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EMG Questions
1. The Suprascapular nerve does all of the following except:
a. Innervates the Supraspinatus muscle
b. Supplies sensory fibers to the glenoacromial and acromioclavicular joint
c. Innervates the Infraspinatusmuscle
d. Cutaneous innervation of the top of the shoulder
2. In a L5 radiculopathy you will expect to find weakness in all the following
muscles except:
a. Tibialis anterior
b. Peroneus longus
c. Extensor Hallicus Longus
d. Gastrocnemius
e. Tibialis posterior
3. The radial nerve supplies all the following muscles except:
a. Extensor pollicis longus
b. Extensor pollicis brevis
c. Abductor pollicis longus
d. Abductor pollicis brevis
4. The anterior interosseous nerve innervates the following muscles except:
a. Pronator teres
b. Flexor pollicis longus
c. Flexor digitorium profundis to index & middle finger
d. Pronator quadratus
5. Which nerve innervates the tensor fasciae latae?
a. Femoral
b. Superior gluteal
c. Adductor
d. Peroneal
6. Which nerve innervates the Sartorius?
a. Femoral
b. Superior Gluteal
c. Adductor
d. Peroneal
7. In a TOS (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome) you may find abnormalities in which of the
following nerve conductions except:
a. Medial antebrachial cutaneous
b. Ulnar sensory
c. median sensory
d. Ulnar dorsal cutaneous
8. Which nerve innervates the latissimus dorsi?
a. subscapular
b. medial pectoral
c. Thoracodorsal
d. Suprascapular
9. In CMT 1A you would expect to find the following except:
a. Pes cavus
b. Distal weakness
c. Loss of reflexes
d. Deletion of PMP 22 gene
e. Demyelination on NCs
10. In polymyositis you would expect the following except:
a. Progressive proximal weakness
b. Elevated CK
c. Rash
d. Fibrillations and small polyphasic potentials on EMG
11. When you are testing the biceps strength you should hold the arm in supination to
eliminate elbow flexion force produced by?
a. Brachioradialis
b. Pronator teres
c. Triceps
d. Supinator
12. Which muscle is responsible for pronation of the forearm with the elbow flexed?
a. Proator teres
b. Pronator quadratus
13. The deltoid muscle is innervated by the?
14. What other muscle is also innervated by the same nerve?
15. Lesions of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus will cause abnormal SNAPs in
all the following except:
a. Ulnar
b. Median
c. Radial
d. Lateral antebrachial cutaneous
16. You would expect to find increased jitter in all the following except:
a. Metabolic myopathies
b. MG
c. Lambert Eaton
d. ALS
17. All of the following originate from the motor axon except?
a. Fasiculations
b. Myokymia
c. Neuromyotonia
d. End plate spikes
18. The femoral nerve innervates which all of the following except?
a. Iliopsoas
b. Sartorius
c. Pectineus
d. Quadriceps femoris
e. Adductors
19. T or F The H-reflex is the electrophysiological equivalent of the monosynaptic
tendon stretch reflex at the ankle
20. What muscle will help you differentiate between a L5 radiculopathy and a
peroneal neuropathy?
a. Tibialis posterior
b. Tibialis anterior
c. Peroneous longus
d. Peroneous brevis
21. In an injury to the medial cord you would expect to find weakness of all the
following except?
a. Abductor pollicus brevis
b. Adductor pollicus
c. Extensor indicis proprius
d. Flexor pollicus longus
22. In the blink reflex you specifically stimulate?
a. Facial nerve
b. Trigeminal nerve
c. Supraorbital nerve
23. The long thoracic nerve innervates which muscle?
a. Rhomboids
b. Trapezius
c. Serratus anterior
d. Deltoid
24. The sciatic nerve may be entrapped by the piriformis muscle
T or F
25. Muscles innervated by the sciatic nerve include all the following except:
Biceps femoris
Adductor magnus
All of these
26. Which median innervated muscles is not distal to the carpal tunnel:
a. Lumbricals 1 and 2
b. Aductor pollicis brevis
c. Oppens pollicis brevis
d. Proanator quadrates
e. Flexor pollicis brevis
27. Match the following:
a. medial cord
Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous
b. posterior cord
Suprascapular nerve
c. lateral cord
Lateral pectoral
d. upper trunk
28. Ischemia due to arterial compression will result in all the following except:
a. Severe denervation
b. Pain and weakness
c. Affects only small fiber nerves
d. Affects all nerves distal to the injury
29. T or F BAEPs are normal in cortical deafness
30. During deep sedation you would expect to find the following except
a. Absence of H wave
b. Absence of F wave
c. Abnormal motor and sensory nerve conductions
d. Normal motor and sensory responses
31. T or F In symptomatic myotonic young children you would expect to find
on EMG
32. A lesion that only involves the tibialis posterior is at which level
a. Deep peroneal
b. Superficial peroneal
c. Sciatic
d. Tibial nerve
33. In MG a decremental response to 3hz stimulation is considered abnormal when at
a. 10 %
b. 5%
c. 15%
d. 20%
34. The posterior interosseous nerve supplies all the following except:
a. Extensor Digitorum
b. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
c. Extensor Carpi Radialis
d. Extensor Pollicis Indicius
35. In which disease would you expect both central and peripheral demyelination:
a. Krabbe’s Disease
b. Multiple Sclerosis
c. Leber’s
d. Fabry’s Disease
36. All the following are found in median neuropathy at the wrist except:
a. Usually Bilateral involvement
b. Sensory loss over the thenar eminence
c. Sensory loss in the first three digits and half of fourth
d. Denervation in the APB
37. In patients with hypokalemic periodic paralysis you except to find which of the
following EMG finding
a. Myotonia
b. Inexcitable muscle during attack
c. Myopathic units during attack
d. Denervation
38. Fasiculations are caused by:
a. Irritation of alpha motor neuron
b. Increased spasticity
c. Loss of muscle fibers
d. Weakness
39. The following are true of myokymia except:
a. Are caused by sustained muscle contraction
b. Benzodiazepine are highly effective in treatment
c. Can be seen in seizure disorders
d. Can be associated with neoplastic disorders
40. With acute less than one week root compression which is the earliest finding
a. Reduced motor recruitment
b. Denervation
c. Fasiculations
d. Large motor units
41. In a patient with a femoral nerve injury which is not expected?
a. Loss of knee reflex
b. Quadriceps weakness
c. Sensory loss of the medial aspect of the lower leg
d. Weakness of adduction of the thigh
42. A lesion of the axillary nerve would cause all the following except:
a. Weakness in deltoid
b. Sensory loss on outer aspect of the upper shoulder
c. Weakness in teres major
d. Weakness of teres minor
43. Which of the following is not innervated by C5
a. Biceps
b. Deltoid
c. Infraspinatus
d. Trapezius
44. A homozygous mutation in SMN gene results in all except:
a. SMA Type 1
b. Sensory loss
c. Decreased motor CMAP
d. Decreased reflexes
45. When stimulating the peroneal nerve proximally and you obtain a higher
amplitude you should consider which of the following:
a. A demyelinating lesion
b. Compression of the nerve at the fibular head
c. Lesion of the nerve distally
d. An accessory peroneal
46. In a patient with an ulnar neuropathy at the elbow you would expect all the
following except:
a. Loss of CMAP in the ADM
b. Slowing across the elbow
c. Prolonged F waves
d. Normal dorsal ulnar cutaneous SNAP