Download Beefwood/Australian Pine (Casuarina equisetifolia)

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Beefwood/Australian Pine
Casuarina equisetifolia
Florida, Hawaii, Puerto Rico
This species has been introduced and naturalized in warm areas of the US and
many other lowland tropical areas of the world; it is native to northeastern Australia
(where it is called Coastal She-oak). There are many other species of this genus in
Australia and nearby islands.
The name “Australian Pine” comes from this tree’s superficial resemblance to the
true pines. The flexible young twigs, even with their greatly-reduced leaves, tend to
resemble pine needles, and the woody fruits are somewhat suggestive of small pine
cones. The tree often has a conical shape when young, and the foliage is not dense.
Pollination is by wind from small, inconspicuous male flowers. The female flowers
mature to become the cone-like fruits.
2 March 2007