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Round Table Discussion: Hearing Loss
How can you tell the difference between the symptoms of dementia and the
symptoms of hearing loss?
Assistive Technology
Can Turn Night to Day
Unusual activities/Memory lapses
Changes due to environment
Dementia – loss of skills, assessment of cognitive ability
Hearing loss – less confident in company and in the community, feel easier 1:1. Seems
unable to ear without a visual prompt (e.g. someone in front of them), seeming to ignore
GP referral, Hearing test
Being aware – different methods of communication, detaching from local
Continued observation, seek background information, monitor changes, use pictures/writing
Person centred preferences for assessment
Varied forms of communication, trying to lip read, check understanding
Be aware of other medical conditions
Physical differences/presents different behaviour
What protocols would you put in place, or have in place, to recognise the
specific needs of people with hearing loss?
In Care Plans / person centred planning
Regulars Checks, record changes, identify staff to assist
Invite re: awareness
Servicing Plan
Outpatient Monitoring/referrals to specialists
Staff Training/Awareness raising for staff
Look for facial expression and body language, be aware of position e.g. face to face
Maintainace & checking of aids, seek guidance/training
Talk to friends and family
Good communication with other medical professional re: changes