Download Hole In Your Ear Drum - Changi General Hospital

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What happens after the operation?
You will usually go home the day after the operation or sometimes on the
same day. You should not drive after your operation, so please arrange for
someone to send you home.
You will require at least one week to recover at home.
A small amount of discharge from the ear canal would be present. This
usually comes from the ear dressings. The packing in the ear canal will be
removed after 2 to 3 weeks.
During this recuperation period, please keep your ear dry and avoid
vigorous blowing of the nose. Before showering, plug the ear with a ball of
cotton wool.
If the ear becomes painful or swollen, please consult the Ear, Nose and
Throat department at the hospital.
Th e a b c ’s o f H e a l t h
Hole In Your
Ear Drum
Accredited by The Joint Commission
How does the ear work?
What problems can a hole in the eardrum cause?
How successful is the operation?
The ear consists of the outer, middle and inner ear. Sound waves are
channelled along the ear canal to the ear drum. The impact of sound hitting
the ear drum creates vibrations that causes the three little bones in the
middle ear to move. These vibrations are then transmitted into the very
sensitive inner ear (Cochlea). Here, the vibrations are converted into nerve
impulses that go directly to the brain and interpret what we hear.
Quite often, a small hole in the eardrum may heal by itself. However if the
hole in the eardrum is large, hearing may be reduced.
For a small hole, there is a 90% chance the operation can successfully close
the hole. The success rate is reduced if the hole is large.
How is the operation done?
Normal ear drum
Perforated ear drum
How can a hole in the eardrum be treated?
Most ruptured eardrums heal without treatment within a few weeks,
although some may take months. A hole in the eardrum that does not
cause any problems can be left alone. If the tear or hole in your eardrum
does not heal by itself, treatment involves steps to close the perforation
would be necessary.
What causes a hole in the eardrum?
It is possible to perforate the eardrum by:
• Poking the ear with a cotton-tipped swab or another foreign object
• Hitting the ear with an open hand
• An infection
If an infection is present, you may need antibiotics.
If the injured eardrum is producing discharge, hearing loss or if you wish to
swim, then it is advisable to have the hole repaired. The operation is called
“myringoplasty”. You should discuss with your surgeon whether to have the
A myringoplasty is an operation to patch a hole in the eardrum. The
operation may be done through your ear canal, or sometimes through
an incision behind your ear. A small graft is taken and placed against the
eardrum. After the operation, you may have an external dressing and a
head bandage for a day.
What complications can occur?
Generally myringoplasty surgery is safe for most people. These potential
complications are rare. They are:
• Dizziness (Vertigo)
• Tinnitus (Ringing in the ear)
• Altered taste
ß A small nerve near the eardrum can sometimes be damaged.
This can cause an abnormal taste on one side of the tongue.
This is usually temporary but occasionally it can be permanent.
• Facial Weakness / Paralysis
ß The facial nerve near the ear may be damaged. This may result in a temporary or permanent paralysis on one side of the face. However this is an extremely rare complication.