Download Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis `Elegantissima`

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Gleditsia triacanthos var.
inermis ‘Elegantissima’
Compact Honey Locust
Small deciduous tree, broadly columnar to narrow
domed with dense habit, thornless.
Leaves alternate, compound pinnate or bi pinnate,
yellow green in spring/summer turning yellow in
Flowers catkins become inconspicuous amid emerging
foliage. Bares little to no fruit, fruit are red/brown strapshaped pods.
Attractive dark brown smooth bark broken up into long
narrow ridges separated by deep furrows. An attractive
contrast to the light coloured foliage.
An adaptable tree that tolerates a wide range of soil
and climatic conditions, best in moist sites and cooler
height x width (m)
5-7 x 3-5m
growth rate
Moderate to fast
flower colour
Yellow-green, in clusters (male
flowering time
shade tolerance
Full sun to part shade
Tolerant of a wide range of soil types including drought but prefers moist well
drained soil.
low soil oxygen
Tolerates clay, loam, sandy, acidic and alkaline soils and relatively wet sites with
occasional flooding.
compacted soils
Highly tolerant, widely planted in urban areas and generally grows satisfactorily.
pest + disease
Generally not prone to insects that cause obvious damage to foliage.
root disturbance
Performs well with limited root space, there is the potential for damage to assets
by vigorous surface roots.
Low incidence of problem from planting out as industry standard, 2m plus
container grown trees. Easily transplanted.
limb shear
Species can be prone to acute branch attachments. Requires formative pruning
to develop strong structure preferably with single trunk.
weed risk
No records of species becoming established in urban landscapes by self-sown
under powerlines
Suitable. Small size likely to be below overhead services when mature.
habitat value
Not known to provide a specific food or habitat resource for native fauna.
Shire of Yarra Ranges
Streetscape Strategy
Street Tree Species List
Information Sheet