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Ch. 1 – Basic Concepts Guided Notes (Part 2)
SSWG 1, 2
Place and Region
• ____ things help determine why every point on earth is unique place (________) and region
• Geographers describe a place by Location = _____ ways to identify
Place names
___________________ location
• Place Name _____________ – How do we name Places??
Can Place Name change?? _______!
• Site __________________________ of a place – climate, topography, vegetation, etc.
• ________________ Location of a place in __________________ to other places
• Mathematical Location Described precisely by ____________ and ______________
Meridians (______________) = Drawn N to S
Prime meridian
Parallels (________________) = Circle glove (E to W)
The equator
• Regions get unity from __________________ Combination of _____________/cultural features and
_____________ elements
Modern term = ______________ Studies
• Each region = a ___________________ landscape
• _______________ = the most important agents of change to Earth’s surface
• Social, economic, and environmental ___________ used to explain distinctive nature of a region
Types of Regions
• __________________ share 1 or more _____________ characteristics
Montana (Laws), _______________
Beware of isolating minorities
• ___________________ organized around _________ point, lessens in importance away from center
Circulation area of newspaper
________________ area
________________ changing role of functional region
• ______________________ based on personal perceptions
Mental maps
American _________________
• Why regions are unique = Culture beliefs, ________________, and social forms
Language, ______________, and ethnicity
• _____ aspects
What people ______________________
Beliefs, values, and customs
What people ___________________ of
____________ vs. LDC
Earning a living; obtaining food, clothing, shelter
Cultural Ecology
• Study of human–environment _________________ = _________________
• Two perspectives:
Environmental _________________
______________ = people change environment and shape social/culture developments
Adopted by ______________ geographers
Physical Processes
• Need to know physical processes to ________________ distribution of _____________
• ______________ = long term, average weather – ____ major climate __________
• Vegetation = plant life; _____________
• Soil = 12,000 types
• __________________
Modifying the Environment
• Modern ______________ has changed ______________ b/t humans and the environment.
• Examples
The ____________________
The _____________ Everglades
AP HUG Unit 1: Nature and Perspectives (Part 3)
• ________________ = force or process that involves the entire world
Makes world more ________________
• _____________ globalization
Transnational/_______________ Corporations
Influenced by ____________ - easier to transfer money globally
• _____________ globalization
Increase in uniform ____________ lead to global culture
Space: Distribution of Features
• Distribution = _______________ of features in space (___ properties)
• ___________ = Frequency which something occurs
___________ = total population divided by total area
Large ______________ necessarily = Dense
Physiological = ___________________ per arable land
Agricultural = # of farmers per unit area of farmland
• Concentration = ___________ of feature’s ____________
• Pattern = ______________ arrangement of objects
Space –Time Compression
• S-T Compression = ____________ in time it takes for something to ______ another place
• Promotes ________________
Spatial Interaction
• _______________ networks
• Electronic communications and the “death” of geography?
• Distance ____________ = lessening in importance and gradual _______________ of something with
growing distance from origin
• Process by which a characteristic spreads across space and over time
• Hearth = __________ for innovations
• _______ types of diffusion
____________ = spread of idea through physical movement of people
_______________ = spread of a feature from 1 place to another in a snowballing process
________ types ______________ (from authority), contagious (rapid, widespread), _____