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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
{jcomments on}Ek het onlangs die die DVD “ Our Created Solar System, What you aren’t being
told about Astronomy, Volume 1
” gekyk. Spike
is die aanbieder wat vir baie jare in die VSA se militêre ruimteprogram gewerk het. Hy het die
ruimteprogram betree as ‘n ateïs en evolusionis en het dit verlaat as ‘n
skeppingsleerder/kreasionis en Christen.
Hierdie DVD wys hoedat feitlik nie een van ons sonnestelsel se planete en hulle mane deur die
oerknalhipotese verklaar kan word nie. Volgens die oerknal moet planete soos Uranus en
Neptunes nie eers bestaan nie. Dit is ook opvallend dat indien die teorie iets nie kan verklaar
nie, dan word daar van spesiale pleidooi gebruik gemaak deur die reuse impak teorie (of “giant
impact theory”) in te span om te help. Dit is die teorie dat ‘n ander hemelligaam die planeet
getref het. Die ironie is egter dat die wetenskap gebou is rondom gelykmatigheid of
(in engels “uniformitarianism”) – dit is die teorie dat alle verskynsels verduidelik kan word as ‘n
resultaat van bestaande kragte wat uniform gewerk het vanaf die begin van die heelal tot nou.
Gewoonlik word skeppingsleerders juis gekritiseer omdat hulle vir katastrofes, soos die
sondvloed, ruimte maak. (Kyk ook
Up with Catastrophism!
Hierdie DVD wys dat wetenskaplikes duidelik die ontstaan van bitter min dinge deur die oerknal
kan verklaar. Die enigste ding waaroor wetenskaplikes lyk my wel baie seker is, is dat dit deur
die oerknal plaasgevind het. Hierdie verklap nogal baie oor die wetenskap se naturalistiese
benadering (kyk ook
Hoekom is daar soveel wetenskaplikes wat aan evolusie glo?
Net iets wat verduidelik moet word: in hierdie DVD praat Spike van "evolusie". Mense kritiseer
hom daarvoor en sê dat evolusie 'n biologiese proses is en nie 'n term is wat in die kosmologie
gebruik word nie. 'n Mens kry egter biologiese evolusie, kosmiese evolusie en geologiese
evolusie. Dus, as Spike van evolusie praat in die kosmos, praat hy van kosmiese evolusie (kyk
). Die rede hoekom hy die woord "evolusionis" gebruik eerder as bv "kosmoloog", is dat 'n
kosmoloog ook kan glo dat God die heelal
in ses dae geskep het volgens die Bybel
. Evolusioniste glo dit nie. Hy kon alternatiewelik ook verwys het na "bigbanggers" (of
"oerknallers" in Afrikaans).
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
Die volgende aanhalings van sekulêre wetenskaplikes spreek boekdele:
Die volgende aanhaling wys duidelik dat evolusioniste nie verstaan hoe die planete in ons
sonnestelsel gevorm het nie:
“Once these planetestimals have been formed, further growth of planets may occur through
their gravitational accretion into large bodies. Just how that takes place is not understood.”
Martin Harwit, Astrophysical Concepts, 2 nd Ed, p 533
“The driving force behind previous attempts to account for Mercury has been to fit the high
density of the planet into some preferred overall solar system scheme... It has become clear
that none of these proposed models work, and the high density is conveniently accommodated
by the large-impact hypothesis, which makes Mercury unique.”
SR Taylor, Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective, p 194
“Mercury is so small that the general opinion is that the planet should have frozen solid eons
SR Taylor, Destiny or Chance: our solar system and its place in the cosmos, p 163
Kyk ook
Mercury—the tiny planet that causes big problems for evolution
Vir Venus, kyk Venus: cauldron of Fire .
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
“The mechanism for generating the geomagnetic field remains one of the central unsolved
problems in geoscience.”
Quoting the report from the National Geomagnetic Initiative Commission on Geosciences,
Environment and Resources
“Magnetism is almost as much of a puzzle now as it was when William Gilbert (1544-1603)
wrote his classic text, ‘Concerning Magnetism, Magnetic Bodies, and the Great Magnet, Earth’
in 1600.”
SR Taylor, Destiny or Chance: our solar system and its place in the cosmos, p 163-164
“There’s one thing on which most geochemists and astronomers agree: The celestial pantry is
now empty of a key ingredient in the recipe for earth.”
Science News, 23 March 2002
“More than 30 years of experimentation on the origin of life in the fields of chemical and
molecular evolution have led to a better perception of the immensity of the problem of the origin
of live on earth rather than to its solution. At present, all discussions on principal theories and
experiments in the field either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance.”
Professor dr Klaus Dose, “The Origin of Life: More Questions than Answers”, Interdisciplinary
Science Reviews, vol 13, no 4, pp 348-356
“It is extremely improbable that proteins and nucleic acids, both of which are structurally
complex arose spontaneously in the same place at the same time. Yet it also seems impossible
to have one without the other. And so, at first glance, one might have to conclude that life could
never, in fact, have originated by chemical means.”
Leslie E Orgel, “The Origin of Life on the Earth”, Scientific American, vol 271, October 1994, pp
Kyk ook
Ons unieke planeet aarde (Daniel Louw)
Aarde se maan
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
“In spite of everything that we have learned during the last few years, we still cannot decide
between these three theories [(1) Fission, (2) Nebula and (3) Capture] [1] . We still need more
data and perhaps some new theories before the origin of the moon is settled to everyone’s
Berian M French, The New Moon: A Window on the Universe (Washington DC: NASA), p 11
Omdat bogenoemde drie teorieë nie een werk nie, word beweer dat ‘n asteroide aarde getref
het (reuse impak teorie of “giant impact theory”). Oor hierdie teorie sê Peter Noerdlinger:
“The collision has to be implausibly gentle. You practically need someone to hold a Mars-sized
object just above earth and drop it, to avoid messing up earth’s orbit.”
Peter Noerdlinger, Ph.D., quoted in New Scientist, 23 January 2007, p 16
Wetenskaplikes het water op maan gevind. Dit is ‘n groot terugslag vir die groot impak teorie om
die maan se ontstaan te verklaar. Erik Hauri sê hieroor:
“It’s hard to imagine a scenario in which a giant impact melts, completely, the moon, and at the
same time allows it to hold onto its water... That’s a really, really difficult knot to untie.”
Erik Hauri, a geochemist at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Terrestrial Magnetism in
Washington DC, as quoted in
Kyk ook
Problems for ‘giant impact’ origin of moon
The moon’s recession and age
Jupiter draai vinniger om sy eie as as wat ‘n mens sou verwag van die oerknalmodel:
“We came to the conclusion... that if you accrete planets from a uniform disk of planetesimals,
prograde rotation just can’t be explained. The simulated bombardment leaves a growing planet
spinning once a week at most, not once a day.”
Richard A Kerr, ‘Theoreticians Are Putting A New Spin on the Planets’, Science, Vol 258, 23
October 1992, p 548
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
“Jupiter is the largest of all the planets, but results in Nature now reveal the embarrassing fact
that we know next to nothing about how – or where – it formed.”
Philip Ball, ‘Giant Mistake’, Nature science updated, 18 November 1999
“Talk about a major embarrassment for planetary scientists. There, blazing away in the late
evening sky, are Jupiter and Saturn – the gas Giants that account for 93% of the solar system’s
planetary mass – and no one has a satisfying explanation of how they were made.”
Richard A Kerr, ‘A quickie birth of Jupiters and Saturns’, Science, Vol 298, 29 November 2002,
“Building Jupiter has long been a problem for theorists.”
George W Wetherill, ‘How Special is Jupiter?’, Nature, vol 373, 9 February 1995, p 470
“I don’t think that the existence of Jupiter would be predicted if it weren’t observed.”
GW Wetherill, The Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems, 1989, p 27, as quoted in SR
Solar System
Evolution: A New Perspective
, 2001, p 205
Kyk ook
Jupiter: King of the planets and testament to our Creator
“’After all this time, we’re still not sure about the origin of Saturn’s rings,’ says Jeff Cuzzi, a
planetary scientist at the NASA Ames Research Center. Cuzzi speculates that some hundreds
of millions of years ago – a time when the earliest dinosaurs roamed our planet – Saturn had no
bright rings. Then, he says, something unlikely happened: ‘A moon-sized object from the outer
solar system might have flown nearby Saturn where tidal forces ripped it apart. Or maybe an
asteroid smashed one of Saturn’s existing moons.’ The debris encircled the planet and formed
the rings we see today.”
The Real Lord of the Rings , 30 April 2007
(Hoekom hierdie aanhaling so noemenswaardig is, is omdat wetenskaplikes weereens die
reuse impakteorie gebruik om te nog ‘n planeet en sy mane se ontstaan te probeer verklaar.
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
Neem in ag dat dit dieselfde wetenskaplikes is wat skeppingsleerders kritiseer omdat hulle in
katastrofes, soos die sondvloed, glo.)
“Saturn dumbfounded planetary theorists who study dynamo models by having a highly
symmetrical internal magnetic field. A field that is symmetric about the rotation axis violates a
basic theorem of magnetic dynamos.”
Fran Baganel, ‘A New Spin on Saturn’s Rotation’, Science 316:380, 20 April 2007
“...these theories fail to describe the formation of gas giant planets in a satisfactory way.
Gravitational interaction between the gaseous protoplanetary disc and the massive planetary
cores causes them to move rapidly inward over about 100 000 years in what we call the
‘migration’ of the planet in the disc... Theories predict that the giant protoplanets will merge into
the central star before planets have time to form. This makes it very difficult to understand how
they can form at all.”
Astronomy & Astrophysics press release, The locked migration of giant protoplanets, 21 March
(Met ander woorde, Jupiter en Saturnus sou eerder neig om na die son te beweeg en met die
son te bots.)
“Understanding the formation of giant plantes is currently one of the major challenges for
Astronomy & Astrophysics press release, The locked migration of giant protoplanets, 21 March
Oor die hoeveelheid metaan op Titan, Saturnus se grootste maan:
“The liquid inventory... is not enough in volume terms to sustain the concentration of this
greenhouse gas in the atmosphere on geological timescales. Put another way, there is an order
of magnitude less liquid in the lakes [on Titan] than there is methane in the atmosphere, and
photochemical models predict that inventory to be depleted in ~10 million years.”
Lorenz et. al, ‘Titan’s inventory of organic surface materials’, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol
35, page L02206, 29 January 2008
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
Kyk ook:
Young Saturn
The age and fate of Saturn’s rings
“To place the Uranian satellites in their present (almost coplanar circular) orbits would require all
the trajectory control sophistication of modern space technology. It is unlikely that any natural
phenomenon, involving bodies emitted from Uranus could have achieved this result.”
H Alfven and G Arrhenius, Structure and Evolutionary History of the Solar System, 1975, D
Reindel Publising C0, Dordrecht Holland and Boston, MA, p 219
Miranda, een van Uranus se mane
“No one predicted anything looking like Miranda.”
SR Taylor, Destiny or Chance: our solar system and its place in the cosmos, 1998, p 86
“The central problem in modelling the thermal histories of the Uranian satellites is accounting for
Croft SK (1988) Uranus conference extracts, Pasadena, 5.10, as quoted in ST Taylor, Solar
System Evolution: A New Perspective
, 1992, p 261
“...scientists believe that Miranda may have been shattered as many as five times during its
evolution. After each shattering, the moon would have reassembled from the remains of its
former self with portions of the core exposed and portions of the surface buried.” as of 1 November 2007
“Although some sort of collisional disruption appears to be required, it is obvious that the
present terrain, with relief up to 20 km, would survive catastrophic disruptions and reassembly.”
Taylor, Solar System Evolution: A New Perspective, Cambridge University Press, p 261, 1992
“Miranda’s appearance can be explained by theories, but the real reason is still unknown.” as of 1 November 2007
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
Toe Voyager verby Uranus beweeg het, het hulle gesien dat Uranus se magnetiese veld
gekantel is relatief tot sy rotasie-as en nie deur die middel gaan nie (kyk Uranus/magnetosfeer
en ook
‘n prentjie
). ‘n Moontlike verklaring daarvoor was dat Uranus se polariteit toevallig besig was om om te
draai. Toe Voyager egter verby Neptunes beweeg het, is dit ook gevind dat sy magnetiese veld
gekantel en offset.
“It seems that the possibility of finding two planets both experiencing magnetic polarity reversals
is small.”
Christiansen and Hamblin, Exploring the Planets, p 424
Kyk ook:
Uranus en Neptunes
“Pssst... Astronomers who model the formation of the solar system have kept a dirty little secret:
Uranus and Neptune don’t exist. Or at least computer simulations have never explained how
planets as big as the two gas giants could form so far from the sun. Bodies orbited so slowly in
the outer parts of the sun’s protoplanetary disk that the slow process of gravitational accretion
would need more time than the age of the solar system to form bodies with 14.5 and 17.1 times
the mass of earth.”
RN Birth of Uranus and Neptune, Astronomy, 28(4):30, 2000
“What is clear is that simple banging together of planetesimals to construct planets takes too
long in this remote outer part of the solar system. The time needed exceeds the age of the solar
system. We see Uranus and Neptune, but the modest requirement that these planets exist has
not been met by this model.”
SR Taylor, Destiny of Chance: our system and its place in the cosmos, p 73
“There have been many attempts to model the evolution of a swarm of colliding planetesimals...
Safronov calculated the characteristics timescales of planetary growth. In the terrestrial region
he found timescales of 10 7 years [10 000 000] [10 miljoen] but the time estimates increased
10 [10 000
rapidly in the outer regions of the solar system and was 10
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
000 000] [10 miljard] years for Neptune –
which is twice the age of the solar system
. It is clear that, in the view of the large timescales found for the formation of the outer planets, a
satisfactory theoretical model of the accretion of planet from diffuse material in not available at
JR Dormand and MM Woolfson, The Origin of the Solar System: the capture theory, p 39
“It’s clear that our level of sophistication of studying planet formation is relatively primitive... So
far, it’s been very difficult for anybody to come up with a scenario that actually produces Uranus
and Neptune.”
Martin Duncan, Queens University, quoted in Astronomy 28(4):30
(Let op “come up with a scenario”. Selfs al is daar a geldige scenario is dit nog geen bewys dat
dit wel so gebeur het nie. Hierdie mense is duidelik besig om te kyk of hulle alles kan verklaar
sonder ‘n god.)
Kyk ook
Neptune: monument to creation
Komete kan slegs vir ongeveer 10 000 jaar bestaan. Dus is die heelal jonger as 10 000 jaar of
dit word van êrens anders aangevul. Evolusioniste beweer dat komete ontstaan in die Oortwolk
of die Kuiper gordel.
“Many scientific papers are written each year about the Oort cloud: its properties, its origin, its
evolution. Yet there is not yet a shred of direct observational evidence for its existence.”
Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan, Comets, 1997, p 230
Vir komete om te ontstaan word komeet-nukleuse benodig in die TNO (Trans-Neptunian Object)
gebied. Tydens ‘n studie is gevind dat daar heeltemal te min van hierdie nukleuse bestaan. Dus
is komete ‘n groot probleem vir evolusioniste.
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
“We see clearly from figure 8 that the theoretical estimates are wildly inconsistent with the
results of our ACS survey. The best-fit observational estimates fall short of the theoretical
models by 2 to 4 orders of magnitude.”
Bernstein and Trilling et al, The Size Distribution of Trans-Neptunian Bodies, as submitted to
the Astrophysical Journal.
Kyk ook:
Comets and the age of the solar system
In opsomming
“We have seen that we know very little about the development of the solar system.”
Martin Harwit, Astrophysical Concepts, Second edition, p 37
“To sum up, I think that all suggested accounts of the origin of the solar system are subject to
serious objections. The conclusion in the present state of the subject would be that the system
cannot exist
Sir Harold Jeffreys, The Earth: Its Origin, History, and Physical Constitution, p 359
Kyk ook
- Die DVD Our Created Stars and Galaxies, What you aren’t being told about Astronomy,
Volume 2
, wat ‘n opvolg is van Our Created Solar System, What you aren’t
being told about Astronomy, Volume 1
- Solar system origin: Nebular hypothesis
- Aanhalings - Kosmologie
- Astronomy and Astrophysics Questions and Answers
- Soek vir “Spike Psarris” op .
- Big bang never happened
- Aussie researchers rewrite Big Bang theory en Big Bang theory under threat from
quantum graphity breakthrough
- Cosmologists can’t agree and are-still-in-doubt
- An Open Letter to the Scientific Community
- Secular scientists blast the big bang
- Has dark matter really been proven
- Hubble hubble big bang in trouble
- Crisis in cosmology continues with conference of big bang dissidents
- Giant Alien Planet Discovered in Most Distant Orbit Ever Seen
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Ons sonnestelsel is geskape
Geskryf deur Daniel Louw
Sondag, 26 Mei 2013 20:00
[1] Daar is vier hipoteses oor hoe die maan kon gevorm het:
1. Fission (‘spouse’ theory): Die hipotese dat die aarde so vinnig gedraai het dat ‘n deel
afgebreek het en die aarde se maan gevorm het.
2. Accretion theory (‘sister’ theory) of Nebula-teorie: Die idee dat die aarde en maan ( o
f die hele sonnestelsel
) gelyktydig uit ‘n nebula (‘n wolk van stof en gas) gevorm het en dat die son en maan die res
van die stof saamgetrek het sodat daar vandag slegs die aarde en maan oorbly en geen stof.
3. Capture (‘daughter’ theory): Die maan het deur die ruimte beweeg en is “gevang” deur
die aarde se aantrekkingskrag.
4. Impact: Die hipotese dat ‘n Mars-grootte asteroïde die aarde getref het en die puin
uiteindelik saamgesmelt het en die maan gevorm het.
Kyk The moon’s recession and age . Let daarop dat nie een van hierdie hipoteses al
waargeneem is nie. Dit is bloot
hipoteses en deel van his
toriese wetenskap
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