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Steve Noll
Madison College
Marketing Professor
Steve was on the team that developed the nation’s first accredited Social Media
educational program here at Madison College. He has written five classes on
Social Media and teaches on those topics. Steve spent 10 years in advertising
and promotion before moving to higher education in 2007. He holds a Bachelors
Degree in Communications from UW-Whitewater and a Masters Degree in
Business Marketing. He is an avid technology fan. Twitter: @ITeachMarketing
Steven Bauer
Networking & Breakfast
The 24/7 Employee
Steve Noll, Marketing Professor
Madison College
Coffee, juice and pastries provided
Jobs Find You in the
21 Century (and how You
keep them)
Alicia Kiser, Human Resource Manager
M3 Insurance
11:30Lunch & Networking
12:45Social Behavior of Businesses
Kevin Kiser, Marketing Director
SOLOMO Technologies. Inc.
2:00 Break
2:15 Digital
Brand Management
Steve Bauer, Digital Marketing Director
Rippe Keane Marketing
Wrap Up & Takeaways
Rippe Keane Marketing
Digital Marketing Director
Steven graduated from The University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire with a
Comprehensive Degree in Theatre with an emphasis in Design and Directing.
After spending time teaching Junior High and High School Theatre he progressed
from teacher to web designer & front-end developer to Digital Marketing Professional. Now with over 15 years of experience managing Search Engine Marketing
(SEM) for Fortune 500 companies, large regional businesses and local niche
entities, he has the skills and experience to get businesses found online while
improving bottom-line profits and increasing the efficiency and performance
of a client’s SEM program through data-driven strategic planning. Steven was
part of the team that developed GO TOAST, one of the first online campaign
management tools for Paid Search. While part of the team at GO TOAST, and
later with Atlas DMT, he spent time traveling the world, literally, preaching the
Gospel of Paid Search, working with agencies and businesses helping them
develop strategies to improve their SEM programs. He has been able to put
all this practical experience towards earning the honor of saying, “I am a
Google Certified AdWords Professional.”
Kevin Kiser
SOLOMO Technology, Inc.
Marketing Director
SOLOMO Technology, Inc., a Madison-based startup, provides marketers a
platform to reveal new brand experiences for visitors in their physical locations
using a combination of analytic dashboards and mobile apps. Leading the
marketing team, Kevin is responsible for shaping SOLOMO’s brand strategy,
driving customer acquisition and delivering ongoing customer support. Under
Kevin’s leadership, the department delivers engaging communications to
investors, channel partners and enterprise brands that raises awareness of
location-based marketing and showcases the value of SOLOMO’s platform.
Prior to SOLOMO, Kevin’s marketing background includes enterprise IT
organizations and advertising agencies. Kevin is a Wisconsin native
and graduate of UW-Whitewater.
Alicia Kiser
M3 Insurance
Human Resource Manager
Alicia is the Human Resources Manager at M3 Insurance. In this role, Alicia
is connected throughout the organization, assisting business leaders in
recruiting, selecting and acquiring talent, as well as acting as a consulting
resource for clients. Prior to joining M3, Alicia worked for Target Corporation
and now enjoys working for a smaller organization that allows her to be more
connected to the community. This includes her service on the board of The
Business Forum and Girls On The Run, as well as volunteering her time as
an HR Consultant for non-profits and with the United Way. Alicia has degrees
in Marketing, Management and Human Resources from the University of
Wisconsin-School of Business and also spent time studying international
business in Vienna, Austria.