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Circulatory System/Blood Review Questions
Circulatory System
1) What is the main function of the circulatory system?
2) Starting at the heart, describe the path of the blood through
the body. What blood vessels does it move through and in
what order?
3) Starting at the Vena Cava (veins) and ending in the Aorta
(artery) describe the path blood takes as it moves through the
heart. What structures does it move through and in what
4) What are the two circuits of the circulatory system?
(Remember: There’s a short one and a long one) What are the
roles of the different circuits?
5) List the differences between arteries and veins.
6) What are the smallest blood vessels called? How thick are
their walls? What is their main function?
7) What is the difference between oxygenated blood and
deoxygenated blood? Where are each found in the circulatory
8) What are the important veins, arteries, chambers, and valves
of the heart called? What does each do? What is the wall of
muscle separating the two halves of the heart called? (You
will be labeling a heart diagram)
9) What is the importance of valves in the circulatory system?
10) From what arteries does the heart get its blood supply?
What happens if these arteries are blocked?
11) What structures maintain a steady heartbeat and ensure the
heart keeps a regular beat pattern?
1) Name the four components of blood. What is the function of
each component?
2) What is another name for leukocytes? What is another name
for erythrocytes?
3) How much of our blood is made up of plasma? Red blood
4) Compared to red blood cells are their more or less white
blood cells in the blood? How much more or less?
5) What is hemoglobin? What does it do?
6) What is anemia and how is it related to hemoglobin?
7) How are materials exchanged between the blood and the
bodies cells?
8) Name the eight different blood types of the ABO blood types.
Specify their corresponding antibodies.
9) What determines your blood type (Hint: it’s a glycoprotein).
10) What are antigens? What are antibodies? How do they
11) When a blood transfusion is done, what parts of the blood
are transferred from the donor? Why aren’t antibodies
12) What is agglutination? What could happen if a person’s
blood agglutinates?
13) What blood type is the “universal donor”?
14) What blood type is the “universal acceptor”?
15) Would the following blood transfusions be safe? Explain
why or why not using sketches or sentences.
16) Why might it be dangerous for an Rh- mother to be having
an Rh+ child? Would it be dangerous for her first child? Why or
why not? (Hint: Refer to the handout I provided the day of the
blood typing lab, right at the bottom of the sheet!)