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Our diet - what we eat and drink - is one of the areas which can influence sports performance.
Sports nutrition is the what, when and how much of food and fluids we should consume.
Many athletes today are trying to find that magical potion that adds muscle mass or enhances
physical performance. Many athletes are influenced by convincing advertisements. Optimal
nutrition can be a factor improving athletic performance.
The important components of nutrition are as follows:
Carbohydrate is one of the most important nutrients to athletic performance. Carbohydrates
supply your brain and body with power. The body cannot supply enough carbohydrate on its
own and therefore it needs to come from foods. Exercising with low levels of carbohydrate
leads to tiredness. Carbohydrates are the ideal fuel for muscular work.
Fats, like carbohydrates, are used by the body for fuel and are essential for the absorption of
certain vitamins. Fat is a valuable metabolic fuel for muscle activity. Endurance training
increases the ability of muscle to utilize fat. During aerobic exercise, fat serves as the
preferred fuel source for muscle activity.
There is a general misunderstanding about the protein needs of athletes. Many believe that
large quantities of protein foods are necessary to enhance muscle growth. Amino acid
supplementation is not necessary even for body builders. Training techniques and genetics
determine the muscle size. Extra protein in the diet (in the form of food or amino acid pills)
doesn’t go to make extra muscle. Protein can’t be stored for later use, if the athletes body gets
more protein than it needs, extra stored as fat or used as energy.
Sufficient supply of liquids is most important. Dehydration decreases performance, impairs
cardiovascular function that can impair physical performance, and causes serious health
Athletes can lose a large amount of fluid when exercising. An athlete can become dehydrated
in as little as 30 minutes.
Sports drinks are helpful before, during and after exercise. Sports drinks are scientifically
formulated to help restore the essential fluids, energy, and minerals lost during exercise. The
composition of a sports drink assures rapid hydration and improved performance.
Why is sports nutrition different from others?
Which substances and nutritional elements are important for people performing any kind of
Dietary Supplements.
Dietary Supplements supply one or more of the following substances in the human diet:
vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and dietary substances.
Here are some examples:
(1) Ephedrine alkaloid-containing dietary supplements (ephedra or ma huang), are
promoted to increase metabolism.
(2) Gingko biloba is promoted to improve cognitive functioning.
(3) Bitter orange is commonly marketed as a weight loss remedy.
Do you know any dietary supplements for sportsmen? If so, which and what do you think
about their effects?
Go to a Pharmacy shop and find out about available dietary supplements and their effects.
Search the web for possible negative effects. Prepare a short presentation about a chosen
product. Discuss the efficiency of the product with the group.
Bitter orange- sevillský pomeranč /malý, trpký pomeranč/