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Annotated Bibliography
1. Corr, Stuart J., et al. "A New Imaging Platform for Visualizing Biological Effects of
Non-Invasive Radiofrequency Electric-Field Cancer Hyperthermia." PLoS ONE
10.8 (2015). Academic OneFile. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
This article talks about Kanzius Research, and how exchanges of high-frequency
radiowaves with tissues and nanomaterials in biological tissues are presently being examined as
a beneficial platform for non-invasive cancer hyperthermia therapy. This article talks about
publications that have validated anti-tumor effects subsequent to non-invasive radio frequency
waves. A custom portable radio frequency system has been designed and engineered, and it can
be retrofitted simply to a high-resolution Nikon A1R+ intravital microscopy system permitting
real-time in vivo image acquisition of radio frequency-induced biological effects such as
enhanced fluorescent tracer perfusion into tumors and high-temperature vessel deformation
Future work with the new imaging platform include detailed analysis of radio frequency
mediated biological effects, including vascular permeability, blood flow, tissue alterations,
nanoparticle and drug accumulation, tissue penetration, and cellular migration events.
This article included information that I can use in my paper to discuss benefits of
investing into this research and the future possibilities of this research. It talks Kanzius Research
and how it is being furthered with the creation of a new portable radio frequency system. I found
this article on the FSW library electronic database. Research reported in this publication was
supported by the NIH Physical Science in Oncology Program.
(200 words)
2. "Cure for Cancer." Cure for Cancer. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2015. <>.
This article talks about Kanzius Research which is a type of radiotherapy, which is being
used by many different research groups, and was created by John Kanzius. Radiotherapy is a
regularly used method of research that destroys Cancer Cells using Gold Nano-Particles and
incorporates the use of radio waves. The way the Kanzius method worked was by injecting Gold
Nano-particles with antibodies attached, into the blood stream of a subject with cancer. As soon
as the Gold Nano-Particles collected on the tumor or tumors, the subject is then placed between
two radio wave machines, for anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour. The Gold Nanoparticles are heated by the radio waves, destroying the cancerous cells, thus leaving the rest of
the healthy tissues in the body unaffected. Currently, Gold Nano-Particle research is showing
that subjects (which currently is only animal subjects) who have been treated with radio-waves,
lasers, targeted-drugs and infrared light, etc., don’t display the harmful side effects that are
caused by radiation and chemotherapy.
This article included information that I can use in my paper. It talks Kanzius Research
and gives a lot of background information as well as some benefits to supporting the research.
This article was published in a free investment guide, Free Bullion Investment Guide. Although
their disclaimer says all information provided has been researched and every effort has been
made to insure that the information is accurate and up to date, it also states that all articles are
strictly for informational purposes only.
(251 words)
3. Hayasaki, Erika. "Kanzius Cancer Machine Gets Its First Human Trial." N.p.,
n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2015
This article talks how the Noninvasive Radiowave Cancer Device that evolved from this
thought experiment by John Kanzius eventually made the pages of many respected medical
journals and attracted the funding and backing of leading cancer researchers, as well as a Nobel
Prize winner. After Kanzius death his research was continued by an oncologist named Dr. Steven
A. Curley. In May of this year, Dr. Curley filed protocols with the Italian Ministry of Health to
do human trials with the radio wave machine on subjects diagnosed with pancreatic and liver
cancer. If this is approved, human clinical trials will begin in Naples, Italy in spring of 2016.
Although the original Kanzius machine got the job done, Curley will use a much different
looking machine for clinical trials. They are currently on the sixth-generation version of the
machine. Curley’s team injected nanoparticles into petri dishes full of human cancer cells, as
well as into tumors in mice, rats, rabbits and pigs. Using the Kanzius machine, the team was able
to heat the nanoparticles and, as a result, destroy all those cancerous cells. Curley along with 20
researchers with expertise in nanomaterials, radiofrequency, immune function and drug delivery
functions are working in his lab at the Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center at Baylor College of
Medicine in Houston, Texas and deeply believe in the potential of this Kanzius’ work.
This article included information that I can use in my paper to discuss some background
information but also discuss the benefits of investing into this research and the future
possibilities of this research. I found this article doing a google search. This article is published
in Newsweek, which is a reputable magazine and has been providing high quality journalism for
80 years.
(289 words)
4. "Tasia Valenza Voice's Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation Spread the Wave." YouTube.
YouTube, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2015.
This video is narrated by an American voice actress named Tasia Valenza and speaks
about cancer and how everyone is somehow touched by cancer. She also discusses how the
survival rates are very low in the United States, less than 50% overall over 5 years. She discusses
how you have to endure many painful and life draining therapies. It also tells about John Kanzius
and his theory and how his machine has continued to produce stunning results in a controlled
laboratory setting. They give an overview of how this theory and machine work to destroy cancer
cells, and how this procedure is non-invasive other than a small injection. The Kanzius Research
has now since gotten funding and they are now in phase 2 human trials. Extensive research is
being conducted at the University of Texas M.D. Cancer Center, University of Pittsburg Medical
Center, and University of California-Davis..
I chose this video because it gave some good statistics on cancer and survival rates, it
also gives background information about the Kanzius Research and how the machine works to
treat cancer, as well as the benefits associated with using this treatment. The video was on
Youtube and was published by Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation.
(202 words)
5. Templeton, David. "Kanzius Radiofrequency Cancer Treatment Headed to Clinical Trials."
McClatchy – Tribune Business News Sep 15 2015. ProQuest. Web. 15 Nov. 2015 .
This article talks about the possibility of human clinic trials as soon as summer of 2016 in
Italy for the radiofrequency cancer treatment invented by John Kanzius. The hopes are that if the
trials are successful in Italy, the FDA will approve clinical trials in the United States. Dr. Curley
was recently awarded a 3 year 9 million dollar grant from NeoTherma Oncology, this is a huge
step forward for this research. Dr. Curley and team are hoping to show that this non-invasive
technology can alter the architecture of the cancer-cell in a way that makes them weakier to
existing cancer treatments. The article also talks about previous studies done by the Curley team,
such as the impairment of function of the mitochondria or powerhouse of the cancer cells by
using the radiofrequency treatment. According to this article a big investment group that formed
NeoTherma Oncology and is investing in and backing the push into clinical trials.
This article has really good information on the benefits of this Kanzius radiofrequency
research and the future of the research and where it is heading. This article is published in the
McClatchy Tribune Business News, which is a leading provider of news and information that is
dedicated to quality journalism. I also found this article on the FSW library electronic database.
(218 words)
6. Thompson, Terry. A New Strategy for the War on Cancer Finally! A New Force Is Entering the Fight
and Its Success Depends on Us. New York: Morgan James, 2010. Print.
This book talks about the severe damage caused to the body by radiation and
chemotherapy in treating cancer, and how there has to be a better way to treat. It also talks about
the radio wave generator invented by John Kanzius that heats nanoparticles that have been
injected into the cells of cancer tumors. It discussed how he himself was suffering from
leukemia, a type of cancer, and how seeing the sick children on the cancer ward made him
determined to try something to cure cancer. It talked about how he went from building a radio
wave machine in his kitchen to turning his garage into a laboratory and investing $200,000
towards experimenting to find the cure. The article also spoke about how he met a professor of
oncology, Dr. Steven Curley, while going for cancer treatments and shared with him all the
results of his home experiments. Kanzius also caught the attention of a fellow cancer sufferer and
Nobel Rick Smalley. It was Smalley who provided nanotubes for Kanzius’ research. John
Kanzius has since passed away but his research has been kept alive and continues. According to
the article the radio wave treatment for cancer is a very intriguing, but may prove to be
ineffective in the human trials. group that formed NeoTherma Oncology and is investing in and
backing the push into clinical trials.
This book has really good information on the background of Kanzius research and how it
all began and ended up where it is now. This is a book with an author that is a former military
officer with an academic focus, who lost his wife to a long agonizing battle with cancer.
(278 words)