Download English- Students are writing creative narratives incorporating some

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8th Grade October 2010
English- Students are creating storyboards and completing related writing incorporating
some of the techniques learned in the short story unit of September. Of Mice and Men is
the first novel students will read and analyze in class. Note-taking skills and small group
work will be emphasized as the students prepare a mock trial based on their
understanding of the novel. Students will continue working with journal writing,
vocabulary, and editing skills.
American History- Studying the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the
federal government is the focus of classes as they analyze the Constitution and currentday applications of the Amendments to the document. A trip to Independence National
Park and the Constitution Center later in the month will enhance the study of this
document and its importance in American society.
Science students are currently studying Chapter 1 of their geology textbooks. Students
are engaged in various labs designed to clarify the internal composition of the Earth. At
the conclusion of our Chapter 1 unit, students should be able to describe the interior
composition of the Earth as well as its distinct layers. Students will also graphically
analyze the relationship between depth, temperature, density and pressure which will help
them to explain why the inner core of the Earth is solid, while the outer core remains in a
liquid state. Students will also incorporate this information together with the mechanism
of convection as a reason for seafloor spreading and describe evidence supporting the
theory of plate tectonics. Chapter 2 topics include Forces in Earth’s Crust, Earthquake
and Seismic Waves and Earthquake Safety. Associated activities include an earthquake
lab and a comparison between convergent, divergent and transform plate boundaries.
Algebra II students are beginning an in-depth analysis of linear systems of equations and
inequalities with three variables. Linear programming applications will be explored as
real world examples of systems of equations. Three dimensional graphing will be
introduced to further enhance the students' visualization of mathematical models.
Students will incorporate the use of the graphing calculator throughout this study.
Geometry students have completed the first unit which provided them with a basic
understanding of concepts of Geometry. In addition, worked their way through some
challenging logic problems in preparation for designing proofs. Students are currently
discovering methods for writing proofs, with both form and content being stressed.
Students will be able to utilize postulates, definitions and previously proven theorems in
their proofs.
Algebra 1 students have completed a unit on the study of linear equations and
inequalities and are currently exploring their applications. A unit on graphing linear
equations and inequalities will follow.
Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1A students are finishing up their unit on Probability. Next, we
will be moving into a unit on number theory.
Pre-Algebra students are currently studying probability. An exploration of integers and
number theory will follow.