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What are the Pros and Cons of
Banner Ads?
Visit any website that contains advertising and you are almost
guaranteed to see at least one banner ad. While these types of
ads have been around forever, their popularity has never really
waned. There is a reason why affiliate programs provide you
with banners to use for promotion, and that is because they are
still a great marketing tool. If you are thinking of putting
together an advertising campaign of your own, or placing ads on
your site to earn revenue, you definitely want to know all the
pros and cons that come with banner ads.
Ad Design - The most obvious reason for using banner
advertising, as opposed to other ad formats, is because they are
so incredibly easy to work with. All designers, including
beginners, can easily put together a banner that satisfies all basic
requirements and successfully attracts visitor attention. They can
be sized to fit the space where they will be placed, and are easy
to change if you feel that the banner is not getting the results you
Ad Server - If you want to have your advertisement placed on
an ad server, the banner ad format is universally accepted by all
ad servers, which means you will not struggle setting up the ad
as you may with more complex formats like Flash, Rich-Media,
or Video. Pricing a banner ad is also simple because all ad
companies frequently handle this format and have a set price
already defined.
Visitor Experience - People are used to seeing banner ads on
websites, and generally view them as one of the least intrusive
advertising formats. The average website visitor is less likely to
have a negative reaction to a banner ad than they would have
with a pop-up, a fly-in or an interstitial ad.
Webmaster - Placing a banner on a website is usually as simple
as knowing the URL that it points to, and the image location of
the banner. You can literally have a banner placed on your site in
a matter of seconds, and you do not have to be a technical expert
in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, or Flash in order to do so. More
advanced ad formats like Rich-Media ads and those that involve
complex coding can become very problematic if you need to
troubleshoot them for any reason at all.
Ironically enough, it is the things that make banner ads so
popular that also present the biggest problems for advertisers. As
we mentioned earlier, banner ads have been around in one form
or another for more than twenty years. They are the perfect
example of something that suffers from familiarity, as internet
users are now so used to seeing them that they have developed a
sort of banner blindness and simply ignore them. This can cause
lower click through rates and lower overall ad effectiveness.
As such, some advertisers think that adding movement or
blinking text to their banners will draw attention, but all that
usually does is irritate viewers. What you are generally left with
is a form of advertising that delivers even worse click-through
rates and subsequent purchases. In conclusion, banners are
simple to make, serve, and administrate but should be
complemented with other forms of advertisements to improve
overall ad campaign effectiveness.
Adspeed ad server solutions is a reliable and powerful ad
serving and ad management solution that serves your ads, tracks
impressions & clicks, reports ad statistics in real-time. Adspeed
ad servers are one of the earliest on the market. Our ad server
prices are affordable. Our goal is to help you execute your
online advertising strategy efficiently.