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By Elizabeth McCorkle
Image by NASA
The Sun is EXTREMELY important to us all, it
conducts heat, creates light, and makes sure the
planets don’t crash into each other.
The sun takes up 99.86% of the solar system’s
Image by unknown
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.
Mercury has no moons and takes only
88 days to go around the sun. Only 2
spacecraft have landed on Mercury
Image by Bryan Brandenburg
Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.
Venus takes 225 days to orbit the sun and is often
called Earth’s sister because of the similarity in
Image by unknown
Wow, there is just too much to say about Earth, I
don’t know where to begin. For starters, Earth is
the only planet that has Reese’s peanut butter
cups! It is also the only planet that can support
life . This is because we are the PERFECT spot, if
we were any closer to the sun, all the water would
evaporate, if we were any farther, it would freeze.
Image by unknown
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is
home to the largest mountain in the solar system,
Olympus Mons, which is more than fifteen miles
high. Many people call Mars “the Red Planet”
because of is reddish color, caused by the rusty
dirt on Mars.
Image by
Jupiter is the first of the Gas Giants and is the
largest planet . Jupiter is the home to the biggest
storm in the solar system, the Great Red Spot, a
hurricane that has been raging for as long as
anyone can remember.
Image by
Saturn is considered to be the most beautiful of all
the planets because of it’s rings, which are
composed of ice and dust. Saturn is a Gas Giant
and is the planet with the slowest orbit around
the sun.
Image by
Uranus is a very interesting planet. It Rotates on
its side and is named after the Greek god of the
sky. Uranus is also the smallest of the gas giants.
Image by
Neptune has 14 moons and has more storms than
anyone can count. It takes 165 years to orbit
around the sun and the winds can reach 1342
miles per hour. One storm, The Great Dark Spot,
is comparable to Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.
Image by