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Dr. Pescatore’s
Metabolic Repair Protocol:
Quick Reference Guide
A supplement to
Dr. Pescatore’s Metabolic Repair Protocol:
A drug-free plan for preventing and reversing type-II
diabetes, prediabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
Dr. Pescatore’s Metabolic Repair Protocol: “Quick Reference Guide”
Quick-Reference Guide
Your 8-Step Metabolic Repair Plan
getting the diet of your dreams, no starvation
or deprivation required:
1. Eliminate sugar and artificial sweeteners.
You simply cannot develop type 2 diabetes
without eating sugar or the foods that turn
into sugar. Purging all of it from your life can
be done in three days.
• Eat fish—your primary source of omega-3
fatty acids. Avoid top-of-the-food-chain fish
like bluefish, striped bass, tilefish, swordfish,
king mackerel, tuna steaks, white and gold
snapper, and any other freshwater fish. Keep
fish healthy by sautéing, baking, or grilling
it. (Never fry.)
• Day 1: Cut the crud—toss all of the obvious
junk food, like cookies, cake, ice cream,
soda, etc.
• Avoid trans-fatty acids. Go to your
cupboard, look at every canned, bagged,
or boxed food, and throw away anything
that has the words “partially-hydrogenated”
or “vegetable shortening” on it. Margarine
should be first on your list. Also, don’t cook
oils past the point where they produce
• Day 2: Unrefine your diet. Get rid of
all the processed, refined, and simple
carbohydrates in your pantry—white rice,
white flour, sugar, corn syrup, and fruit
• Day 3. Ditch the imposters—the “healthy”
or “safe” foods that actually hide sugar, corn
syrup, and refined carbohydrates. Look on
the label for these common offenders:
• Get more healthy fats. My favorite source of
monounsaturated fats is macadamia nut oil,
which I recommend you use whenever you
can. It’s better than any other oil out there.
Concentrated fruit juice
Barley malt
• Eat your veggies (and some fruits). By
veggies, I mean a colorful array of low-carb
greens, peppers, cucumbers, mushrooms,
and bok choy. Avoid starchy vegetables like
peas, carrots, corn, potatoes, winter squash,
and beets. When it comes to fruit, choose
those lower in sugar over the sweet, tropical
Maple syrup
Rice syrup
Cane sugar
Anything ending in “-ose” or “-ol”
Fruit and artificial sweeteners also get the
boot. If you’re searching for a healthy alternative to sugar (both real and fake), look no
further than Stevia—the all-natural, zerocalorie plant extract. Studies show it may
even be effective at improving blood glucose
control and lowering blood pressure.
• Eat more nuts. They’re rich in protein,
monounsaturated fat, omega-3 fatty acids,
and important nutrients. Remember:
peanuts don’t have these same health
• Consume moderate amounts of alcohol.
Only indulge in distilled spirits, because
they’re lowest in carbohydrates.
2. Adopt a high-protein, Mediterranean-style
diet with a focus on monounsaturated fatty
acids (MUFAs). A landmark government
study found that eating a diet with “good” unsaturated fat helped people with prediabetes
reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes
by almost 60 percent. Here are the 6 steps to
Men: 1.5 ounces of spirits four times
a week
Women: 1.5 ounces of spirits two times
a week
Dr. Pescatore’s Metabolic Repair Protocol: “Quick Reference Guide”
3. Exercise. If you’re not already exercising, wait
on this step. Once you’re feeling more comfortable with the dietary overhaul, start taking
a 15-30-minute walk after dinner. You can up
frequency and intensity as time goes on, but,
for now, less is more.
Your Supplements Master-list
1. Glucevia™: 1,000 mg a day
2. Mulberry leaf extract: 200 mg a day
3. Benfotiamine: 200 mg a day
4. Get the right amount of sleep. Aim for 6-9
hours of sleep a night, and stick with it. The
key to feeling well-rested is the consistency of
your sleep schedule.
4. Chromium: 200 mcg, three times a day
5. Vanadyl Sulfate: 25 mg a day
6. Gymnema Syvestre leaf extract:
250 mg a day
5. Detox. Try the 14-day detoxification outlined
in the Detox report, and start feeling better
almost instantly.
7. Cinnamon extract: ½ teaspoon of fresh,
powdered cinnamon a day
6. Support liver health. Prevent the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and
combat diabetes with one miracle ingredient:
Glucevia (or Fraxinus excelsior extract).
It’s the only natural ingredient on the market
that can help address the “stowaway sugar”
phenomenon and help tackle stubborn
glucose levels..
8. Alpha Lipoic Acid: 100-300 mg a day
9. Berberine: 500 mg a day
10.Pynogenol: 50-100 mg a day
11.Vitamin D3: 10,000 IU of D3 a day
12.Selenium: Work it into your diet by eating
white button mushrooms, tuna, salmon, cod,
halibut, shrimp, beef, turkey, and lamb.
7. Reduce inflammation. Follow my two-step
inflammation-reduction protocol:
• Alkalize your diet. Eat more alkaline foods,
like fruits and vegetables, and fewer acidic
foods, like meat, dairy, and grains.
13.Vitamin K1: 100 mcg a day
14.L-glutamine: 500 mg, three times a day
OR whenever a craving hits
• Take inflammation-fighting supplements,
such as fish oil (3,000 mg of EPA/DHA a
day) and a green superfood supplement.
I recommend the Barlean’s Greens
unflavored powder.
15.Probiotic: I personally recommend Dr.
Ohirra’s. For an added bacterial boost,
include naturally brine-fermented foods
in your diet, like sauerkraut, kimchi, and
fermented vegetables.
8. Combat deficiencies with vitamins and
nutritional supplements. All you need to
know about my daily supplement recommendations can be found in the Nutritional
Supplement Superstarts report. Don’t forget that
one of the most important of these recommendations is a biodiverse, Dr.-Fred-approved
probiotic to support healthy gut bacteria. My
personal favorite is Dr. Ohirra’s.
16.Omega-3 fatty acids: 3,000 mg of EPA/
DHA a day
17.Green superfood supplement formula:
1 tablespoon of the Barlean’s Greens
powder (mixed with water) twice a day
Dosages are general guidelines and may be adjusted up
or down depending on the person or combination formula.
Dr. Pescatore’s Metabolic Repair Protocol: “Quick Reference Guide”
Fred Pescatore, MD, is one of the most sought-after natural
physicians in the country. He is the author of the New York Times
best-selling book, The Hamptons Diet and the No. 1 best-selling
children’s health book, Feed Your Kids Well, amongst others.
Dr. Pescatore’s other books include: Thin For Good, The Allergy
and Asthma Cure, The Hamptons Diet Cookbook and Boost Your
Health with Bacteria.
and surgery that come with countless side effects. And it’s not just
his patients that are reaping the benefits.
Dr. Pescatore features it all in one of the most exclusive health
newsletters available, Logical Health Alternatives. A direct pipeline
to one of the most respected minds in natural medicine, written by
Dr. Pescatore himself. These cutting-edge cures and simple healing miracles are also shared daily with his loyal readers in his free
e-letter Reality Health Check (Visit
Dr. Pescatore has his finger on the pulse of natural medicine’s
most cutting-edge cures. As a result, everyone from normal hardworking Americans to international royalty are traveling hundreds
(sometimes even thousands) of miles to visit at his renowned
clinic in New York City.
After graduating medical school at Columbia University, Dr. Pescatore studied in Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Africa, and Europe.
The techniques he gathered have become part of his broad
knowledge of healing.
He’s spent over 3 decades studying, researching and practicing
medicine around the world alongside some of today’s most well
respected physicians.
His passion for traveling and education has given Dr. Pescatore
vast opportunity to research and create some of the best nutritional supplements available today. Coming out with his own line
in 2012, NuLogic Nutritionals, Dr. Pescatore has had hands-on
experience formulating only the highest quality ingredients derived
from ideal climates around the world.
Through his non-stop research and unique medical connections
across the globe he hears about the most groundbreaking natural
discoveries and healing techniques as they happen…sometimes
decades before they trickle out to the mainstream.
Because of the respect Dr. Pescatore has earned in the nutritional
supplement industry, he is a consultant for many firms and has
been instrumental in developing and clinically testing many of the
leading nutritional products. He is the President of the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists, a member
of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, and
belongs to many other professional organizations.
With over 30 years of knowledge in his back pocket, Dr. Pescatore is putting the research, techniques, and in-depth healing
protocols right in your hands–and not in clunky medical textbook
fashion. Dr. Pescatore makes good health easy to understand and
attainable for any age, at any fitness level. His natural approach
to healing confronts the modern day cure-all obsession for drugs
For more about Dr. Fred Pescatore’s Metabolic Repair Protocol, visit: also see:
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