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Med Surg Eye and Ear disorders Study Guide:
1. Understand the infectious and inflammatory disorders of the eye; how they are treated
and how to prevent spread of infection.
2. Understand the common Refractive Errors.
3. Understand important pre-operative and post-operative teaching for a patient who has
had cataract surgery.
4. Understand the difference between open-angle and closed acute-angle glaucoma;
manifestations; and medication treatment.
5. Understand the primary systems that glaucoma medications can effect and how to
prevent systemic absorption of eye drops.
6. Understand the s/s of retina detachment.
7. Understand what macular degeneration is.
8. Understand what external otitis is and how to prevent and treat it.
9. Understand the proper method for instilling eardrops.
10. Understand the proper procedure for removing an insect from the ear.
11. Understand how otitis media develops.
12. Understand appropriate post-operative care for a patient who has had ear surgery.
13. Understand how inner ear disorders (Labrynthitis and Meniere’s) are treated.
(medication and non-medication interventions.)
14. Understand the different types of hearing loss and their causes.
15. Understand what a normal finding is when administering the rinne and Weber tests.
16. Also, know how to properly instill eyedrops.