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The ancient Sumerian culture developed in Mesopotamia between the Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers largely due to the development of agriculture. The ancient Sumerians
are an example of a highly developed, complex society because they had the following
characteristics: complex technology, highly organized religion, and urbanization.
The Sumerians lived near the two rivers because it allowed them to survive more
efficiently and develop complex technology to use the water for their benefit. For
example, by 3500 BCE they harvested water to irrigate crops, which was a major part of
agricultural development. Sumerians also used levees and canals to control the
flooding on the banks (Salisbury and Aldrete). Finally, they combined tin, copper and
bronze to make stronger tools, which were used for farming the land.
The Sumerians also had highly organized polytheistic religion. They believed in
many gods connected to natural themes of fertility, sun, rain, and the moon. They
looked to these gods to bless their fields and allow their food to grow. They believed
that if they angered the gods, they would destroy their food source; therefore, they
honored the gods with sacrifice. They built ziggurats which look similar to Egyptian
pyramids. The ziggurats were connected with ramps and stairs and the Sumerians
believed the gods lived within the ziggurat. Additionally, the Ensi, the person who ruled
each city-state, was seen as a priestly, king-like leader because the people believed he
had direct communication with the gods (Wallenfells 100).
Highly developed cities would not be possible without a settled lifestyle and a settled
lifestyle emerged due to agricultural development. Centered around the temple, the
Sumerians developed numerous cities with agriculture surrounding each one. Cities
that existed in ancient Mesopotamia included: Ur, Uruk, Larsa, Nipper, Kish, Babil, Adab,
Umma and Lagash. The existence of many cities led to population increases because
each city controlled and protected the fields and livestock (Spodek 48). This also
allowed more people to organize through specialized jobs, i.e. farmers, merchants, and
guardians. With a surplus of food, farmers then needed merchants who would trade
food for other valuable resources needed to further develop the city states (Spodek 48).
In conclusion, the Sumerians were a highly developed, complex society in ancient
Mesopotamia. Emerging between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the Sumerians
demonstrated complex technology, highly organized religion, and had the development
of cities centered around agricultural development.