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Product Description:
THYROID HEALTH, is meant to nourish, balance and detoxify the thyroid gland. It is used in both
hyper and hypothyroid conditions. However, it is most beneficial for hyperthyroid conditions. Use
THYROID BOOSTER for hypothyroid conditions for best results.
A proprietary blend containing:
YELLOW DOCK ROOT (Rumex crispus) - Yellow Dock Root traditionally has been used as an
alterative and tonic. Basically an alterative, sometimes called a blood purifier, it helps to clean the
circulatory system in the body and to help remove accumulated catabolic wastes. Yellow Dock's
alterative influences are also noted upon the lymphatics, especially on such lymphoid organs as the
thyroid gland. Yellow Dock has a special synergistic function with iodine in dysfunctions of the thyroid
HIZIKI SEAWEED - Hiziki Seaweed is naturally very high in organic iodine. Typical of seaweed, it is
very high in other minerals also. However, it seems to be higher in organic iodine than any other
CALCIUM LACTATE - Because thyroid dysfunction is often associated with calcium loss, calcium
lactate is included to help support the nutritional factors associated with thyroid metabolism.
TRACE MINERAL 74 - Trace Min 74 is in this formula to insure that all of the body's glands receive a
proper supply of all the trace minerals. This substance has 74 different trace minerals contained in it in
a naturally occurring chelate. The thyroid gland controls the overall body metabolism and is sometimes
referred to as the thermostat of the body. Therefore, it is important to help support all the glands
helping relieve the thyroid in its support role.
T-SUBSTANCE - This substance (Thymus derivitive) is included to activate the cells and tissues of
the thyroid gland and to help place them in a healing or stimulation mode. In order to allow the other
herbs in this formula to function more appropriately, the thyroid must be receptive to repair, be
stiulated and be metabolically receptive to the other ingredients in this formula.
SPIRULINA ALGAE (Spirulina platensis) - Spirulina contains a broad spectrum of 'B' vitamins as well
as minerals and protein (the hormone building block) for proper thyroid support.
This formula also contains EDS (Enzyme Delivery System) which is a blend of enzymeand co-factors
to insure nutrient release and benefit.
Recommended Use:
One to two capsules three times each day or as directed by a doctor. (Based on 150 lbs.)