Download The Environment and Your Skin Why do we have to wear sunscreen?

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• Imagine you are going on trip to a very warm place
(California, Florida, Hawaii, etc.). You are going to be
gone for a week and plan on spending the majority of
your time outside- playing in the pool, sun-bathing and
participating in outdoor activities. What would you pack
in preparation for the trip? What items do you consider
“essential” and “non-essential”? Why?
• Think, pair, share
The Environment and
Your Skin
Why do we have to wear sunscreen? - Kevin P. Boyd
• In your notes, respond to the following questions as you watch the video.
1. What is the purpose of sun screen?
2. What's the difference between UVA rays and UVB rays?
3. What are the two main types of sunscreen?
4. What is SPF and why is it important?
5. The three main types of skin cancer are…
6. What is the leading cause of aging?
UV Rays
• UV RadiationElectromagnetic radiation
or light having a
wavelength longer than
that of x-rays but shorter
than that of visible light.
The Impact of UV Rays
• UVA- affects dermal (deeper layer of skin); damages
skin cells.
• Can cause skin cancer
The Impact of UV Rays
• UVB- affects epidermis (surface layer of skin); causes
“sunburn,” red skin.
• Can cause skin cancer
• Turn to the person in front of you or next to you
• 30 seconds
• Discuss the following questions:
What is SPF? What type of SPF best protects the body from
UV rays?
SPF and Sunscreen
• Sun Protection Factor (SPF)- measures sunscreen protection
from UVB rays, the kind that cause sunburn and contribute to
skin cancer.
• SPF does not measure how well a sunscreen will protect from
UVA rays, which are also damaging and dangerous.
• Dermatologists recommend using a SPF15 or SPF30
sunscreen. Higher SPFs don't give much more protection.
• Turn to the person in front of you or next to you
• 30 seconds
• Discuss the following question:
How often should you re-apply sunscreen?
People should re-apply sunscreen every 2 hours.
Risks of Not Wearing Sunscreen
• Write down 2:
• Skin cancer (Melanoma)
• Skin discoloration
• The development of moles (benign and/or malignant)
• Increased wrinkles/aging of skin
• Non-Communicable Disease
• Type of Skin Cancer
• Signs/Symptoms
• Change on the skin
• A new growth, mole or freckle that changes
• Screenings
• Physical Exam
• Biopsy
• Treatment
• Surgical removal (most common)
• Radiation therapy for severe cases
Knowing the Signs of Skin Cancer
• In your notes, write down 3 things you learn as you watch the video.
Partner up!
• Read the following article and then complete the Skin Cancer Worksheet.
Skin Cancer Worksheet- 20 Minutes to Work On!
Health Walk!
Study Guide- Due Next Class!