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Julius Caesar: Master of the Roman World
History Channel biography video
English 10 – Ms. Harder
The Republic
* Julius Caesar was born in ___________ B.C.
* His full name is Gauis
(clan name)
(family name)
* As a child, Caesar drove a chariot led by a __________. He pretended to be a military
* Caesar was raised in a very strict home, and was often __________ into a pattern of
greatness through his behavior and actions.
* Caesar’s first trip to the Forum was with his father at the age of _________. This was
his first introduction to _____________ and the first time he wore a _____________.
* Another major event when Caesar was 15 was that his father __________. This left
Caesar as the _________ of the family, and pushed him into his _______________
* The expansion of the Roman Empire created _________________ instability.
* At the age of _________, Caesar married a girl who could help secure his political
future due to her family’s high ranking and wealth.
* Shortly after his marriage, Civil War broke out in the Roman Empire. Caesar lost his
_________, his life was threatened, and he left Rome to become an _________ officer.
Rise to Power
* Julius Caesar spent _________ years in Asia Minor on his military campaign. When
he returned to Rome, he was ready to reclaim what was rightfully his.
* Caesar was very particular about his ______________, often being called vain.
* Caesar knew he needed to improve his public speaking skills, so he went to the island
of Rhodes to learn from the masters. On the way there he was kidnapped by
________________. They held him for ransom, asking for ________ talons. He was
insulted, and offered them _____ talons instead!
* While waiting for the ransom, Caesar read the pirates his __________, and threatened
to hang them if they didn’t listen.
* When the ransom was collected, and Caesar released, he immediately ____________
the pirates and ordered them _____________________. He did feel some pity for them
though and had their throats ___________ first.
* In the Roman government, _______ (#) senators were elected as Consul over the entire
senate. The age requirement was ______ years old. Caesar had his mind made up to
achieve this before that age.
* At the age of 30, Caesar spent one year in a Spanish province, when he returned he
was granted ________-long entry into the Senate. This is when he began to wear the
color ___________, a sign of high rank and the most expensive color to produce in
fabrics then.
* Caesar’s first wife died, he remarried Pompeia, who was a woman with a __________
fortune and connections to the ____________. However, the elite of Rome did not
__________ him, so he started campaigning for the popular vote among the urban
_________ people. He did this by walking through the ___________ of Rome.
* Caesar was then appointed to a new post, he was in charge of ______________ for
Rome. He held events such as mock ________ battles, had fights with wild __________,
and gladiator fights to ______ ________.
* Men of all classes liked Julius Caesar, and so did the __________. He held lavish
dinner parties and was known as a ____________ in his relationships with others.
*At the age of _______ he ran for the office of Supreme Priest of Rome, and ________.
He finally gained prestige, along with money and a _________.
* His first task was to gain an alliance with Crassus – who had _________, and Pompey
– who had __________. To secure the alliance, Caesar gave Pompey his ___________
for marriage.
* 59 B.C. was the year that Caesar finally gained the Seat of _____________.
* Caesar didn’t do the office justice though, and started introducing his own _________ which was illegal! He also replaced gold with _____________. These things were
designed for self-advancement, all he was concerned about.
The Gallic Wars
Julius Caesar conquered more __________ people than any other ___________
before him.
In the Spring of 58 B.C., Caesar invaded Gaul without getting Senate
In 55 B.C. Caesar was the first man to __________ the Rhine, and the first to
___________ the island of Britain.
For 8 years he was at war, and was one of the best commanders in history, always
at the __________ lines with his soldiers.
By the age of _________ Caesar was considered omnipotent in ______________.
The next battle ahead of him was to go back to ___________ and take over.
Civil War
The Senate wanted to __________ Caesar for the things he did while in battle.
The men in power managed to turn Pompey against Caesar. He was famously
quoted as saying “The die is _______.” in response to losing his ally.
By the time Caesar arrived in Rome, his opponents had ___________. Pompey
was out in the Roman Empire gathering _________.
Pompey and Caesar met in _____________ and entered into battle. Caesar was
outnumbered _________ to one. He, however, proved to be a better general, he
and his troops killed __________ (#) of Pompey’s soldiers and the rest were
Pompey fled to _______________, and this is where he was _______________
by the King of Egypt, and it was then presented to Caesar as a “prize.”
Caesar met and entered a relationship with the famed ______________, Queen of
The Dictator
In 46 B.C., at the age of ________, Caesar walked triumphantly through Rome,
wearing robes the color ______________.
Out of fear the Senate appointed him ________________. This term was usually
for 6 months, Caesars term lasted _________ years.
Caesar made some important decisions during this time, trying to revitalize Rome.
o Rome was poor and vulnerable
o He gave ____________ to the veterans
o He created public works projects which included: a canal,
_____________, and a harbor
o He changed the calendar from the traditional lunar calendar to a solar
calendar that has ________ days. This is the Julian Calendar we still use
These changes Caesar tried to make did not help Rome, and his thoughts turned to
the one thing he knew he was good at – to go back to __________.
To prepare for his next step, he made some self-serving changes:
o He __________ the number of Senators
o He wore the color _____________ exclusively to reflect power
o He declared his ________ a public holiday
o He renamed his birthday month Julius or ________ as we know it.
In February of 44 B.C., he was elected Dictator for _________.
He was ignoring Calphurnia, his ___________, and focused his attentions and
money on Cleopatra and their ____________.
The leading senators finally agreed that Caesar had to be ___________ from
power. And the only way to do this was _______________.
The date chosen was ________________, known as the Ides of March.
o Met in the stone theatre
o The Senators stood __________ Caesar
o They stabbed him ________ times
o Caesar pulled his toga up to cover his _________, he didn’t want anyone
to see him _________.
o Five days later was the public funeral and his body was _________.
Julius Caesar’s life was marked by acts of ____________________. He gained
success, fame, and power through ________________, and his death was
ultimately an act of _________________.
The Roman Senate declared Julius Caesar “The ___________ Julius” after his