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The simplest and most cost effective way to work
with sound is through your own voice
Universal Law
Everything in the Universe moves & vibrates
Everything is vibrating at one speed or
another. Nothing rests.
Everything you see around you is vibrating
at one frequency or another and so are
Sound healing is …
The therapeutic application
sound frequencies
the body/mind of a person
the intention of bringing them into a state of
harmony and health.
Principles of Sound Healing
• Our atoms, molecules, cells, glands and organs all have
a vibrational frequency.
• Sounds from outside our body stimulate sympathetic
vibration in the molecules and cells of our body, thus
vibrating in harmony with one another
• The sound wave will carry information to the receiver of
the sound (loving/aggressive)
Principles of Sound Healing
• Sympathetic Resonance
The similar vibratory characteristics of two
objects (‘like vibration’) will allow them to vibrate at
the same frequency, to form a resonant system
Resonance or rapport between healer and patient
must exist for healing to occur
Principles of Sound Healing
Pure Tone
"Frequency plus Intention equals Healing.“
If we can find a pure sound frequency coupled with
a pure intention then healing will occur
When our body receives a pure tone our muscles
will relax and tension will be released.
• Our throats are the bridge between our
mind and body
• By opening our throats and voices, we can
integrate all levels of our being
The Power of Voice
does not actually begin in the throat
But rather in the pelvic basin and belly, the
center of our creative energy and body
We can feel the sounds rising up in us from
deep in the earth, bursting upward through
the pelvis and belly, releasing out the top
of our heads
Vocal Fold Vibration and Pitch
Figure 11: This chart shows how fast
your vocal folds are vibrating (in Hertz)
when you're singing certain pitches.
Notice that every time you go up an
octave, you double the frequency of
The term for vibrations,
or cycles, per second,
is Hertz.
It's abbreviated Hz,
but we still say "Hertz."
The Vocal Folds
The faster the vocal folds vibrate, the
higher the pitch
Extremely slow vocal fold vibration is
about 60 vibrations per second and
produces a low pitch.
To see how the vocal folds vibrate,
•Hold two pieces of paper so close together
that they almost touch,
•Blow through them.
•They don't blow apart -- they vibrate together.
The Human Voice Carries Its Own
Spiritual Resonance
• This added element cannot be found in any
other instrument
• This difference, is what makes the voice the
most powerful healing instrument particularly
when the person needing the healing produced
the sounds with his or her own voice
Maman Fabien (1997). The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century. Tama-Do Press. California (Page 81)
The Human Voice
An Experiment
• When the person sang an
F to their own blood cells,
• the cells resonated
perfectly with the voice,
producing a balanced,
round shape and vibrant
colours of magenta and
Maman Fabien (1997). The Role of Music in the
Twenty-First Century. Tama-Do Press. California
(Page 80)
Blood cells responding to the
sound of a person's voice
The Human Voice
• Evidence that this F is the fundamental
sound of the singer
• Fundamental sound can be very helpful
for the physical body through its
harmonizing and regenerating effect at the
cellular level.
Mantra = man (mind) + tra (to go beyond)
Specific parts of the body are
when a Sanskrit letter is
A mantra needs to be
vocally recited but even
listening to the mantra with
full awareness, has a
powerful impact
Gets reflected
in the
external world.
Every utterance
of sound
Brings about
a change in
state of
Creates a vibration
in a
body part
Chanting is a profound way to shift your
consciousness because the vibration in
sound directly effects the nervous system
A profound sense of peace and a
deepening of the meditation state is
obtained when one merges the mind with
the sound
…is a very personalized form of musical
• It opens up the whole front of our bodies
where our deepest feelings are stored
• It connects us strongly with our emotions,
and helps us to open our hearts and get
out of our heads, unifying our body/mind.
We resonate from our…
• Diaphragm
• chest, heart
• Lungs
• Throat
• Tongue
• Face
…vibrating all levels of our being.
Through toning
we can
vibrate and stimulate
entire physical system
The purpose of toning is to
restore the vibrational pattern of the body
(physical and subtle)
to its perfect electro-magnetic field
so that
our spiritual essence
can manifest more fully
in our physical environment
• The body often tones itself through natural
body sounds
• These body sounds occur spontaneously,
free from the control of the mind
• When it is tired, it yawns
• When it is in pain, it moans
• When it is joyful, it laughs
VOWEL - Area of Body Opened by its Sounding
U - Pelvis, hips, legs, feet, and lower body in
O - Lower trunk, abdomen area from solar plexus to
A - Chest cavity, heart, and the body as a whole.
E - Throat, upper chest, and head regions.
Back of the skull and head regions.
Presented by Aethea Perera