Download Officer Report-1318201.pdf - Bolsover District Council

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Old Bolsover
Single storey extension to front
1 Limestone Cottages Oxcroft Lane Stanfree Chesterfield
Mr Steve Shearwood
FILE NO. H2669
Mr Steve Kimberley
10th September 2013
The property is an existing stone dwelling with domestic curtilage to the south set on land
which is designated as open countryside in the adopted Local Plan. The property is two
storey with accommodation in the roof space and a single storey offshoot to the west. The
property has a slate roof but UPVC windows. To the north is an attached two storey stone
dwelling with another dwelling beyond that. To the south is the garden of the property partly
set to grass beyond which is a large recently built timber triple garage. There is a timber built
summerhouse close to the position of the proposed extension. There is a 1.2m high stone
wall to the frontage of the site the majority of which has shrubs planted behind which raise the
screening to approx 1.7m.
The proposal is for a single storey extension positioned to the front of the property at its
western end. The main part of the extension would be 5m wide and have a total length of
8.4m. To enable it to connect to the existing building an extra 1.85m x 2.6m glazed roofed link
is also provided. The ridge height of the extension would be 5m.
The extension would be built of stone and slate to match the existing property. The windows
would not be traditional but are shown on the plans as full height folding style. The application
form gives no further details.
In addition the extension would have a wood burning stove and associated flue on the eastern
facing slope of the roof protruding just over the ridge of the extension.
A small wooden summer house would be removed to make way for the new proposal.
Amendments received on the 20th November moving the extension further to the west and
providing a glazed link between the extension and the existing property. Further revisions
received on the 29th November amending further the glazed link so that it now has a stone
pillar at the corner in order to give better structural strength and ease the method of
HISTORY (if relevant)
09/00429/FUL – Demolition of existing garage and erection of triple garage and workshop.
Approved 26/10/2009
Derbyshire County Council Highway Authority – No objections 26/09/2013
Old Bolsover Town Council – Leave to the District Council to determine. 08/10/2013
Conservation Officer – Verbal comments received regarding the latest revisions showing the
glazed link with stone pillar, stating no objections subject to conditions requiring further details
of doors and materials and 1:20 detailed cross sections of linkages between materials on the
glazed link 04/12/2013
Site notice posted and two neighbouring properties notified.
No representations received.
Bolsover District Local Plan (BDLP)
GEN1 (Minimum requirements for development) GEN2 (Impact of the development on the
Environment) ENV3 (Development in the Countryside)
National Planning Policy Framework
Para 135
The effect of an application on the significance of a non-designated heritage asset
should be taken into account in determining the application. In weighing applications
that affect directly or indirectly non designated heritage assets, a balanced judgement
will be required having regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the significance of
the heritage asset.
Other (specify)
Interim Supplementary Planning Document – Successful Places: A Guide to Sustainable
Housing Layout and Design
The main issues for consideration are the impact of the proposal on the character and
appearance of the area and the impact on the historic interest of the building.
The building is a two storey stone built former farmhouse which was once part of a courtyard
arrangement of buildings the majority of which were sited to the north. The property is of
some age and built in a traditional form in stone with a slate roof. Whilst there is a more
recent extension (turn of 20th Century) to the side the building itself is typical of a high class
farmhouse in the area. The property is not listed nor have any buildings in this area been
designated as unlisted building of merits. There is little doubt however that if an assessment
of buildings had taken place this building would have been designated as an unlisted building
of merit. This has been confirmed by the Conservation Officer. For the purposes of this
assessment the building is considered to be a non-designated historic asset.
Paragraph 135 states that the effect of the application on the significance of a non designated
heritage asset shall be taken into account in the determination.
The property is semi detached forming one part of what is likely to have been a larger
farmhouse. The other part is positioned on the northern side of the dwelling creating a
separate dwelling. The southern facing elevation is considered to be then principal elevation
of this property which now sits gable on to the road. This principal elevation has a small single
storey extension on the western side of the property. The proposal was originally sited to
cover approx 50% of this single storey extension but has been since modified so that the
current proposal is for an extension which effectively is only just attached to the main
property. The access to the proposal is from the main dwelling via a glazed link corridor. This
area of glazing ensures that the extension looks even more like a separate element and
ensures that the main views of the principal elevation still remain. The latest revisions include
for practical purposes a stone pillar on the corner but this would blend into the background
when viewed from the highway. Details of how the junction of glazed walls, glazed roof and
stone pier will work are not found on the plans in any clarity and it is considered that further
details are required but can be asked for by condition.
The main materials of the building, stone and slate are to match the existing. Conditions can
be imposed to ensure samples are submitted so that the materials are a close match. There
is also a flue on the building but this is on the rear elevation and only the very top will be
visible in the street scene. It is not considered to have a significant impact on the character or
appearance of the area but should be conditioned to have a black finish to minimise further
the impacts. No details are given of the folding doors to the extension and it is considered that
a condition should be imposed requiring details in order to retain control over this detail.
The proposal will be easily seen from the highway but because of the glazed link will appear
more as a stone outbuilding albeit with large glazed panels. Whilst the historic asset value of
the main dwelling is noted it is not a designated asset and it is considered that the impacts of
the building as revised are not so great as to warrant a refusal.
Other Matters
Though the new extension is effectively to the front of the main property it is away from any
highways and will not have any impacts on visibility splays. The proposal does not have any
impact on any parking or turning areas and is not considered to have any impact on highway
safety. The Highway Authority, Derbyshire County Council, has been consulted on the
proposal and has no objections. The proposal is considered to be in compliance with policy
GEN1 (Minimum requirements for development) of the adopted Local Plan in this regard.
The building will not introduce any significant privacy or overlooking issues or cause any loss
of light to adjacent properties and is considered as acceptable and meets the requirements of
policy GEN2 (Impact of the development on the Environment) in this regard.
Listed Building:
Conservation Area:
Crime and Disorder:
Access for Disabled:
Trees (Preservation and Planting):
SSSI Impacts:
Human Rights:
not applicable
not applicable
no known issues
No specific equalities issues identified.
not applicable
no known issues
not applicable
not applicable
not applicable
Grant subject to the following conditions:
Prior to construction of the glazed link herby permitted detailed drawings at a scale of
no less than 1:20 showing the junctions between the glazed panels and the glazing
and the stone pier shall be first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.
5) Prior to the installation of the folding doors n the new extension details of those doors
including materials and finish shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning
6) The flue on the rear of the building shall have a matt black finish unless otherwise
approved by the Local Planning Authority
1) Y101
2) Y132 – GEN2 (Impact of the development on the Environment)
3) Y132 – GEN2 (Impact of the development on the Environment)
4) Y155 – GEN2 (Impact of the development on the Environment)
5) Y155 – GEN2 (Impact of the development on the Environment)
6) Y132 – GEN2 (Impact of the development on the Environment)
S Kimberley
Endorsing Officer
Determining Officer
C Doy
referrals to 3rd officer)
Date 11/12/13