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Chapter 1— New World Beginnings
The Shaping of North America
Name __________________________________
AP U.S. History—Period ____
Summer Reading Assignment
What was the Great Ice Age and what effect did it have on the North American continent?
About when did the Ice begin to thaw and how did they transform the environment on the
continent as a result?
How do most Historians believe the first humans arrived in North America and when? In
what way did humans spread across the continent and what was the estimated population
of Native Americans by 1492?
Three Largest Native New World Empires
The Earliest Americans
What was the greatest reason for the growth of Native civilizations in Central and South
When did agriculture spread into North America and which region was the first to benefit
from it?
North American Native Societies
Ohio River Valley
Up until 1300 AD
Iroquois Confederacy
What was three sister farming and what effects on Native civilizations did it have? Which
tribes in North America benefitted the most from these techniques?
Indirect Discoverers of the New World
Explain how each of the following contributed to the eventual settlement of the New World:
The Norsemen (Vikings) from Scandinavia:
The Christian Crusades and the Spice Trade:
Marco Polo:
Portuguese exploration and settlement of Africa:
Unification of Spain:
Columbus Comes Upon a New World
▪ What was the nationality of Columbus and which nation did he explore on behalf of?
▪ What was Columbus searching for at the time that he came upon the New World?
▪ Why did Columbus refer to the Natives as “Indians” and why is his discovery
sometimes referred to as a massive failure?
When Worlds Collide
1. What was the Columbian or “Old World/New World” exchange that took place
following European discovery of the New World?
The Spanish Conquistadores
▪ What was the Treaty of Tordesillas and how did it help Catholic Spain and Portugal
to settle the New World ahead of their rivals?
▪ Who were Spanish conquistadores and what was their goal?
Other Early Spanish Explorers and Conquistadores
What he claimed for Spain
Claimed all of the Pacific Ocean for Spain
Ferdinand Magellan
Arizona/New Mexico region in search of Gold
Hernando De Soto
Conquered the Incan Empire and claimed it for Spain
In what ways did European economies benefit from the brutal conquest of the New World?
How did the Islands of the Caribbean (the West Indies) support the Spanish New World
What was the encomienda system and how did it work? Who ran the encomienda system
in the New World on behalf of the Spanish government?
How did Bartolome de Las Casas make a name for himself in the New World?
The Conquest of Mexico
What major problem had occurred to the Aztecs just prior to the arrival of the Spanish
What was the name of the conquistador who attacked the Aztec empire? What were some
of the factors that contributed to Spanish success over the massive Aztec population?
What happened to the Aztec capital after it was conquered by the Spanish?
The Spread of Spanish America
What did the Spanish Empire in the New World look like by 1550?
European Explorers that Challenged Spanish Dominance
Area of Exploration and for which country
John Cabot
Explored the East Coast of North America for France
Robert De La Salle
How did the Spanish try to protect the Northern boundary of their massive New World
Empire from European threats in 1565?
What happened at the Battle of Acoma and how was it an effect of Spanish attempts to
protect their empire?
What did Don Juan de Onate create in 1609 and to further protect their possessions? What
did the Spanish build to convert and control Natives in this new area?
What was Pope’s Rebellion and how did it show the limits of Spanish control in the New
Eventually, the Spanish Empire in North America spread as far west as
_____________________ through the efforts of Spanish priests and the growth of the
Mission system.
What was the Black Legend?