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Anima, Indonesian Psychological Journal
2013, Vol. 28, No. 3, 141-144
Psychiatric Disorder in Renal Patients
Faculty of Medicine
Krida Wacana Christian University
Patients with chronic kidney failure are one of the most complex conditions in the practice of
consultation-liaison psychiatry (CLP). This is due to the long course of the disease and treatment. It
is also related to the complications of the kidney failure that often appear to make patients helpless
dealing with it. One of the complications of kidney failure is mental disorder symptoms. This paper
presents three cases of chronic kidney failure that had psychiatric disorder which were common
experienced by chronic kidney failure patients: delirium, depression, and disequilibrium syndrome.
Each case has a background of a different physiology and psychopathology. The handling of cases
with psychiatric disorder in patients with chronic kidney failure were adjusted to patient’s general
medical condition and psychopathology.
Keywords: kidney failure, depression, complication
Pasien dengan gagal ginjal kronis adalah salah satu kondisi pasien yang paling kompleks dalam
praktek psikiatri konsultasi liaison. Hal ini disebabkan karena perjalanan penyakit yang panjang
dan komplikasi yang sering muncul membuat pasien sering tidak berdaya menghadapi penyakit.
Selain itu gagal ginjal kronis sendiri sering membawa komplikasi dalam bentuk gejala gangguan
jiwa. Tulisan ini mengemukakan tiga kasus pasien gagal ginjal kronis yang mempunyai komplikasi
gangguan jiwa yang paling sering dialami pasien yaitu; delirium, depresi dan sindrom disequilibrium.
Masing-masing kasus mempunyai latar belakang fisiologi dan psikopatologi yang berbeda. Penanganan
kasus-kasus gangguan kejiwaan pada pasien gagal ginjal kronis disesuaikan dengan kondisi medis
umum pasien dan psikopatologinya.
Kata kunci: gagal ginjal, depresi, komplikasi
Patients with chronic kidney failure are one of the
most complex conditions in the practice of consultationliaison psychiatry (CLP). Physical conditions dependent
on various kinds of metabolic disorders are just one of
the causes that make the management of patients with
these conditions more complex. Besides the physical
conditions, chronic kidney failure patient’s psychological
condition were also very influenced. Other than the long
experience with the illness, the patients’ feeling of helplessness and discomfort from being dependent on the
hemodialysis machine is often the source of despair,
causing further psychological complications (Blumenfield
& Kassab-Tiamson, 2009).
Globally, there are 200 cases of kidney disorders for
every one million inhabitants. Eight million subjects in
the total population have chronic kidney failure. Previous
research stated that there is a correlation between suffering kidney failure with the development of psychiatric
disorders in patients. This condition can happen in both
acute and chronic kidney failure cases. The most frequently correlated condition in acute kidney failure
cases is delirium (Cohen, Tessier, Germain, & Levy, 2004).
Case Illustrations
Various cases related to the psychiatric disorders
were found in patients with kidney disorders, such as
these three case illustrations with different psychiatric
symptoms and complaints.
This paper has been presented at the 1st Konas CLP PDSKJI "Excellent
Psychiatry”, Yogyakarta 8-10 March 2013. Part of this paper has also
been presented at the Jakarta Nephrology Nursing Symposium “Peran
Perawat Ginjal dalam Mengoptimalkan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Dialisis” 8
Juli 2012 at Hotel Ciputra, Jakarta
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Andri,
Faculty of Medicine Krida Wacana Christian University, Jalan Arjuna
Utara No.6. Jakarta Barat 11510, Jakarta-Indonesia. Email:[email protected]
Case Illustration 1
A 48-year old patient was treated with the diagnosis
of chronic kidney failure, planned for hemodialysis the