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FEM-GEST - #496
Natures Answer for
Symptoms of
PMS and Menopause
Hormone Replacement:
A woman’s hormone levels change daily during her menstrual cycle. In the first half of her cycle,
prior to ovulation, estrogen predominates while progesterone is low. After ovulation, estrogen levels
drop and progesterone rises. If no pregnancy ensues levels of both hormones drop and menses
Establishing a healthy hormonal balance often reduces such uncomfortable symptoms as:
water retention
breast tenderness
mood swings
hot flashes
night sweats
Medical research also indicates hormone replacement therapy to increase bone mineral density and
counteract osteoporosis. Estrogen therapy for post menopausal women is being avoided by many
physicians since it may increase the risk of endometrial cancer, gallstones and possibly
cardiovascular disease.
Progesterone Therapy:
Progesterone therapy is successfully used by health are professionals to relieve symptoms of both
PMS when progesterone levels are low and/or estrogen is dominant, and menopause when both
estrogen and progesterone decrease.
Progesterone is needed for proper function of the adrenal glands. Stress on the adrenal glands may
lead to progesterone deficiency, often causing symptoms of nervous disorders, depression,
irritability, fatigue and mood swings.
Medical research shows that the beneficial effects of progesterone include:
Prevent and treat osteoporosis
Relieve PMS and menopause symptoms
Enhance the thyroid system
Restore sexual interest
May help reduce the risk of some cancers
Natural anti-depressant and diuretic
Normalize low blood sugar levels
Regulate and elevate low hormone levels
Natural Progesterone:
Natural progesterone isn’t the same as synthetic forms called “progestins” or “progestogens” or
chemically altered progesterone. This remarkable formula is made from plants, not chemicals or
drugs. It has virtually no undesirable side effects.
Fem-Gest is a blend of natural progesterone (950 mg. U.S.P. per 2 oz container) and potent plant
extracts including Mexican wild yam, stabilized aloe vera gel, chaste tree berry, lavender, jojoba oil,
safflower oil and vitamin E, formulated specifically to rejuvenate, nourish and restore deficiencies.
These potent extracts are renowned by herbalists for their ability to revitalize and balance your
unique system as nature’s answer for PMS and menopause.
In a Creme Formula:
Fem-Gest incorporates these potent plant extracts and natural progesterone into a creme. The creme
formula allows the powerful active ingredients to be optimally used by the body because they flow
through the skin and go directly into the bloodstream, completely bypassing digestion. Since the
body uses only what it requires to restore balance, the creme can be used by women of all ages.
The use of natural progesterone creme is based on medical research which documents that these
herbal extracts can help to produce progesterone naturally. Fem-Gest is formulated to work in
perfect harmony with the body as hormonal changes occur throughout life. The replenishing formula
restores harmony and balance to help you look and feel your best.
2 oz
To Order:
Order No:
Suggested Use: Gently rub 1/8 to ½ tsp. on clean skin.
Apply to belly, thighs, or wrists twice daily.
Use 1-2 weeks prior to menstruation each month.
Non-menstruating women use any 3 weeks each month.
Best results with regular use as directed.
Statements about products in articles/reports/catalogues on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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