Download Julius Caesar gave land to poor citizens

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Caesar gave land, money and food to
poor citizens.
Caesar ruled Rome by himself – like a
When he became dictator, Caesar
improved Rome’s laws.
Caesar built many fine buildings in
Caesar conquered many new lands for
Caesar broke the law by illegally
bringing his army into Italy.
Caesar could be very cruel. When
some people in his army didn’t obey
his orders, he ordered that 10% of all
the soldiers should be crucified.
Caesar gave most of the powerful jobs
in Rome to his friends.
Julius Caesar named a month after
himself (July). No Roman had ever
considered himself important enough
to do this before.
He wore purple robes (like the Roman
Kings had done) and was the first
Roman leader to have his face on coins
during his lifetime.
Caesar introduced a new and better
Caesar forgave his enemies if they
apologised and he offered them jobs in
He helped many people in Spain and
Gaul to become Roman citizens.
Caesar put up his own statue among
the statues of the old kings of Rome.
1) What evidence is there that Caesar
cared about ordinary people?
2) What evidence is there that Caesar
wanted to rule like a king?
3) Who do you think would be more
worried about Caesar: ordinary
people or the senators of Rome?
Explain your answer carefully.
4) Using all the evidence, do you think
Caesar was a good ruler?