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Teach Repeats, First and Second Endings without Saying a Word (Almost!)
Category: Skills Development-Music Reading
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding
Level: VE
Directions that are given in music such as repeats and 1st and 2nd
endings can be taught using the discovery method by using the visual
and audio capabilities of SmartMusic.
Computer connected to projector and powered speakers
Before the time of teaching repeats (or the direction of your choice),
select the line from the method that is used to teach this concept.
The cursor, the accompaniment and MY Part need to be on.
Instruct the students to:
o Tap their foot to the beat or whatever you would like them to
o Watch the cursor carefully
After the line is completed, ask questions regarding what the cursor did
and what they heard.
The students have experienced and explained the concept before
learning what the concept is.
Follow up
Use the visual capabilities of SmartMusic to help clarify and provide a
more complete understanding of concepts.