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Name_____________________ Date_________ Period____
Geography Study Guide
Know the importance of following rivers: Nile, Tigris and Euphrates, Huange He, Ganges,
Be able to answer the following questions:
Why is Mesopotamia called the Fertile Crescent?
What does Mesopotamia mean?
Where did the Incas, Aztecs and Mayas settle in Mesoamerica?
What is terrace farming and who used it?
What are chinampas and who used them?
What led to the development of civilizations?
List at least 4 ways people adapted to their environment.
Why are natural barriers important to a civilization? List some natural barriers.
Why are reservoirs important?
What are levees? Why are they used?
Who used the technique of “slash and burn” and why?
Why were irrigation systems so important to the development of civilizations?
How did physical geography impact the development of civilizations? Be specific.
What are the characteristics of a civilization?
Why was the Indus Valley important to the development of India’s civilization?
Why were city-states developed in Greece? What role did geography play?
Why were city-states developed in Greece? What role did geography play?