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What is "Ozone Therapy"?
Unlike healthy human cells that love oxygen, the disease causing viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites including HIV & cancer virus, arthritis microbes, and others - like most primitive lower life forms, are almost all
anaerobic .
That means these microbes cannot live in oxygen. Therefore, what would happen to these anaerobic viruses
and bacteria if they were to be completely surrounded with a very energetic form of pure oxygen for a long
time ? What if enough of this special form of oxygen/ozone was to be slowly and harmlessly introduced into the
body, over the course of a few months, by bypassing the lungs, and yet eventually saturating all the bodily fluids
and every cell with it? Wouldn't the disease causing microbes / virus that can't live in oxygen cease to exist?
Ozone Therapy, works because they flood the body with Nature's single oxygen atoms. Singlet oxygen and its
by-products are very energetic oxidizers - they "burn up" waste products, pollution, and microbes. Microbes can't
protect themselves because they are either inert, or lower life forms.
Normal body cells protect themselves from the oxidizing effects of oxygen by naturally producing their own
protective antioxidant coatings.
Ozone is simply infused through your personal body liquids to sterilize and purify them. This method has been
successfully applied to the human body by knowledgeable doctors treating diseased persons for over 100 years.
It's simple. Our natural intake of oxygen from food, air, & water is the way Nature intended us to keep healthy
and clean by naturally oxidizing away the microbes and toxins. Unfortunately, due to human ego and greed,
mankind has polluted the eco-system, cut down the rainforests, and ruined the oceans.
So because we are all oxygen deficient, our bodies can no longer take out (oxidize) the trash. Even the ozone
layer above us that protects us from ultraviolet rays is born when the rainforests make the oxygen that
eventually turns into ozone. The removal of our planet's oxygen generating forests, and atomic bomb testing
rendering the natural oxygen isotopic and unable to turn into ozone, is directly relating to the "mysterious" holes
in the ozone layer.
We have witnessed hundreds of AIDS and other patients receiving ozone infusion therapy. When they start out
their blood is filthy, diseased, and so empty of oxygen that it is almost black in color from the filth. Keep
putting the ozone into them for a while, and the blood turns back to a bright cherry red color, full of life giving
oxygen and clean .
Just to mention a few from the long list, the following diseases has produced astonishing improvement with
ozone treatment.
Heart and Blood Vessel Diseases-- Peripheral Vascular Disease (Poor Circulation) Cerebral Vascular Disease
(Stroke and Memory Loss), Cardiovascular Disease (Heart Disease), Coronary Spasm (Angina), Cardiac
Arrhymias (Irregular Heartbeat), Gangrene (Of Finger and Toes), Temporal Arthritis (Inflammation of the
Temporal artery), Vascular and Cluster Headaches.
Pulmonary Diseases-- Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Diseases, Emphysema, Asthma, Bronchiectasis
(Dilatation of Bronchus or Bronchi), Pneumocystis Carinii (PCP or AIDS-related Pueumonia), Chronic Bronchitis.
Infectious Diseases-- Influenza, Herpes Zoster (Shingles), Herpes Simplex (Fever Blister), Systemic Chronic
Candidiasis ( Candida), Epstein-Barr Virus (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), HIV –related infections, Chronic
Unresponsive Bacteria Infections, Parasitic Infections.
Immune Disorders— Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes Mellitus Type II.
Other Diseases – Parkinson’s Disease, Aizheimer’s Disease, Migraine Headaches, Chronic Pain Syndromes
(Due to Multiple Causes), Cancer Of The Blood and Lymph Nodes.