garlic Mixture
o ¼ cup white vinegar
o ¼ cup rubbing alcohol
o 3 drops of garlic tincture
Mix these ingredients in a sterilized bottle. Squeeze out a few drops with an
eyedropper and put in both ears. Make sure the liquid runs out of the ear
after a few seconds.
Lemon and Salt Mixture
o 1 cup salt
o Juice of 1 whole lemon
Mix the salt and lemon thoroughly to make sure salt particles do not rest at
the bottom. Then pour the mixture on a small towel that can be wrapped
around the back of the head, covering both ears. Heat the towel in the
microwave so that it becomes steamy. When the heat is manageable, put the
towel across the head so that the vapor goes inside the ear. The warm
sensation will also help soothe inflammation.
Olive Oil and Lavender Mixture
o 5 drops of lavender essential oil
o 1 teaspoon olive oil
Mix the ingredients in a pan and warm the mixture. Soak a cotton ball in the
oil mixture and apply it to the outer ear only. Make sure it does not enter the
ear. This potion is ideal to relieve pain caused by infection.
Apple Cider Vinegar
o 2 drops of Apple Cider Vinegar
o Distilled Water
Put two drops of Apple Cider Vinegar in each ear for instant pain relief. When
the vinegar runs out, wash with distilled water. This solution is effective but
Garlic and Mustard
o 2 cloves of garlic, crushed.
o 2 teaspoons of mustard or mustard oil
Combine both ingredients in a saucepan and heat. When the garlic starts to
burn, remove and strain the mixture. Put two drops of the mixture in each
ear to soothe itch and pain.
Olive Oil and tea Tree Oil
o 3 drops of tea tree oil
o 3 drops of extra virgin olive oil
Mix both ingredients in equal parts. Put in both ears to soothe and relieve
infection aches.
Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
o 3 cloves of garlic
o 1.5 teaspoons of vinegar
o ½ teaspoon honey
Mix all these ingredients together and heat the mixture. Strain out the solid
pieces and put a few drops in each ear. Wrap a warm towel after draining the
liquid from the ears.
Meal Recipes:
Stuffed Potatoes
 16 potatoes (1-1/2 to 2 inch diameter)
 1/4 cup finely shredded, vegetarian cheese
 1/2 cup Vegenaise
 1/4 cup snipped fresh parsley
 1 14-ounce can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
 1 tablespoon olive oil
 Dash ground red pepper
 2 tablespoons finely shredded lemon peel
 2 cloves garlic, crushed and minced
Cut the potatoes in half. Spoon out the potatoes to make them hollow from
the middle. Now mix all the ingredients, except the parsley and lemon peel,
to prepare the filling for the potatoes. Next, fill the potatoes with the filling
and bake in the oven for 20 minutes until the filling becomes golden. When
done, sprinkle with lemon peel and parsley.
Indian Vegetable Curry
 3 potatoes, cut in squares
 1 1/2 cups green peas
 1 cauliflower, chopped
 3/4 tsp turmeric
 3 tomatoes, chopped
 1 1/2 tsp cumin
 1/2 tsp chili powder
 1 tsp curry
 1 cup water
Mix all the above ingredients in a pot; adding water in the end. Cover with a
lid and let it cook on medium heat for about 6 hours. Enjoy with brown rice.
Chili and Corn Casserole
For the Casserole
 3 ½ cups steamed corn
 3 ½ cups boiled brown rice
 1 tsp crushed chili peppers
 1 tsp garlic powder
 3 cups homemade tomato sauce
 1/8 tsp cumin
 ½ cup green pepper, chopped
 1 tsp cayenne
 1 cup chopped onion
For The Topping
 1 cup tofu
 ¼ cup chopped green pepper
 1 cup tomato sauce
Combine all the ingredients for the Casseroles in a bowl. Mix well to ensure
all ingredients are combined evenly with the tomato sauce. Next, take a large
casserole dish and put the mixture in it. Spread it out evenly. In a separate
bowl, combine the ingredients for the topping and sprinkle them over the
casserole mixture.
Now put the dish in a preheated oven on the middle rack at 150 degrees.
One hour is usually enough for both the mixtures to settle in and form a
crispy topping. Once done, garnish the casserole with additional green chilies
and spring onions, chopped finely.
Effects of Nutrition on
The Role of Antioxidants: Coenzyme
What Is Coenzyme Q10?
oenzyme Q10, also known as Ubiquinone and Ubidecarenone, is
found in every cell and tissue in the body. Its presence is sometimes
compared to that of many vitamins that are found in a human, that
help the body regulate functions and processes. Coenzyme Q10 is naturally
produced by the body in very small quantities and then distributed to cells,
which use it to produce the necessary level of energy needed by them to
maintain growth of cells and tissues.
Apart from the production of energy, Coenzyme Q10 also works efficiently
as an Antioxidant that protects and shelters the body from harmful bacteria
and molecules that can cause infections and disturb the everyday working of
cells. As the name, ‘Co-enzyme’ suggests, this fat soluble substance works
together with enzymes in the body, aiding their purpose to digest foods,
break them down to release energy and protecting the heart and other major
organs of the body.
Since this antioxidant works in multiple ways inside the body, it is known to
be one of the necessary substances, the concentration of which has to be
maintained in the blood. For this reason, Coenzyme Q10 is widely available
as a dietary supplement.
Role Of Coenzyme Q10 In Hearing Loss & Tinnitus
Extensive research has been conducted over the years regarding the effect
of a Coenzyme Deficiency on Hearing Loss and many conditions related to
it. These results, though conclusive, have been limited, which is why, this
correlation still remains to be solidified.
In an October 2008 study, 120 patients previously diagnosed with
Sensorineural Hearing Loss participated in a study to determine the effect of
increased doses of Q10. The aim of the research was to understand whether
Q10 has a therapeutic effect on this type of hearing loss or not.
The group was divided into two factions. One was given a systemic Steroid
Treatment for 2 weeks, while the other half was given managed and
controlled dose of Q10. It was decided that the results of the study were to
be concluded based on the results of two variables, namely; Auditory
Function (Pure Tone Audiometry) and Speech Discrimination Score.
At the end of the trial period, the total hearing ability improved by 75%, i.e.
90 out of the 120 patients experienced better hearing and most of these
belonged to the Q10 group. The study also concluded that while the
improvement in auditory function was similar in both groups, the one that
received Q10 doses recorded significant improvements in speech
This study suggested that when Coenzyme Q10 deficiency is restored, the
hearing ability of patients improved because Q10 positively affected the tiny
hair follicles in the inner ear, thus improving the sensory response of the earbrain connection.
Another study with Q10 aimed to gauge the substance’s effect on Tinnitusa hearing loss condition characterized by ringing in the ears. In Berlin,
Germany, researchers put together a group of 20 patients who were
experiencing ringing in their ears. The study, which lasted for 16 weeks,
aimed to understand if higher levels of Q10 help ease this condition.
At the beginning of the trail, the level of Q10 in the participant’s bodies were
tested and recorded. They were also made to answer a Tinnitus
Questionnaire (TQ) that would record the efficacy of the substance being
Over the 16 weeks, patients were given 100mg of Q10 thrice a week. At the
end of the study, the Q10 levels were measured again. Tests revealed that
the plasma concentration of Q10 was elevated and stayed high until 4 weeks
after the study. As far as Tinnitus was concerned, it was observed that 7
patients who recorded the biggest change in Q10 Levels- beginning with a
very low concentration before the study- recorded a reduction in their TQ
From a score of 38, the post-study results came down to 24- indicating a
considerable improvement in Tinnitus.
Foods That Contain Coenzyme Q10
Do foods contain Q10? Yes, they do; albeit in very limited quantities. Since
Q10 is fat-soluble, it is mostly found in meaty dishes that still have some fat
in them. Some of the most popular sources of Q10 are:
 Fatty Fish: The leaner your serving of fish, the lesser the amount of
Coenzyme Q10 in it. This means that, within the seafood category,
options that have fat usually have more Q10. Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel
and Herring are some varieties that are rich in this substance. For
instance, a 3-ounce serving of herring has almost 2.3mg of Coenzyme,
while the same serving of Trout has 0.9mg of the antioxidant.
 Beef and Poultry: Since beef has high fatty tissue content, it is a rich
serving of Coenzyme Q10 as well. A 3-ounce steak serving of beef has
2.3mg of Q10; while the same serving of chicken has about 1.4mg of
the same.
 Hard-boiled Egg: A hard-boiled egg has a very small amount of
Coenzyme Q10; close to 0.1mg.
Coenzyme Q10 Supplement
There are a number of Q10 supplements available in the market. While some
need to be prescribed, others are available over the counter (hence, their
comparison to Vitamins). However, it is important to know how much Q10 to
take on a daily basis. The first step in this regard is to be tested on the level
of Q10 present in your body.
Depending on the deficiency, doctors prescribe certain levels of Coenzyme
Q10 Supplement that should be taken by a patient. Somewhere between
50mg to 1200mg of Q10 can be taken on a daily basis. This dose is split into
multiple capsule intakes spaced throughout the day.
The Role of Magnesium in Hearing Loss
The Need For Magnesium
Among the many nutrients and minerals needed by the body for proper
functioning, magnesium ranks high on the list. It is one of those substances
that is required in moderate quantities, but is extremely important for the
internal organs to stay healthy and ward off bacterial and viral infections.
According to official U.S. figures, the dosage of magnesium should be in
these quantities:
Children 1-8 years: 80mg- 130mg
Males 13-30 years: 240mg-400mg
Females 13-30 years: 240- 360mg
If these quantities are not maintained naturally, doctors often recommend
patients to take supplements to up their intake of magnesium. Be it the heart,
the kidneys or even the general immune system; the need for magnesium
can never be overlooked.
Magnesium Deficiency And Hearing Loss
Magnesium also plays a major role in the case of hearing loss. Permanent
and temporary hearing loss has been linked to Mg deficiencies via a number
of clinical and laboratory studies. Regardless of whether hearing deteriorates
suddenly or over a period, Mg has a role to play in two types of hearing loss:
 Noise related hearing loss
 Age related hearing loss
It is assumed that a myriad of metabolic functions of the body are affected
by a lack of Mg, which eventually leads to a weakened Auditory System. It is
a well-known fact that if a person is exposed to loud and unpleasant noises
at work or because of lifestyle choices, the chances of damaging the tiny hair
inside the inner ear are very high.
However, since not every person exposed to noises experiences hearing loss;
it has been concluded by extensive research that the deficiency of Mg is the
second factor that pushes the auditory system over the deafness threshold.
Evidence from these studies shows a strong negative correlation between
noise sensitivity and the Mg concentration in the body.
How can Mg deficiency bring about such dire consequences? It is believed
that when a human is constantly exposed to noise, there is an inevitable
increase in stress levels. With this increase, a natural reaction of the body is
the urinary excretion of Magnesium - which increases as stress levels
gradually increase. Hence, when the body becomes short on this mineral, it
is susceptible to noise or age induced hearing loss.
Studies To Confirm The Effect Of Magnesium
To present this correlation medically, a number of studies have been
conducted. Since Magnesium is a safe mineral, experiments have been done
of animals as well as humans.
Study #1: In a clinical study, half of the 300 military personnel who
participated were given a daily dose of 167mg of Magnesium supplement
and the other half were given placebo supplements. Since this was a blind
study, both groups were unaware of how much magnesium, or no
magnesium at all, they were ingesting.
After a period of 2 months, both groups were tested. The one that received
controlled amounts of magnesium recorded an increase in the minerals
quantity in the body. It was concluded that these individuals were less likely
to experience hearing loss when they went for service; and even if they did
eventually go through noise-related hearing loss, it would be milder than the
placebo group.
While safety aids that protect the ears against loud noises should never be
replaced; their function can be aided by a safe and controlled use of
Magnesium Supplements.
Study #2: To test the immediate effect of Magnesium deficiency, guinea pigs
were used in another trial. These guinea pigs were given a diet that was low
in Magnesium and drinking water that was supplemented with varying levels
of Mg. These animals were then exposed to 95dB of noise for 16 hours a day
over a period of 4 weeks.
At the end of the trial, the guinea pigs had gone deaf because of such intense
exposure to noise and very little Magnesium intake. The amounts with which
their noise thresholds shifted were inversely proportional to the quantity of
Mg in the drinking water. Here are the results:
Amount of Mg Supplement
Noise Threshold Shift
Is A Magnesium Rich Diet The Solution?
In light of the studies, it is clear that a diet that is rich in magnesium and
fulfills the daily dosage requirement is the best way to ensure that the body
is equipped to fight against noise and age related deafness. Both these
instances are gradual and surface with time, hence, the regular intake of
magnesium on a daily basis provides ample of ammunition for those who
are exposed to extremely loud noises.
The following are Top 10 Magnesium rich foods that should be a part of your
daily diet in controlled quantities:
1. Leafy Greens: 79mg in 100g
2. Nuts and Seeds: 534mg in 100g
3. Mackerel Fish: 97mg in 100g
4. Beans and Lentils: 86mg in 100g
5. Whole Grains: 44mg in 100g
6. Avocado: 29mg in 100g
7. Plain nonfat yogurt: 19mg in 100g
8. Bananas: 27mg in 100g
9. Figs: 68mg in 100g
Dark Chocolate: 327mg in 100g
Combining these foods with other nutritious substances can prevent hearing
loss to a large degree. It must be remembered that Magnesium rich foods
should be taken on an ongoing basis. Including them in your diet once or
twice a month will, most likely, make you deficient in this mineral. If you are
then exposed to loud noises, the auditory system can come under a lot of
Role Of Vitamin D In Hearing Loss
In the previous chapters where the Anatomy of the ear was discussed, the
talk of three tiny bones inside the ear was given a lot of importance.
Collectively known as the Ossicles, these bones play a crucial role in making
sure that the sound waves reach the inner ear uninterrupted.
From bridging the inner and middle ears, to performing essential vibrations,
if it were not for the ossicles, hearing would be impaired and inaccurate. In
many people, who cannot hear properly or are moving towards permanent
hearing loss, the ossicles’ malfunction is the biggest reason. Why do these
bones stop functioning?
There are a number of conditions that affect the Ossicles, hindering their
function for hearing. A disease known as Otosclerosis is particularly related
to hearing loss. In this condition, the ossicles get twined into a hard mesh
like structure, thus losing their flexibility and ability to vibrate when sound
enters the middle ear. While Otosclerosis is mostly genetic, in many cases it
can be healed via surgery and constant doses of Vitamin D to help the
Ossicles regain their flexibility and overall structure.
It is important to remember that, though tiny, these bones are just like other
bony structures of the body. They are made from similar materials and have
similar characteristics, just like the bones in the other parts of the body.
Hence, when a person experiences arthritis or the weakening of bones in the
body as he ages; are the ossicles also affected?
As degradation progresses in the body, bones in the ear are also affected.
This means that with age, ossicles also lose their strength if sufficient doses
of Vitamin D are not taken. Since the skin only produces 1/3 of the Vitamin
D needed by the body, additional sources have to be relied upon. Hence,
Vitamin D and hearing loss are highly correlated.
Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common cases found in aging
people. Since many people are ignorant of the amount of Vitamin D they
consume on a daily basis, by the time they are old, the bones in the body are
already on the way to degradation and erosion. What does Vitamin D really
Vitamin D is essential for the bones because it stimulates the absorption of
Calcium. Since Calcium is the main ingredient needed for bone strength and
health, it needs to be taken in every day. However, if you take calcium without
the essential dose of Vitamin D; the former will only be present in the bodywithout being absorbed. Hence, the role played by Vitamin D for maintaining
healthy bones can never be disregarded.
How Does The Body Become Vitamin D Deficient?
There are many reasons for the body to become deficient in Vitamin D. When
the deficiency increases out of control, the erosion of the bones’ surface
begins, leading to hearing loss and many other problems. If you identify
yourself with any of the following habits and lifestyle, it is an indication that
the supplies of Vitamin D in your body may be depleting.
1. Chain smoking
2. Living very far from the equator, without any sunlight
3. A life full of stress
4. Medical conditions like Kidney and Liver Problems reduce Vitamin D
5. Taking Drugs that reduce Vitamin D in the long run
6. Heavy alcohol consumption
Increasing Vitamin D Intake
If millions of people suffer from bone degradation and thousands of these
experience temporary and permanent hearing loss, why is Vitamin D not
being taken? The biggest problem that most nutritionists report in regards
to Vitamin D is that this nutrient is found naturally in a very limited number
of foods and in very little quantities.
There are two ways to increase Vitamin D intake for the body. Both these
methods are often implemented together to make sure that the bones
receive enough of this nutrient. It is important to understand that the natural
stores of Vitamin D have to be supplemented to make sure that the bones
are healthy and able to take up the stress and strenuous activities of life.
1. Increasing Intake With Supplements
This means that if you want to up your intake of Vitamin D, taking
supplements and additional foods is the best way. The Top 10 Foods that are
rich in Vitamin D are:
Cod Liver Oil: 10,000IU in 100g
Trout Fish: 759IU in 100g
Mushrooms: 446IU in 100g
Tofu: 157IU in 100g
Fortified Cereals: 333IU in 100g
Caviar: 117IU in 100 g
Dairy Products: 110IU in 100g
Pork: 93IU in 100g
Hard Boiled Eggs: 87IU in 100g
Plain Soy Yogurt: 53IU in 100g
2. Increasing Intake With Sunlight
Another excellent source of Vitamin D for the body is sunlight. Since outdoor
activities and sports are limited for those old age individuals, it is highly
beneficial for them to spend time outdoors, sitting under the sun. Basking in
the sun exposes one’s skin to sunrays. Since the skin is the biggest absorption
organ, it takes in a lot of Vitamin D that is needed by the body on a daily
Some easy ways to take in Vitamin D from the sun are:
 Talking long walks in the early afternoon when the sun is overhead.
 Spending time by a pool or the beach on a sunny day.
 Opening up windows and doors in a home to let sunlight in all through
the morning and afternoon.
 Building a skylight in the roof for regular doses of sunlight and Vitamin
Many professionals suggest that if sunlight is absent in the part of the world
you live in, Ultraviolet Lamps and Bulbs can be a substitute. The radiations
emitted by these lamps are, in some ways, similar to those given out by the
sun. Hence, exposure to these lamps can also provide a limited dose of
Vitamin D.
A number of studies have been conducted that correlate skin color with
Vitamin D deficiency. These studies reveal that Dark Skinned people (Asians
and Hispanics), who need the least amount of Vitamin D are less prone to
age related hearing loss than White Skinned people whose skin produces
very little of its own Vitamin D.
How Can Nutrition Improve Your
The role played by a nutritious diet for hearing loss can never be
underestimated. Eating a healthy diet that contains the most important
nutrients and antioxidants is the best, most natural way to make sure that
hearing is not affected in humans as they age.
Since half of the baby boomers experience some kind of hearing impairment,
it is safe to assume that hearing loss has become a common problem
nowadays. Numerous studies and researches have been carried out that
correlate the long-term consequences of healthy and unhealthy diets on the
ability to hear when one crosses the age of 60.
We have previously provided evidence that aging does in fact affect hearing;
leading to a condition called Presbycusis. Now let’s look at the same link with
the inclusion of a nutritious and healthy diet.
Studies That Prove The Positive Effects Of Nutrition On
In one particular clinical trial, 21 rats aged 2 were used as a subject of the
study. These rats were considered old in the animal kingdom; hence, the case
of hearing loss could be tested. These rodents were divided into 3 groups of
7, and each group was given a different supplement.
Group One was given a supplement of ALC (acetyl-L-carnitine), Group Two
was given ALA (alpha-lipoic acid) and Group Three was given a Placebo Sugar
Pill. For six weeks of the trial, the rodents were monitored. In the placebo
group, the level of hearing seemed to have deteriorated as the rats aged
more with time. They had a delayed response to noise and their decibel
thresholds started to shift.
Those who had either of the two supplements were unaffected by age related
hearing loss. In fact, hearing improved in these two groups of rats and they
were able to hear various sounds much more easily. This means that taking
supplements did not only hinder hearing loss, it also improved the hearing
condition even if it was on its way to deteriorate.
Overall, the placebo group lost 3-7dB of hearing, while the latter two groups
experiencing an improvement 7-10dB. It was also noted that most of this
improvement came about 6 months after the treatment was halted.
Moreover, the ALA Group was more effective at improving hearing for low
frequencies, while ALC was more effective for higher frequencies.
The results of this study indicated that taking both these compounds
together as dietary supplements, has a phenomenal effect on reducing
hearing loss and preventing Presbycusis. Such studies are proof enough to
bust myths that have made humans believe that age related hearing loss is
an inevitable consequence of getting older.
With the correct nutrients and supplements, inner ear infections and other
conditions can be prevented from spreading so much that hearing is lost for
good. An extension of the same study also concluded that supplements like
ALA, ALC and Coenzyme Q10 have the power to subsequently reduce freeradical damage everywhere in the body. This means that when these
substances are taken as prescribed, the sensitive membrane of the cells
called Mitochondria, are protected from damage; hence ensuring their
smooth and healthy growth.
Most nutritious foods for hearing loss
To an extent, all such nutrients are naturally found in meat, fruits, vegetables
and nuts, which makes their consumption not only beneficial but highly
necessary as well. In the previous topic, we talked about three main nutrients;
Magnesium, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin D. Apart from these, there are many
more supplements of a nutritious diet that are needed in ample amounts.
Amino Acids and Antioxidants
Amino Acids have proven to be highly effective against noise induced
hearing loss. While a regular human being may experience temporary
hearing loss after being exposed to unusually high noises, those who
take n-acetyl-cysteine, a type of amino acid, are known to be protected
against any ear damage due to loud noises.
Similarly, antioxidants like Alpha Lipoic Acid are very necessary in
protecting and regenerating the mitochondria of the hair follicles in
the inner ear, thus improving hearing.
Apart from Vitamin D, many other types of vitamins are responsible for
various functions that need to be in sync for hearing to be top notch.
o Vitamin A: Deficiency of Vitamin A reduces sensory functions and
adversely affects noise susceptibility. Not only this, the
importance of Vitamin A is apparent from its role in the
development of the inner ear structure as well.
o Vitamin B Complex: Vitamin B Complex helps in improving the
ability to hear. Supplements of Vitamin B Complex reduce ear
pressure and have been used for years as a therapeutic remedy
for acute hearing loss and tinnitus.
o Vitamin C: Vitamin C supplements have proven beneficial for the
growth and maintenance of cochlear hair. Moreover, Vitamin C is
a natural immune booster, which means it is the best way to
strengthen the immune system without taking unnatural
supplements. Since ear infections are a top cause of hearing loss,
including Vitamin C in your diet is essential for healthy hearing.
Most doctors recommend a regular dose of vitamin C on a daily
Large stores of Vitamin C are found in foods like:
Fresh Herbs
o Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. When added to
the dietary requirements of those with noise related hearing loss,
it significantly improved recovery rates and made the sense of
hearing stronger. Foods that have the most Vitamin E are:
 Sunflower seeds
 Leafy greens
 Almonds
 Mangos
 Olive oil
 Broccoli
 Kiwi
 Bell peppers
 Papaya
o B12: Deficiency of B12 is associated with nervous and vascular
breakdowns, both of which are detrimental to healthy hearing.
Moreover, the lack of B12 also inhibits the protective coating of
the neurons in the inner ear. Consuming B12 is hard for vegans
and vegetarians because this nutrient is mostly found in animal
meat that is acted upon by beneficial bacteria and fungi.
B12 is mostly taken in the form of synthetic supplements.
However, for those who want to keep it all natural, foods rich in
B12 are:
 Nori, an edible seaweed
 Spirulina
o Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is responsible for the regulation of fluids
in the ear. Its deficiency creates hindrances in the brainstem
auditory pathways.
The biggest cause of age related hearing loss is the deterioration of
cochlear hair in the ears that vibrate and oscillate when sound waves
enter the pinna. In this regard, minerals are essential to ensure healthy
growth and flexibility of these hairs. A diet that is lacking essential
quantities of zinc, copper and iodine contributes to cochlear lesions
that eventually lead to hearing loss.
Iron, in particular, is needed for the healthy upkeep of the middle ear
that suffers unprecedented damage in its absence.
In a Chinese study, school-going children who were otherwise healthy
were made to take controlled doses of iodized salt. Over a period,
iodine helps improve impaired hearing and other ear related
conditions like infections, swelling and aches.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 Fatty Acids are the good fats found in many types of foods.
These fatty tissues are essential for the body to perform everyday
functions that involve the immune system. Since fat stores are located
all over the body, and are needed for tissue repair - consuming
essential Omega 3s is necessary to reduce inflammation and repair
tissues within the affected skin.
Foods that are rich in Omega 3 include:
o Olive Oil
o Red and black beans
o Flaxseed
o Walnuts
o Coconut oil
o Sacha Inchi Oil
o Chai Seeds
Folate is known to prevent birth defects- deafness from birth being one
such problem. Adequate amount of folate in the body ensures that it
functions and responds to infections and bacteria promptly, which
prevents sudden hearing loss. Since folate is water soluble, it passes
out of the body every now and then. Hence, regular doses have to be
taken. Some foods that contain folate include:
o Broccoli
o Asparagus
o Lentils
o Beans
o Avocado
Potassium plays an important role in dictating the way cells interact
within the inner ear, making it one of the most needed nutrients for a
healthy sense of hearing. As we age, potassium levels in the body drop
and the ears the first organ to notice this decrease. Both, noise and age
related hearing loss can be prevented with adequate intake of
potassium throughout one’s life.
Foods that have a high concentration of potassium include:
Lima Beans
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), as mentioned previously in clinical studies, is
an essential supplement needed by the body. Since ALA is an enzyme
facilitator and a powerful antioxidant, it protects the ear from freeradical damage and also helps generate mitochondria in the inner ear.
It also helps nervous function in the body, enabling sound to be
converted to nervous signals efficiently.
Some foods that contain ALA are:
o Sweet Potatoes
o Spinach
o Broccoli
All these studies show that nutrition is a key element that keeps hearing loss
and other related problems at bay. A healthy diet and a lifestyle that ensures
all nutrients are taken in the right balance is necessary to prevent noise and
age related hearing loss in adults as well as senior citizens.
Preventing Hearing Loss
Steps to prevent hearing loss
earing loss can happen to anyone. It does not matter how old you
are, but if your ears are being exposed to loud noise regularly, you
are in a serious risk of damaging your hearing. It has been observed
that a considerable percentage value of workers suffer from hearing loss who
are being exposed to occupational noise. Whether it is noise at work, or that
of a lawn mower, or noisy events such as concerts, or that of a hair dryer,
coffee mixers, grinders, garbage disposal, mp3 players, loud noise has proved
to be extremely dangerous for ears and may cause noise-induced hearing
loss (NIHL). Hearing loss may not always be reversible, and in some severe
cases, it may cause permanent damage to your ears and the connected
auditory nerves.
With the help of recent studies, it has become evident that free radicals are
the main reason of hearing loss in most cases, and they are responsible for
damaging your hearing ability more than the damaged underlying hair cells
in the ear canal. Therefore, it is easier to follow such steps and adapt such a
lifestyle that helps in preventing hearing loss and development of other
associated hearing disorders. Hearing loss can also be preserved with the
help of a well-nourishing diet plan, which is rich in antioxidants, which
counter the effect of free radicals.
Lifestyle choices
To prevent your hearing ability from being damaged, and reduce risk of
developing age-related hearing loss, there are a few useful tips that you
should consider applying in your lifestyle.
 It is best that you avoid exposure of excessive noise to your ears. If the
sound is too loud for your ears, that you are unable to hear your own
voice or the voice of others speaking, then you might be at risk of
damaging your hearing ability. For example, if the ambient noise is too
loud in a movie theatre or restaurant, you can either avoid getting such
exposure or ask the supervisor to turn it down.
It is advisable to buy such appliances and devices for your house, that
create the least amount noise. For example, while buying a generator
for your house, it is best that you check its noise limit before you
purchase it. Since you are exposing yourself, other family members and
your neighbors to such noise, which may risk in causing hearing loss.
 Wherever you have doubt that you are going to be exposed to loud
noise and have little choice of avoiding it, you can always use ear
protection. Earplugs are soft, plastic or rubber-made ear protecting
item, which you can get easily off the shelf. Musicians and singers
usually use them, where they are trying to quieten the ambience noise
and synchronize frequencies, in order to hear themselves play or sing
to the audience. Earplugs can lower the noise levels from fifteen to
twenty decibels.
 Earmuffs are also very useful specially to protect your ears from
occupational noise, and widely used in such organizations. Earmuffs
cover your ear completely, giving a more secure protection to your
ears. The most common occupations that put your ears to risk include
those of firefighters, police officers, factory workers, entertainment
industry professionals, musicians, military personnel, heavy industry
workers, construction workers, farmers, miners etc.
Ear cleaning
For healthy ear conditions and
good hearing abilities, ears do not
need to be cleaned, unless signs of
an ear infection or other hearing
disorder appear. Ear infections can
be the most painful thing a person
experiences, and they are usually
developed due to clogged ears by
either over consummation of
earwax in the ears, by fungal growth or any other infectious host. Clogged
ears can also be caused by undiagnosed allergies. What appears to be a
recurring cold, may actually be an unidentified development of allergy in the
body. This may put your hearing ability in serious risk. It is best to get your
ears checked and identify any associated allergies that may be causing ear
The ears should be cleaned by the doctor in case of excessive earwax
accumulation, and may cause symptoms of the following ear problems start
to surface.
 Earache, pudginess of the ear or the sensation you get when you wear
 Tinnitus, ringing of the ears or noisy ears
 Partial hearing loss, which may be caused due to trauma or accident
 Itching ears, odor or discharge of fluid from ears
 Cough
For cleaning ears, it is best to use a piece of cloth, which has been dipped in
lukewarm water, and clean the outer ear with it. Do not insert anything in the
ear canal on your own. The cloth therapy will immediately ease out the pain
and give relief from discomfort. Other methods of ear cleaning include use
of mineral oil, baby oil, mustard oil, olive oil or glycerin, to be used with a
dropper into the ear. This is mostly recommended for clearing our infectious
fluid from the ear, which gets discharged out.
Removing earwax manually is also effective, depending on the condition and
symptoms of the patient. A suction instrument is used to clear out the wax
congestion from the ear canal. Then, a magnifying glass is used to inspect
the inner condition of the ear. This method is used on conditional basis;
especially for those patients who might be suffering from diabetes, or have
very weak immune system, or whose ear canal is extremely narrow, or the
eardrum might be perforated.
Hearing loss can be prevented by consuming a well-balanced diet that is rich
in antioxidants such as vitamin A, E and C, B-12, Omega-3, zinc, magnesium
etc. these anti-oxidants fight against the free radicals that are produced when
your ears are exposed to loud noise. These free radicals damage your cochlea
and even the bone structure of your ear, creating a high risk of hearing
disorders. Examples of food rich in vitamin A, E and C include most of the
fruits and vegetables. Magnesium is abundantly found in bananas, soybeans,
artichokes, squash and broccoli. While zinc is found in mushrooms,
chocolate, spinach, cashew and oysters. Maintaining vitamin D levels in your
body is also very important, especially for preventing your ears from getting
damage. The vitamin D levels keep your ear structure intact and protects it
from developing weak bone density
disorder, known as osteopenia. Vitamin D
is found in salami, milk, tofu, salmon and
For those who are suffering from hearing
loss or associated disorders, they are
prescribed by doctors to take supplements
or pills, which constitute of a combination
of the above-mentioned anti-oxidants, for
efficient results and rapid recovery.
Exposure to certain chemicals
Hearing loss associated with exposure to
chemicals begins with high frequency of
damage and result in irreversible hearing
loss. They may be caused by being exposed to lead solvents, which are
commonly found in crude oil, automobile exhaust and gasoline, and
asphyxiates. These chemicals, along with noise are proved extremely
hazardous for hearing ability and ear functionality. The risk of hearing loss
from ototoxic chemicals is way higher than the risk of being exposed to loud
noise alone.
These ototoxic chemicals damage the cochlear structure of the ear and affect
the auditory system of the body. The auditory nerves connecting the ear with
the nervous system may be seriously severed and disrupt the sound waves
reception to the ear. Hearing loss caused by such ototoxic chemicals may be
crossed out to some extend by taking anti-oxidation supplements or pills.
Following are the categorical summary of ototoxic chemicals that contribute
in hearing loss.
 Pesticides and Herbicides: organophosphates, paraquat
 Metals: lead, organotin compounds (trimethyltin), mercury
 Asphyxiants: hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide
 Solvents:
spirits/Stoddard, carbon disulfide, fuels, perchloroethylene, p-xylene,
toluene, styrene,
 Drugs: antibiotics, antimalarial,
inflammatory (non-steroidal)
Hear loss associated with exposure of such ototoxic chemicals to human ear
is being widely researched now and industries are focusing on making a more
secure environment for their workers to work in. protective measures are
being taken to prevent hearing loss who are prone to work in such
environments. Recent studies have shown that the risk of developing hearing
disorder in such environment is so high and dangerous, that it is assumed to
damage the auditory nerves more than the level of damage that is expected
from getting exposed to noisy environments.
Workers whose occupations are linked to those industries such as oil
companies, vehicle industry and companies who exploit resources to extract
energy resources, are more at risk of developing hearing disorders than
others. The risk is high enough to cause hearing loss in a speed, which is
difficult to control, and prevent. In addition, once a person’s hearing gets
affected in such scenario, it is almost impossible to cure. Therefore, such
industries need to focus more on these underlying problems and secure a
healthy working environment for their employees.
Using exercise to prevent hearing loss
It has been proved through recent studies that exercise is not only god for
your physical fitness, but it vitally helps in preserving your hearing ability.
However, exercise beyond your fitness level may harm your body. In addition,
with the help of extensive research, it became evident that people, who
expose their ears to extremely loud music or ambient noise, may also risk
their ears to develop sensorineural hearing loss. So, make sure to keep the
volume down and do a well-structured workout.
Exercise for hearing loss
Using elliptical and other cardiovascular exercises is the best way you can
prevent your ears from suffering hearing problems. This is mainly because
when you age, the functioning of your ears is directly associated with that of
your heart. Hence, such cardiovascular exercises helps to ensure a better
blood flow throughout your entire body, it also helps in regulating it within
the brain. And since your auditory nerves travel all the way from your ears to
your brain, a regulated blood flow keeps their functions streamlined as well.
For this reason, people who exercise regularly, especially cardio workout,
tend to develop hearing problems very late as they age. A physically fit
person in his 50s may have the same level of good hearing ability like a
person in his 30s.
People, who exercise regularly, are observed to possess better neural
reliability of cochlea and the outer surrounding hair cells, since they are being
provided oxygen-rich blood supply through the blood channels. Such
healthy regulation of blood flow also ensures in preventing from various
toxic-related disease, infections and viruses. Additionally, it clears your ear
from free radicals and inflammation.
As people age, they need to exercise more, especially aerobics exercises.
Since age-related hearing loss is likely to develop in almost everyone, you
can still avoid it for a long time if you keep and maintain a good healthy heart
and physical fitness. According to research, regular exercise reduces your
chance of hearing disability to 15%.
How to start?
Most of the diseases and infections caused in your air is due to intoxicating
effects of free radicals and infections in your ear. All of this can be avoided if
you do a well-designed workout routine regularly. Exercise not only helps in
regulating your blood supply, it also helps in preventing your body from
developing serious ailments such as diabetes and neurological disorders. For
an effective workout result, you need to structure the whole routine in such
a way that it begins with stretching exercises and warm up drills. This enables
your body muscles to get flexible and become lose. So that when you begin
with the actual workout, your muscles will not strain and feel stiff by the end
of the day.
Starting with proper resistance exercise without warming up first, can
seriously damage your connective tissues wrapped around those muscles. In
addition, while exercising, it is important that you take breaks. If your heart
rate shoots up and you start to feel breathless, it is time that you stop the
workout immediately. Sit down for a while and drink plenty of water, until
your heart rate becomes normal. Whenever you exercise on machines, it
displays a chart of ideal heart rate and weight according to age and height.
It is best to keep track of such data since it will tell you exactly how much
your body holds the stamina for that particular exercise.
Tips for a better workout
Here are a few helpful key points that you need to consider while exercising,
for elevating your workout results and body fitness.
 The most important fact to remember is that you should not exercise
more than your fitness level and body stamina. Always warm up and
do stretch exercises before you begin your actual workout, so that all
your body muscles feel lose and flexible. Overdoing a workout more
than your body stamina can take, may cause a sudden loss of hearing
ability, dizziness, nausea and even tinnitus in which your ears may start
ringing. If you start to notice any of those symptoms, stop right there
are take a break from your workout. Take deep breaths and drink plenty
of water, for your body to stabilize. To avoid this scenario, always take
breaks and short gaps between the workouts.
If you feel such symptoms for an ongoing period, you need to consult
a doctor immediately. In such a case, it might be caused by a hearing
disorder associated with the inner ear, or a hearing abnormality, or
even a hereditary defect.
 If the music is too loud in the gym or fitness club, ask your supervisor
to turn it down. Because ambient noise is the most common risk factor
of causing hearing loss and related disabilities. The sound should never
be loud at a level that you are unable to hear the other person talking,
at your arm’s length. The ideal noise level is from 30 to 40 dB. Any
sound louder than this limit may harm your ears. If the supervisor does
not lower the volume, you may use earplugs or earmuffs to protect
your ears, since health should be the number one priority.
 The same rule applies to hearing music via earplugs. Recent studies
have shown that listening to music through ear plugs in high volume
for a prolonged period, may cause hearing disability at a very high
frequency rate. Especially if the sound is higher than 85dB and your
ears are being exposed to it for a consecutive span of time, you are
seriously damaging your ears. Hence, while exercising or listening to
music randomly, make sure the volume is not higher than this limit, as
the purpose of staying healthy and maintaining fitness is being
Using the right foods to prevent
hearing loss
Citrus-rich foods
The fluid-filled hearing and balancing structure of the ear requires a
substantial amount of mixed nutrients to carry out its functions in the most
efficient manner. If you are concerned about protecting your hearing ability,
and preventing yourself from age-related hearing loss, you need to include
citrus-rich foods in your daily diet routine. Citrus is rich in vitamin E and
vitamin C. They are the core sources of antioxidant agents that protect your
ears from noise-induced ear damage and hearing disabilities. Citrus foods
also help in regulating a pollutant-free blood flow in your entire body.
In this way, these foods not
only keep your brain
functioning and nervous
intoxicated, but it also
regulates an efficient flow of
connecting auditory nerves
and inner ear hair cells. The
provides these hair cells with
oxygen-rich blood supply,
and other vitally useful nutrients. Hence, it protects your hearing and other
body functions from intruding toxins that may cause certain diseases,
infections, viruses and other disorders. Examples of citrus foods rich in
Vitamin E and C are oranges, papaya, clementine, lemons, grapefruit,
tangerine, mandarin, pomelo, citron etc. Vegetables rich in citrus include
asparagus, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, bell peppers, collard greens, cabbage,
cauliflower, kale, potatoes, spinach, turnip greens etc.
Dietary supplements
Many dietary supplements are advised by nutritionists, who might be
developing symptoms of hearing disability or auditory malfunction. The
supplements comprise of four starring components including alpha-lipoic
acid (ALA) and acetyl- L- carnitine (ALC). They are considered to form the
foundation in preventing hearing loss. The latter two compounds that are
commonly found in supplements include coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and
glutathione. They also contribute in providing potential value in the antioxidation process. Following are the key benefits of some useful components
are either found in dietary supplements or should be naturally counted in
your diet. Their recommended dosage according to a report on “Natural
Strategies for Preventing Hearing Loss” by Life Extension Magazine is also
mentioned as follows.
 ALA is responsible for streamlining the anti-oxidation effects of the
auditory nerves and counteracting the potential damages that can be
caused by free radicals. The recommended dosage is 100-to750 mg
per day.
 While the ALS is responsible for an efficient working of the brain and
the nervous system, along with the auditory nerves, and maintains an
effectively functioning mitochondria. Recommended dosage for ALS is
500 to 3000 mg per day.
 Glutathione helps in prevention of pollutant attacks in the blood
stream as well as in the internal structure of ear. It also plays a vital role
in fighting against free radical and overcomes the damages caused by
it. The recommended dosage is 30 to 300 mg per day.
 CoQ10 is essentially known to preserve the hearing ability of the ear by
protecting the structure and function of mitochondria. It also helps in
regulation of the anti - oxidation process within the auditory nerves
and blood stream. The recommended dosage is 30 to 320mg per day.
 Vitamin B complex is a well-known food component for efficient
functioning of the entire nervous system and hearing. Its formula is
believed to carry out numerous tasks that are vital to keep your body
functions intact and in order. Recommended dosage comprises of a
well-balanced formula consumed in appropriate quantity.
 Lecithin is the excelling component for preventing or somewhat
controlling age-related hearing loss. According to research, its role is
associated with lubrication and protection of cell membranes. Its
recommended dosage is 200 to 1500 mg per day.
 N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) has been observed to play its part in repairing
of damaged hair cells. It is a form of amino acid, which also contributes
in detoxification of impurities, free radicals and other associated
pollutants. Its recommended dosage is 100 to 2500mg per day.
 Quercetin is known to contribute largely in protecting hearing loss by
acting as an antioxidant agent. It is profoundly seen in most of the fruits
and vegetables. It helps in getting rid of the free radicals, which
damage the hearing abilities by destroying existing cells.
Recommended dosage for this component is 30 to 500 mg per day.
 Resveratrol protects against loud noise exposure and its associated
damages to the ear. It also acts as an anti-aging mediator by protecting
the existing cells from wearing out prematurely. It is abundantly found
in red wine, grape juice and grapes. Its recommended dosage is 40 to
1000 mg per day.
 Zinc is the most popular component that is recommended and valued
by nutritionists. Zinc plays more than one role in maintaining a good
function of the body process. It keeps the brain’s health and nervous
system intact. It also plays a significant role in protecting the immune
system of the body. It is vitally found in the inner ear and eyes,
protecting them from intoxication. The best tip of preserving your
hearing abilities and auditory nerves is to consume sufficient amounts
of zinc in your daily diet routine. Zinc is also found in dark chocolate,
which can help in recovering from acute hearing problems to your ears,
or those who have been exposed to high amount of sound. Its
recommended dosage is 15 to 75 mg per day.
Natural fruits and vegetables with magnesium
Magnesium is regarded as the most important food component for
preventing hearing loss associated with loud noise exposure and
occupational noise. It functions by protecting the cell membrane
permeability and synchronizes the energy consumption and production
process of the cellular network. It is abundantly found in bananas, potatoes,
artichokes and broccoli. Oral magnesium intake is observed to provide
protection against risk of developing permanent hearing loss, especially in
such individuals who are exposed to loud noise for prolonged period. It also
contributes in preventing a sudden idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss in
Consequently, a well-balanced diet is such, which constitutes of all the
healthy and important food components, in proportionate quantities. With a
healthy diet, it is also important that you synchronize your routine with a
structured and regular workout, for maintaining physical fitness and slowing
down the aging process.
Apps for Hearing Loss
How Can Hearing Apps Help
What Are Hearing Apps?
earing Aids we’ve heard
about, but what are haring
advancement in technology, a lot of
progress and development have
been seen recently for those who are
unable to hear sounds at normal
volumes. Hearing Applications are
one such development that has
taken the hearing impaired community by surprise. Just when they thought,
they were stuck with the old school hearing aids, hearing apps came along…
We do not mean to assert that the use of hearing aids is not meaningful
anymore, nor do we urge anyone using them to discard these devices. What
we do mean is that hearing applications have made life easier for users
because they do not need to be physically strapped to your ear to turn up
the volume of sounds. These applications are mostly available for free and
can be downloaded on mobiles, tablets, smartphones, computers and can
even be paired with television sets.
Our ears have the ability to detect sounds easily. From the drop of a pin to
the sound of a draught crossing the room, the lowest to the highest sounds
- it can all be heard. Such is the sensitive makeup of the inner ear that enables
humans to hear, understand and decipher sounds simultaneously. However,
when the ability to hear becomes impaired, the colors of the world seem to
drain away.
How would you like to live in a ‘silent’ world? where you can hear nothing,
and hence, you can say nothing. Those who have defects in the hearing ability
from birth have not heard the sounds of the world at all. But what about
those who could hear perfectly, and then suddenly, they couldn’t? Hearing
applications are designed exactly for these people- to bring some noise back
to their life.
Just like it took researchers and developers years to come up with the perfect
design of the hearing aid- that would amplify sounds just the right way- the
development of hearing applications has taken a lot of years, time and effort
as well. Hundreds of surveys were conducted, researches begun and
prototypes built before the first of these applications was launched.
Since hearing applications are an innovative, state of the art technology, they
require input from audiologists, Deafness Centers and Institutions, people
who find it hard to hear, senior citizens who fear losing their hearing and
finally, the makers of the application. Input gained from these factions needs
to be put together with the available technology to come up with an
application that answers the needs of these individuals.
How Do Hearing Applications Work
Hearing Applications are basically designed to make sounds audible for
those who have either suffered from temporary deafness and are on the road
to recovery, those whose ears have aged with time or finally, those who have
been deaf by birth. Even though each app is built on a different set of
parameters and lets users perform varying tasks, the primary working of each
is the same.
Let’s assume you want to test a basic version of a hearing application that
amplifies sound. Once you have the application on your Smartphone, here’s
how it works:
 Connect headphones to the device and plug them in your ears.
 Open the hearing application you want to use.
 The application interferes with the sound passage and directs the
sounds coming into the microphone through the application and its
own microphones.
 When this happens, the settings of the application either change the
volume of the sound by amplifying it; or translate the sound into words
that can be read off the screen. This depends on the kind of application
you are using and the purpose you want fulfilled.
 Next, if the sound is amplified, it is then sent to the headphones
connected to your set.
 The result? You feel you are hearing a normal sound; or reading off a
conversation from your screen.
Initiatives To Make Hearing Apps Common To All
Hence, in a word, a hearing application is a program that has the ability to
record sounds, amplify them and present them to the user in a way that they
can hear it despite the hearing conditions they suffer from. One of the very
first initiatives and launch of hearing applications came from the Australian
Government in December 2013-2014.
The Australian Government’s Telecommunication Universal Service
Management Agency (TUSMA) launched a hearing application in the country
to help the hearing impaired as part of the National Relay Service. The
government affiliated launch of the application ensured that it was available
for use by one and all.
The application downloads on an Apple or Android Software and can be used
by the deaf to make multiple calls and receive calls just like regular people.
It provides four available options to users to help them interpret calls. These
include Internet Relay, Video Relay, Speak and Listen and Captioned Relay.
After choosing and using one of these, common phrases can also be stored
to make it easy for these people to communicate with others.
In regards to Relay Services, this initiative was the first in the world to give
calling access to the hearing impaired. According to the TUSMA Chairman,
the new application has increased Relay Calls by a margin of 20%.
Transcence, another hearing application initiative has been started by four
Berkley and University of Sanfransisco graduates, Thibault, Skinner, Pieter
and Noore- all four of whom have impaired hearing. It was their own
experience with the world as a ‘silent’ place that urged these people to
develop an application that would help others with similar problems.
With Thibault born in a deaf family, Skinner a non-signer and Peter and
Noore having knowledge of the American Sign Language; the application
made by this powerful foursome is one of the most useful and powerful
programs for the deaf. Transcence uses cutting edge technology like Speech
Recognition algorithms that assign different colors to various voices in the
These voices are recorded in real time, converted to speech and then
displayed on the screen. Thus, a continuous speech interpretation system is
initiated that enables a deaf person to connect with his audience without
feeling left out. Not only this, once the user has read the conversation, he
can respond or ask further questions by using a personalized voice in the
With more than 360 million people around the world suffering from
conditions that leave them deaf, this application, and many more in its wake,
are meant to make conversations- and life in general- easy for them. While
the use of an interpreter costs somewhere between $70 and $120, using
hearing aid applications free of cost, even with the advanced version worth
a few dollars, is definitely a better price to pay.
Are Hearing Applications The Be All And End All?
So are hearing applications just perfect? While many try to be, others are
being improved as we speak. There is a lot to catch up with when technology
changes as fast as it does in the 21st century. No doubt, these applications
are yet to become a 100%, their use is definitely coming in handy.
Many of the hearing applications on the market need to be fixed to eliminate
background noise, to include a sensitivity scale or even to simply update
versions. These changes and de-bugs are ongoing. However, what matters is
that technological advancement for the deaf and hearing impaired has come
a long, long way from being unable to help one of the biggest disable
factions of the society.
The Top 10 Apps for Hearing Loss
The popularity of hearing apps has soared in the recent years. Since being
hard to hear can lower the quality of life severely, hearing apps can help these
individuals in everyday chores. Hearing apps are being used by thousands of
people in all walks of life. As mentioned previously, these applications can be
connected to various devices like televisions, smart phones, tablets and
Most hearing apps are designed to be downloaded for free. These apps offer
basic functionality by helping those with impaired hearing to listen to
sounds, commands and suggestions better. However, another set of apps
come for a fee. These applications are advanced, offer multiple features and
enhance the sense of hearing greatly.
Let’s take a look at the 10 most popular apps for hearing aid.
1. Mobile Sign
Mobile Sign is an aid for the deaf who can now learn the British Sign
Language. To facilitate silent conversations and encourage such
people to learn and feel better, Mobile Sign has over 4000 signs
corresponding to different words and phrases. These signs can be
searched from the predictive search engine of the application, which
also keeps a list of previously searched signs in the cache.
Mobile Sign is, however, only for those who have lost hearing
permanently, and need to keep up with life with the help of sign
language. It is available free of cost.
2. Dragon Dictation
One of the best dictation apps for the deaf, Dragon Dictation breaks
down and simplifies conversations for those who have hearing
impairments. This application works by recording the words being
spoken by one person to the other. The one who is hard of hearing
then reads the works off the screen, understands and is able to reply
Even though some transcribing errors have been reported, the
application does a great job to make conversations easy for thousands
of people all around the world. For best results, this application should
run in environments that do not have a lot of background noise so that
accurate dictation is taken down by the system. Dragon Dictation is
available for free and can be downloaded from iTunes.
3. ASL Dictionary
Another sign language application, ASL Dictionary stores over 4800
different video tutorials for different signs. It is a great learning app for
those who are completely deaf and need to communicate, from the
most basic phrases to the most complicated. What’s highly
commendable about ASL is the feature to play videos in slow motion
and to loop them together to form sentences.
This provides for a very organized and structured approach to
understanding which signs represent which words and phrases. Signs
have been allotted for punctuation marks as well. ASL Dictionary can
be downloaded for $2.99 using a Wi-Fi connection.
4. Play It Down
Play It Down is a very innovative application that provides an Age
Adjuster for music volumes. Depending on how hard a person is of
hearing, the application lets users adjust the volume in relation to the
degree of deafness. Hence, the app accesses music files and plays then
as they would be heard by a partially deaf individual. This program is
particularly useful for age related hearing loss because with age, the
degree of deafness tends to increase. Consequently, it can be adjusted
and used over the years. Moreover, when using it for the first time, the
application also lets users test how old their ears are to give them an
idea of how much adjustment should be made to the volume.
This application is available for free.
5. Tap Tap
Tap Tap is one application that has taken into account the need for
hearing impaired people to listen to cues and alerts in their
surroundings. It is a brilliant application that allows such people to
react to alert and warning sounds by making them audible. Depending
on the kind of sounds a person wants to detect, the sensitivity of the
application can be adjusted at will.
For instance, those whose ears are not hearing properly often miss the
sound of a door creaking. With Tap Tap, whenever a door creaks or the
smoke alarm goes off, the application will flash and vibrate- alerting
the user that a sound is being heard. Definitely a must have application
for the physically challenged.
Tap Tap can be downloaded for $2.99
6. Louder TV
For a mere $1.99, Louder TV now lets hearing-challenged people watch
TV shows and movies with their families. Since the regular volume of
the TV is not within the range that can be heard by someone whose
ears have aged and are not functioning properly, Louder TV adjusts
the TV’s volume in relation to how deaf the user is.
By connecting headphones, the hearing impaired user can watch TV in
the presence of others who enjoy it at the regular volume levels. This
application works as a personal amplifier and amplifies the volume by
many notches.
7. Z4 Mobile
Z4 Mobile takes communication with the hearing impaired leaps and
bounds ahead compared to other applications. This application
bridges the gap between communication that was left by many other
applications. By this we mean that the Z4 Mobile enables a signer to
make calls to a non-signer and vice versa- which was previously
impossible because a deaf person can’t hear and a regular individual
can’t understand sign language.
This application allows individuals to make ZVRS calls by connecting a
video session with an interpreter who verbally translates the signals
into words for the person listening to the call. With such a high
capability and performance, Z4 Mobile is universal and can be
downloaded on any device for free.
8. Clear Captions
Clear Captions is an interpretation service that works with one’s phone
and computer. It has made it easier for deaf people to understand and
interpret telephone calls. In real time, while someone is talking on the
phone, the call is transcribed to make it easy for you to understand.
This application is so useful that is even used by people who do not
have hearing problems, only to be 100% sure of what the other person
on the call has said.
Definitely an app you would have to keep handy for everyday calls.
9. UHear
UHear is more of a daily utility application that allows anyone and
everyone to test their hearing. Since it is commonly known that hearing
loss only happens in old aged people, the application is designed to
bust this myth because many conditions and circumstances can lead
to early hearing lose as well.
The features of the app are easy to use, and it takes a few minutes to
tell whether you have the optimal hearing ability or not. Part of the
popularity of UHear has been in detecting hearing loss and then taking
preemptive measures to cure it.
It is available free of cost at the iTunes center.
10. MyEardroid
MyEardroid has been developed to help the elderly identify various
sounds on a daily basis. This hearing application reduces the
limitations people feel in identifying the sound of the fire alarm, a tap
left running or even someone shouting their name in the distance.
What is unique about MyEardroid is that it lets a user personalize the
app to a large degree.
For instance, users are able to pick the sounds they want to be alerted
about. These sounds can be saved and when they are picked up, the
user will be identified by a text, an image or a vibration. The app is
constantly update to add new sounds and increase its sensitivity as
This list of 10 hearing applications can go on and on because hundreds of
other such programs have been developed and launched for people to make
use of. The application you choose really depends on the kind of features
you want, the cost you are ready to pay for and the various purposes you
want the application to fulfill.
For many hearing impaired people, using multiple applications works best
because they can use the strongest features of each to make sure their
conversational and daily needs are met.
Resources for Hearing Loss
eafness and hearing impairments have become very common
nowadays. More than 360 million people go through this condition
all around the globe, which is why a lot of public services and centers
have opened up in various countries to provide information and much
needed assistance to people who are often lost on how to behave and who
to contact when they age and go through hearing loss.
There is one faction that belongs to the state; meaning State Controlled
Agencies. These agencies are committed to provide health care benefits,
pertaining to ear health and infections. Some examples of these state
controlled groups include:
 Division of Services for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing (DSDHH)
 Department of Public Instruction (DPI)
 Division of Services for the Blind (DSB)
 Department of Aging
 Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS)
 Mental Health Services
 National Assistive Technology Technical Assistance Partnership
Secondly, many state-wide councils and committees have seats allotted to
people who represent those who are deaf or have impaired hearing. Some
examples of such committees and seats include:
Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities
Council for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing
Independent Living Council
Architectural Councils
Emergency Planning Councils
Apart from these committees, many support groups and not-for profit
organizations can also be contacted for hearing loss. These companies are
run by individuals and companies that provide assistance without charging
for facilities and even when they do charge, the rates are affordable.
Within this group, some are highly focused towards hearing loss in children;
while others deal with people of all ages. The not-for profit institutions are
an asset because they provide educational and informational sessions where
deaf people can learn sign language and can learn to live without being
dependent on others for the most basic chores.
Some important resources in this category are:
 Hearing Loss Association of America
 Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA)
 AG Bell Association
 Beginnings
 National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
Other than formal groups, consumer focused initiatives are also very popular
among those who have lost the ability to hear and need to bond with similar
people who have gone through the same experience in life. Chat forums and
open group memberships have been created so that such people can let out,
relate and feel comfortable. Some examples in this category are:
 SayWhat Club (SWC)
 Yahoo Groups
 Hearing Loss Association of America
In case of job and financial emergencies for the hearing impaired, the
following institutions should be contacted immediately.
 Veterans Administration (VA)
 State Programs
 Audient Alliance
 Sertoma
 Hear Now
 Lions Club International
he ability to hear is a blessing for all. Those who lose hearing at any
age, especially because of external and controllable factors like noise
and injury, feel depressed and unhappy with their life. Naturally, not
being able to hear the many sounds in the world is quite unfortunate. Not
only does it lower the quality of life, it often forces these individuals to quit
There are a number of ways to make sure hearing loss can be prevented.
Throughout the course of this book, these methods have been highlighted
and discussed in detail. It needs to be remembered that any one way to
restore hearing or prevent hearing loss may not be effective in most people.
It is a combination of a number of methods that gives notable results.
For instance, the importance of healthy nutrition can never be ignored.
Taking a diet that has essential compounds like magnesium, potassium,
folate, iron and vitamins is not only essential for the body, it is highly
necessary for healthy ears. Since the inner structures need nutrition and
upkeep just like any other organ would, ensuring the supply of nutrients is
the best way to prevent old age hearing loss.
Apart from this, protecting the ears against loud noises that leave
uncomfortable sensations in the ear, poking too hard with cotton tips or
sticks and leaving water or other liquids too long in the ear are some ways
along with healthy nutrition that prevent hearing loss. It should be
understood that while aging is a natural phenomenon and one that can
hardly be controlled, hearing loss could be curbed to a large extent.
Hence, thinking of it as inevitable further puts you in a situation where one
stops taking care of the health and safety of this sensitive organ. Finally, if
one does go through the pain of impaired hearing or complete deafness,
reverting to the Amish ways of healing is a sensible choice. It takes a certain
level of faith and commitment to implement herbal cures to restore hearing.
Amish methods that focus on the use of household substances in hearing
loss have proved beneficial for centuries. These methods build a strong
connection to nature and help those with impaired hearing to finally hear
again, and even improve their hearing compared to what it was before the
deafness became permanent.
Finally, until these remedies are being implemented, one can use the various
hearing applications that have been developed specifically for those who
have challenged hearing. These applications are easily downloadable, help in
transcribing conversations and give an emotional uplift to deaf personnel-all
of which contribute to a high quality of life.
While this guide is meant to provide you with the information you need to stay healthy naturally,
it is highly recommend that you consult a physician before you begin any form of regime or follow
any of the suggestions in this manual.
If you have any side effects as a result of the following information, consult a physician
I am not a doctor, and this publication is provided for informational purposes only.
Most disease and illness is preventable and curable using natural substances. It's been said that
every ailment we face as human beings can be remedied with something in nature. Sometimes it
may be bark, leaves, or flowers. Other times it may be an herb, root, or fungi.
This publication is a compilation of tried and true remedies that have been handed down through
the ages. As many people are trying to get back to nature and use more raw materials instead of
processed poisons, this guide may help you with a cure or remedy for something that ails you.
15-Day Action Plan
aving a natural way to maintain healthy ears and restore hearing loss
is essential for everyone. Even if you are not at a risk to lose hearing,
keeping ears in good shape means choosing a lifestyle that helps
you maintain good overall health.
There are a number of natural methods used by doctors and herbalists who
assert that hearing loss can happen at any age and for any reason. While
noise and age related hearing loss are two of the most common reasons, in
many cases, the sense of hearing becomes defected under unusual
circumstances. Hence, if you have always cared for your ears, and been
mindful of protecting them from damage, the chances of losing hearing later
on in life are very slim.
In this practical guide, we will take you through 15 days of Ear-care. A
combination of nutrition, essential therapies and exercises will be discussed
and implemented on a daily basis. These three elements have been proven,
time and again, to help those with hearing problems and delay the onset of
the same in people who follow these guidelines.
While this mix of nutrition, therapy and exercises isn’t written in stone;
consistency and regularity is important to make sure that these natural
remedies are effective and help you in the long run. Since natural and herbal
cures are less intrusive, yet safe, they take some time to yield results.
Therefore, being patient and making this a part of everyday routine is the
best way to benefit from it.
Week One
Day 1
Take particular care to ensure that your diet has a lot of healthy nutrition. Ear
health needs a specific dietary requirement that is rich in antioxidants. These
antioxidants will help fight infections, harmful viruses and bacteria- thus,
reducing the chances of hearing loss by 20%.
Throughout the day, make sure of foods that are rich in Folic Acid, the best
source of antioxidants.
For breakfast, take two to three servings of egg with a glass of milk. The
importance of calcium for the healthy development of bones- even those
that are in the inner ear- can never be underestimated.
On Day 1, we suggest you include a lot of greens in your diet. Make a healthy
salad with green spinach, rocket leaves, broccoli and other vegetables like
carrots and onions. Spinach is a rich source of antioxidants that helps cleanse
the body of free radicals. For supper, try to include red kidney beans in your
diet together with some red meat.
Aromatherapy with essential oils is one of the most effective ways to restore
hearing loss. Since essential oils have a plethora of benefits, they should be
a regular on your monthly shopping lists. Every day of the plan, you can use
a different essential oil recipe to massage or drop in the ears.
On day one, take the following ingredients:
 Cypress Oil – 10 drops
 Sweet Marjoram Oil – 10 drops
 Helichrysum Oil – 10 drops
 Roman Chamomile Oil – 10 drops
 Olive Oil – 1 ounce
Mix these quantities together in a small bottle. Take a few drops on your
fingertips and massage the areas behind the ears, all along the jaw line and
then in front of the ears. Do the massage with a gentle hand, close your eyes
and relax with the movements. Once the oils are absorbed, wrap a warm
sheet or blanket close to the ears and go to bed.
Day 2 and 3
The next two days, your diet should include a healthy dose of Coenzyme
Q10- another antioxidant that helps break down foods to release energy and
prevents harmful bacteria from attacking nerves and small cells in the inner
ear. Hard-boiled eggs are a great breakfast option, together with a side of
For the rest of the meals of the day, you can come up with interesting
combinations of fish, beef and poultry items. BBQ beefsteak has 2.3mg of
Coenzyme Q10, which is adequate to kick-start a hearing friendly diet. If you
are a salad lover, add a serving of fresh vegan salad with the steak and fish
Coenzyme Q10 is present in very limited quantities in natural foods.
Therefore, doctors often recommend taking supplements. A dose of 50mg
to 1200mg is often prescribed, depending on how much is needed. If you do
not have any apparent hearing problems, you can start taking a small dose
of 100-150mg once a day, for the next month or two.
Herbal Tea:
Following the Amish ways of curing hearing loss, herbal teas made with a
number of beneficial flowers and herbs help keep ears healthy. At night,
before going to bed, make a herbal tea with violet leaves, chamomile and
oregano, by putting these in boiling water and letting the essence infuse for
a few minutes. Then strain out the solids. Add honey to flavor and enjoy the
warm tea.
Bringing some variation in the therapy oils used is a good way to give your
ears the maximum benefit. On Day 2 & 3, you can use aromatherapy twice a
day, morning and evening to keep the ear structures and skin hydrated and
Use the following ingredients for this routine:
 Helichrysum – 10 drops
 Sweet Marjoram – 15 drops
 Rosemary – 3 drops
 Coconut Oil – 1 ounce
Put these ingredients together in a small bowl. When combined, take a few
drops at a time and massage in circular motions all around the neck, behind
the ears and at the nape. The essence of these oils will help improve
circulation in blood vessels in the ear and open up clogged passages.
Day 4 and 5
Deficiency of Magnesium has been strongly tied to old age hearing loss,
which is why it should be a regular part of your diet all through teenage and
adult years. There are a number of foods that contain reasonable amounts
of magnesium. On Day 4&5, after taking foods that are high in antioxidants,
you will focus on taking Magnesium.
The food palette for a Mg-rich diet is quite diverse. Beans and lentils, greens,
whole grains, fish, and avocado are some foods that should be on the top of
your grocery list. You can start these days with a whole grain cereal and an
avocado smoothie to bring some freshness and kick start your metabolism.
For the remaining meals, prepare healthy dishes with fish; sides of beans and
lentils and salads with lots of leafy greens.
Before going to bed, treat yourself to some dark chocolate because it has
327mg of Mg in 100g.
Since Magnesium is one of those nutrients that is not found in large
quantities, it needs to be taken obtained from sources other than food.
Magnesium supplements are easily available in every drugstore. To increase
the amount of magnesium taken on a daily basis, you can also supplement
with dietary pills that give a daily dose of 167mg of Mg.
According to individual requirements, these pills can be continued for two
months or more.
Together with a magnesium rich diet, hearing loss can be kept at bay with
herbs like Ginkgo and Garlic. Amish cures for hearing loss use these two
herbs in particular to restore hearing loss, and to restore it in old aged
individuals as well.
Due to the popularity of Gingko, it is now available in the form of capsules
as well. Consider taking Ginkgo Biloba extract (60mg) a day. This dose can
be increased to thrice a day as well.
Herbal potions for hearing loss that use Garlic can be used to massage
behind the ears twice a day or can also be put into the ears at bedtime. Use
the following ingredients:
 Two Cloves of Garlic, crushed
 15-20 drops (2 teaspoons) of Mustard Oil
Heat both the ingredients in a saucepan until the garlic starts to burn. At this
point, turn down the heat and let it simmer for two minutes. Allow the potion
to cool; then put a few drops in each ear.
Ear Wax Removal Appointment:
Collection of earwax is a common cause of temporary hearing impairment;
but if it is not taken care of, it can lead to unnecessary infections and shortterm hearing loss as well. Ear Wax is not really a nuisance. Within the ear,
there are special glands that produce this natural, sticky substance to protect
the ear from dust, dirt particles and trap any harmful substances entering the
Therefore, the presence of earwax is beneficial; however, if an excess of it
collects in the ear, it can cause discomfort, pain, infections and temporary
hearing loss. For this reason, it is recommended for everyone, even otherwise
healthy individuals, to get their ears cleaned on a regular basis.
Ear cleaning is part of healthy hygiene. It can be done at home as well as in
a doctor’s office. Depending on how much earwax has collected or the
amount of discomfort you are feeling, the procedure to clean the ears can
vary in technique and duration.
Professional Ear Wax Removal:
When you visit an ENT specialist (Ear, Nose and Throat), he will carry out a
detailed examination of the ear. Using equipment and cleaning gear, the
doctor will be able to take out the hardened earwax from the ear canal,
restoring temporary hearing loss. Riding the ears of excess earwax is a
common procedure, hence; make sure you make an appointment with an
expert to ensure your ears are healthy and working just fine.
At Home Ear Candle Method:
If you do not want to visit a doctor to get your ears cleaned, there are a
number of natural remedies that can be done at home. Even though many
experts advise against ear cleaning at home, since the ears are very delicate
and rupturing the eardrum is the biggest threat, the Ear Candle method has
been used for centuries as a popular Amish Cure.
Here is how it works: Take help from another family member to perform this
technique. Wrap a linen cloth on a long, 8-inch dowel rod. This rod should
be 3/4th inch thick in circumference. Drip the rod in paraffin wax and let it
dry. It should harden in a few minutes. When it does, the cloth and the wax
will take the shape of a cone; which enables you to remove the rod from
inside. The Amish called this Cone shaped structure the Ear Candle.
Sit in an upright position and make your partner put the pointed side of the
candle in your ear. Now light the other end of the cone candle. Let the candle
burn until a few inches before it reaches the head/ear. Blow it out. When you
take out the cone and unwrap it, it will be filled with earwax.
Day 6
Omega 3 Fatty Acids have been tied to old age hearing loss for decades.
These substances improve and restore hearing loss and are also beneficial
for the reduction of inflammation and pain in the ear. Omega 3s are found
abundantly in Olive Oil, which is why on Day 6, you will be including Olive Oil
in the foods you eat.
For breakfast, fry an omelette in olive oil and sprinkle it as a dressing on your
afternoon salad. Adding a side of red and black beans to your dinner
incorporates Omega 3 Fatty Acids in your diet. Moreover, during the day,
snack on Walnuts that are rich in this nutrient.
While all types of regular exercises are beneficial for overall health of the
body, a few particular ones can be done for healthy ears. Now, keep in mind
that since you can’t really see how healthy your ears are on the outside, you
may find these exercises useless when you hear about them.
However, even though the results of these exercises are not observed
instantly, they do have a profound effect on hearing and ear health. Since
hearing has a lot to do with the condition and health of the brain, most
exercises for hearing loss restoration aim to strength the coordination
between the sense of hearing and the sense of interpretation.
The Radio Exercise:
Try to hear your mother call out to you over the loud stereo playing in the
TV Room is something we can all relate to. Hearing sounds over noises is not
only impossible for those who are hard of hearing; it is quite difficult for those
who have no problems with their ears.
Making out the right words in the presence of a lot of clutter determines how
well your brain can perceive sounds and interpret the signals sent to it by the
ears. Hence, this exercise aims to polish up this interpretation ability. Sit in a
comfortable position with a friend or family member at a reasonable distance
from you. With no other noise in the background, switch on the radio or the
TV and set it at a standard volume.
With the noise from the TV filling the room, start a conversation with the
other person. Be attentive, hear everything he says, and then reply to the
conversation. All this while, make a mental note regarding how well you can
hear the other person and whether you needed repetitions to understand.
After a few minutes, increase the volume a notch higher. Resume the
conversation. How well can you hear? Take the volume another notch and
focus on the conversation happening. The goal here is to help you tune out
the noises in the background by engaging the ears and the brain
What is the level of volume at which you simply cannot concentrate on the
conversation or make out any words being said? Note the volume until which
you would focus on the conversation and reply. This is the cut off volume at
which your ears and brain can coordinate. Beyond this, you simply cannot
tune out the background noises.
During Week 2, you will repeat this exercise and try to take the cut off volume
Day 7
Vitamin D is another nutrient that is extremely important for healthy ears.
Since bone degradation in the inner ear is a result of Vitamin D Deficiency, it
is important to include this nutrient in daily diets. On Day 7, we suggest you
take a hearty breakfast that includes Fortified Cereals, boiled eggs and dairy
products like cream cheese, yogurt and butter. With a healthy start, that is
rich with Vitamin D, your body will be able to replenish its stores for the day
long exertions.
For lunch, consider portions of Trout Fish or Port- both of which have high
quantities of vitamin D. Grill or fry these portions lightly to make sure
nutrients are not overcooked. Since you have had a heavy breakfast and
lunch, keep dinner light with a mushroom and tofu salad, both of which have
446IU and 157IU of Vitamin D respectively.
The most famous, and safe, Vitamin D supplement that has been in use for
years is Cod Liver Oil Capsules. These capsules have more than 10,000IU of
Vitamin D per 100grams- a quantity that is hard to match with foods alone.
You can ask your local pharmacist for the required dosage and duration for
this supplement. In general, a capsule a day for three to four months is
usually prescribed.
Today’s therapy will involve inhalation- another Amish tradition that has
found its way in modern times.
 10 Drops of Lavender Oil
 5 Drops of Tea tree Oil
 2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
Take an electric steam inhalation system. In the lower part of the inhaler, add
these ingredients with water. Switch it on and let the system warm up. When
it starts to steam, sit/ lay down close to it and inhale as much vapor as you
In case you do not have this equipment, you can warm up a large bowl of
water until it is steam, add the ingredients to it and inhale the steam. Make
sure to wrap a towel around your head when you inhale.
Exercise plays an important role in Vitamin D absorption. Apart from the
many foods, you will take on Day 7 to up your Vitamin D intake, a stroll in
the park or a jog on the beach at 12 noon will give you more Vitamin D than
all these foods combined. The reason? Because the sun is the best source of
Vitamin D.
Therefore, to make full use of the sun, you can head out to a nearby park,
pick a spot with a lot of sunlight and stretch your body. Do some pushups,
crunches and leg raises; or take a walk under the sun. Whichever exercise you
prefer, make sure it is done outdoors.
Week Two
Day 1 and 2
Vitamin C intake is essential for the body, especially the ears. Since this
nutrient is an immune booster, it prevents and fights infections in the ear
that lead to hearing loss. The best way to give the body ample of Vitamin C
is to up its intake with the foods you eat.
To do so, you will start Week Two with fresh fruits like strawberries, kiwi,
oranges and guavas. Have a fruit salad for breakfast and add fresh herbs to
your lunch and dinner. On the sides of steaks and wraps, include bell peppers
and broccoli to make sure you get enough Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is one of those nutrients that is present in abundance in everyday
foods. Hence, you can easily skip supplements for it.
Therapy and Exercise:
A highly effective exercise for hearing loss is called Acupressure. Acupressure
is known to relieve pressure from the head and the ears to ease pains, itching
and to improve the flow of the nervous function. Acupressure can be
performed easily at home. We recommend doing it with some essential oils
like Chamomile and Ginger Extract.
Sit in a peaceful and quite place, dip the first two fingers of both hands into
the oil, shaking off the excess. Place these fingers firmly on either side of the
temple, and tap gently in a rhythm. After doing so a few times, fold the top
part of the ear on the ear opening and tap again- firm but gentle. Repeat
these motions 4 to 5 times and rub oil on the same parts.
Day 3
Vitamin B12 deficiency has the power to affect hearing loss adversely.
Therefore, making sure that this nutrient is present in your diet on a regular
basis is necessary. Rich sources of Vitamin B12 are mainly poultry and beef.
Animal produce that contains bacteria provides the body with the essential
B12. On Day 3, you should make meat and dairy products your focus. Have
milk, cheese and yogurt with every meal; and make sure you take sizable
portions of fish and chicken.
If you are a vegan, taking supplements of B12 is the only way to stock up on
this nutrient. Vitamin B12 is usually present in Multivitamin capsules that can
be purchased over the counter and taken with two meals a day.
Herbal Tea:
Gingko Bilbo- an excellent herb for hearing loss that increases nerve
function- is ideal to be taken in the form of herbal tea. Once you are done
with the day, put some Gingko leaves in a pot of water, and put it on the
stove for boiling. After 20 minutes, strain the leaves and pour the tea in a
cup. Add some lemon for added flavor.
Day 4 and 5
Does your diet include enough minerals? Minerals are usually needed in
small amounts. However, their presence is essential for healthy ears. Minerals
like iron, zinc, iodine and copper are found naturally in many foods. On Days
4 and 5, your diet will focus on foods like carrots, apples, grapes, tomatoes,
figs, kale, prunes, cabbage, potatoes and bananas. Juice up smoothies of
these vegetables and fruits to keep yourself fulfilled and going for hours.
Flavor these juices with salt and honey.
If you are beyond 50 years of age, mineral supplements may be required.
However, you will have to contact your physician in this regard because the
quantity of minerals in the body has to be controlled at all times.
B&B Tincture is a herbal potion that significantly improves hearing loss. You
can purchase it easily from a herbal or drug store. The following mixture
should be prepared.
 6 drops of B&B Tincture
 6 drops of Garlic Oil
Mix the B&B Tincture with 6 drops of Garlic Oil. Put this concoction in both
ears regularly for 5 to 6 months. Together, the potion is known to restore
hearing loss and relieve pain and discomfort caused by inflammation and
Head out to a public park with an exercise mat. Jog for ten minutes and then
lay the mat and sit down peacefully under a tree. It is now time to meditate.
Take deep breaths to increase blood circulation. Close your eyes and focus
your energy to hear the sounds around you. Pay attention to every loud or
distant sound and try to associate it with a source to sharpen your hearing.
Day 6
Green vegetables are important for ear health. On one or two days of the
entire week, try to abstain from meaty foods and look towards vegetables
and leaves to make your meals healthier. If you want an omelette for
breakfast, you can stuff it with a spinach or rocket filling. A vegetable curry
with whole grain bread for lunch is simple and ear-healthy meal. Similarly,
instead of having greens on the side, you can have an entire bowl of salad
for lunch and dinner, together with juices made from celery, cucumber and
An all ‘greens’ day will give you essential nutrients like vitamins and
To ease the ears and maintain their health, you will combine the following
ingredients in a small saucepan.
 3 cloves of garlic
 1.5 teaspoons of vinegar
 ½-teaspoon honey
Heat the mixture on a slow flame to let the garlic extract infuse in the honey
and vinegar. Next, drain the solid pieces and put the mixture in ear-dropper.
Put two to three drops in both ears at bedtime and cover with a towel.
Repeat the Radio Exercise from last week. This time, you can start from the
cutoff volume and take it higher. However, make sure to not increase the
volumes rapidly. Keep one level of volume for a few minutes before
increasing or decreasing it to make sure your ears adjust to the level of noise
in the room. Record your results and keep them safe for comparisons later
Day 7
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant found in mangoes, almonds, leafy greens
and broccoli. To increase the intake of Vitamin E on Day 7, you should take a
mixture of fruits, nuts and vegetables. A medley salad for brunch, with a lot
of almonds and walnut will be the highlight of the day. The remaining meals
should also be a combination of fresh fruits and vegetables that are not
cooked on high heat.
Onion and its essence are a known Amish cure for hearing loss. Not only
does it improve the ability to hear, onion also has anti-inflammatory
properties that help prevent infections, sore ears and itching. You will use
this remedy on Day 7 by peeling and cutting a large onion in half. Preheat
the oven and place both pieces inside for about 20 to 30 minutes at a
moderate temperature.
Take out the onions from the oven and let them cool to room temperature.
Then squeeze the juice of each into a small bottle. Using a dropper, put a few
drops in each ear once a day or every alternate day for a few weeks.
Yoga has been practiced for years as a way to increase blood circulation to
the ears. Practice yoga at least thrice a week to make your body flexible and
improve ear and brain coordination. Lay out a yoga mat in a peaceful room,
or outdoors under a tree. Continuously inhale, exhale, and focus on four main
postures, namely: Lotus pose, Cobra pose, Tree pose and Triangle pose.