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Name: ________________________________________________ Period:______ Date:__________
Resilient Planet
Mission 3 Guided Reading
Mission 3
Riparian Forest and Wetylands
Where are riparian forests and wetlands found?
Riparian forests and wetlands are found along the margins and banks of rivers and streams.
2. Discuss two reasons why riparian forests and wetlands important to estuaries?
When trees line a riverbank, their roots bind the soil and reduce erosion. Riparian trees and wetland
plants filter about 80% of the phosphorous and about 90% of the nitrogen from the water.
3. Explain why the loss of riparian forest and wetlands harm estuaries.
The loss of riparian forests and wetlands not only increases the load of particles and nutrients spilling
into estuaries, it also removes the natural filter from the watersheds that feed the estuaries.
4. In the area below, sketch an example of riparian forests and wetland.
5. Explain, in detail, how oysters filter water.
The particles that catch on the oyster's filters are a mix of microbial bits of food and fine sediment. The
oyster filters and absorbs the nutrients but treats the abiotic sediment as waste. The oyster "wraps" the
sediment in mucus and expels the waste "pellets" which are heavy enough to sink to the bottom of the
bay. In this way, oysters and other filter feeders trap and remove suspended sediment, making the water
less turbid.
6. Describe the population loss of the oysters from about 1850 to present day.
the population of oysters is less than 1% of its former size
7. What are four factors that have contributed to the loss of oysters in the Chesapeake Bay?
overfishing, diseases, loss of habitat, and low oxygen
8. How has the loss of oysters affected the Chesapeake Bay?
The waters of the Chesapeake Bay have become murky and turbid, and have not been able to sustain the
ecosystem, resulting in dead zones.
9. Discuss the pros and cons of limiting fishing in the Chesapeake Bay.
While limiting fishing can give the ecosystem a chance to recover, a total ban on fishing can cost
humans the jobs that support them in today’s economy. Fishermen, restaurants, and canneries, for
example, could go out of business, costing people their livelyhood.
10. Define aquaculture and describe how it can help with the restoration efforts to the Chesapeake Bay
Aquaculture or seafood farms, provides seafood for the human market and reduces the need to catch
wild specimens. Without that stress, organisms like the wild oysters may have a chance to recover.
Name: ________________________________________________ Period:______ Date:__________
11. Describe, each in paragraph form, the following restoration efforts of the Chesapeake Bay:
a. Comprehensive Monitoring
Extensive tests are being done on the chemistry of the Bay’s water to understand the Bay’s
health. Maintaining accurate and consistent records of water quality helps scientists evaluate the
actions taken and plan future endeavors.
b. Managing Lands
Laws have been passed and enforced to restore and maintain the riparian forests and wetlands.
Restrictions and limits on wetlands constructions projects have also reduced the impact of
growing populations around the Bay and its watershed..
c. Restricting Ballast Water Release (don’t forget to define ballast water!)
Ballast water is fresh or salt water held in cargo tanks of ships to increase stability. Ballast water
often enters the ships at the beginnings of their journeys, and can contain contaminants and
invasive organisms. Requirements for exchanging ballast water at sea are being enforced to
prevent alien species from entering the esturary.
d. Fisheries Management
The North American migratory flyways describe the routes followed by migratory birds. Though
the routes vary with each species, they often intersect at estuaries. Estuaries are important
stopovers for the birds to rest and eat so they can refuel for their long journeys.
e. Reducing Runoff
Processing technologies that reduce wastes spilling into the Bay are being used in new
construction projects to reduce point-source pollution. Older waste management technologies
are being updated to meet the new, stricter standards. Farmers are using Best Management
Practices in cultivating and fertilizing their fields.
f. Replanting SAV
Efforts are being made to slow further die-offs and to reestablish underwater grass beds.
12. Describe the 4 R’s of becoming green each in a short paragraph, giving examples of each:
a. Reduce –When you use less, you make fewer demands on resources. Using less also decreases
the amount of waste that can pollute a watershed. Use public transport. Turn off lights in your
house that aren’t being used. Turn down the heat temperature in the winter, and increase the
maximum air conditioning temperature
b. Restore – Cleaning up and replanting native species helps to restore an ecosystem to its former
balance. Clean up trash to allow restorative species to grow. Rip up invasive species. Replant
native species, such as grasses, trees or other plants.
Name: ________________________________________________ Period:______ Date:__________
c. Recycle Instead of throwing away everything in municipal waste, separate out glass, paper,
plastic and yard trash. Buy products that are made of recycled materials.
d. Reuse Don’t throw things out after using it once. Use washable containers instead of plastic
lunch bags; use re-fillable water bottles rather than disposable spring water bottles.