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Circulatory System Study Guide / Review
1. What 2 systems compose the circulatory system?
2. Approximately how many liters of blood are found in an average male? In an average female?
3. Why is blood classified as connective tissue?
4. In which type of bone marrow do red blood cells originate?
5. Specifically which types of bones (and where in these bones) is this type of bone marrow found?
Hint: label 4 types of bones and a specific area of one of these bones
6. What are erythrocytes?
7. What is the main component of erythrocytes?
8. What is the function of hemoglobin?
9. What type of macromolecule is hemoglobin?
10. What color is the blood found in the veins?
11. Do erythrocytes have a nucleus?
12. What are leukocytes?
13. What is the function of leukocytes?
14. What are platelets?
15. What is the function of platelets?
16. Explain how aspirin may be helpful to someone that is having a heart attack?
17. What disease is the result of low platelet number?
18. What is the average pH of blood?
19. What is the condition in which blood pH is too high? too low?
20. What is the average temperature of blood?
21. Why is blood warmer than the average body temperature?
22. How does your blood maintain normal body temperature when you are hot?
23. How does your blood maintain normal body temperature when you are cold?
24. List 8 functions of blood.
25. Albumin, fibrinogen, and globulin are which type of macromolecule?
26. In what part of the blood are albumin, fibrinogen, and globulin found?
27. What is the main purpose of albumin?
28. What is the main purpose of fibrinogen?
29. What is the main purpose of globulin / antibodies?
30. Define antigen and antibody?
31. What antigens would a person with Type A- blood contain? And what antibodies could this person
potentially have?
32. What antigens would a person with Type AB+ blood contain? And what antibodies could this
person potentially have?
33. Why is “non-matched” blood not immediately rejected by a recipient’s body during blood
34. Draw a picture of the heart and label the apex and base.
35. Where is the pericardium?
36. What are the two layers of the pericardium?
37. What is the function of the fibrous pericardium?
38. Explain the difference between the parietal and visceral layers of the serous pericardium.
39. What is another name for the visceral pericardium?
40. What is pericarditis?
41. List and describe each of the three layers of the heart wall.
42. What are the 2 receiving chambers of the heart called?
43. What two major veins empty into the right atrium?
44. What is the function of the coronary sinus?
45. In which chamber of the heart does the coronary sinus empty into?
46. What is the name of the main vessel that carries blood from the right ventricle out to the lungs to
pick up oxygen?
47. What is the name of the main vessels that carry oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lungs?
48. What is the name of the largest artery in the body?
49. What is the function of the coronary arteries & veins?
50. What causes a heart attack?
51. What is another name for a heart attack?
52. Explain the causes and symptoms of angina pectoris?
53. Do arteries take blood toward or away from the heart?
54. Do all arteries have oxygen rich blood? Explain.
55. Which blood circuit carries blood to and from the lungs?
56. Which blood circuit carries blood to and from the body?
57. Which ventricle has thicker walls (3x), left or right? Why?
58. How does the function of the bronchiole arteries compare to the function of coronary arteries?
59. Compare and contrast the function of the pulmonary arteries and the bronchiole arteries?
60. Why do heart cells have so many large mitochondria?
61. List two functions of intercalated discs.
62. Where are the bicuspid and tricuspid valves located?
63. The Bicuspid valve has 2 other names, what are they?
64. Why are the 2 semilunar valves labeled “aortic” and “pulmonary”?
65. What is the function of the chordae tendineae?
66. What is another name for the chordae tendinae?
67. What is the common name for leaky valves?
68. How can severe leaky valves affect your ability to exercise?
69. How can leaky valves affect your heart health over time?
70. What is unusual about the control of the heart beat?
71. Will the parasympathetic system speed up or slow down the heart rate? (Recall the phrases to
remember the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of the nervous system.)
72. Where does the Action Potential of the heart initiate?
73. What is the common name of this structure?
74. What part of the conduction system delays the signal?
75. Specifically where is this structure located within the heart?
76. How long is the delay?
77. Why is this delay necessary?
78. Put the components of the pathway that the electrical charge passes through the heart in order.
____ Atrioventricular node
____ Bundle of His
____ Left and right bundle branches
____ Purkinje fibers
____ Sinoatrial node
79. What unit is blood pressure expressed in?
80. What is the first number of the blood pressure called?
81. What does the first number of the blood pressure represent?
82. What is the second number of the blood pressure called?
83. What does the second number of the blood pressure represent?
84. What is considered an average blood pressure?
85. What happens to the blood pressure as the blood moves farther away from the heart?
86. What does diastole mean?
87. What does systole mean?
88. What is a cardiac cycle?
89. What is happening during the “Lub” part of the “Lub” and Dup” heart sounds?
90. What is happening during the “Dup” part of the “Lub” and Dup” heart sounds?
91. What is the Stroke Volume (SV)?
92. What is considered an average resting heart rate (HR)?
93. What is the CO if the HR is 95 beats/min and the SV is 75 ml/beat?
94. How does the SV and HR of an athlete compare to a non-athlete?
95. Circle the correct words to make the sentence true. If the amount of blood returning to the heart
decreases, the heart will stretch MORE / LESS and contract MORE / LESS intensely and INCREASE /
DECREASE the speed of the contractions.
96. What does an EKG illustrate?
97. What is occurring during the P wave of an electrocardiograph?
98. What is occurring during the T wave of an electrocardiograph?
99. What is occurring during the QRS complex of an electrocardiograph?
100.Why is atrial repolarization not represented on an EKG?
101.What is ischemia?
102.How would ischemia of the ventricles be represented on an EKG?
103.What does a prolonged Q-T interval represent on an EKG?
104.Arteries branch into ________________ which branch into _______________ beds (where gas exchange
occurs) which in turn lead into the _______________ which return blood to the veins, and then to the
great veins, the ________________ and ______________ ____vena cave, and finally into the _______________ of
the heart.
105.List and describe the three layers of the vessels.
106.Which vessels have a thicker Tunica Media? Why?
107.Which vessels have one-way valves to help move the blood in only one direction? Why?
108.What is vasodilation? vasoconstriction?
109.Capillaries cannot dilate or constrict. Why can’t they?
110.List and describe the 3 types of capillaries. State where each type is located in the body.
111.How does the body control the blood flow into various capillaries around the body?
The Lymphatic System
112.How does the lymphatic system aide the cardiovascular system in it’s function?
113.What other major function does the lymphatic system have?
114.In addition to the lymph fluid, list 6 components of the lymphatic system?
115.The Lymphatic Vessels function is to pick up excess _______ and bring it back to the heart.
116.Which region (s) of the body does the right lymphatic duct drain the lymph from?
117.Which region (s) of the body does the thoracic duct drain the lymph from?
118.What is edema?
119.Why are lymph nodes necessary?
120.Which 3 regions can you find large amounts of lymph nodes?
121.What cells in the lymph nodes engulf/destroy bacteria?
122.What gland produces hormones that function in programming lymphocytes?
123.Which organ in the lymphatic system is considered a blood reservoir?
124. What other 3 functions does this organ have?
125. What are small masses of lymphatic tissue found in the throat?
126. What is the function of the masses of lymphatic tissue found in the throat?
127. The ___________ is a lymphatic mass found low in the throat overlying the heart that produces
hormones that function in programming of lymphocytes to carry out certain functions in the body
128. Where are Peyer’s patches located?
129. What is the function of the Peyers patches?
130. Which organ destroys old erythrocytes?
131. Extra Research: Where, why, and how are bone marrow transplants conducted?