Download west nile virus and homeopathy

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West Nile Virus is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes and is back this season because of the heavy rains that
we have experienced this year. Rain facilitates mosquito breeding as mosquitoes thrive best in water and humidity.
West Nile virus is an infectious disease caused by the viruses known as flaviviruses, which are usually spread by
tick or mosquito bite. West Nile virus is not spread by person-to-person contact such as touching, kissing, or caring
for someone who is infected, however, it can be transmitted through blood transfusions, organ transplants from
West Nile virus-infected donors, from a mother to her unborn child, and through breast milk.
Symptoms: The symptoms are usually mild and mainly characterized by flu like symptoms which develop between
3 and 14 days after having bitten by the infected mosquito.
High fever, headache, body aches.
Neck stiffness.
Disorientation, tremors, even loss of consciousness.
Muscle weakness, numbness and paralysis.
Extreme fatigue.
Vision loss.
Nausea, vomiting, dehydration.
Swollen lymph glands.
Swelling of the tongue, lips and throat with inability to swallow.
Skin rash on the chest, stomach and back.
Sometimes no symptoms at all.
In some individuals, particularly in children or elderly people above 50, West Nile virus can cause serious disease
that affects brain and spinal tissue like encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), meningitis (inflammation of the
membrane around the brain and spinal cord), and polio-like symptoms in which muscles become very weak and
paralyzed, rarely permanent neurological damage and death.
Homeopathic approach to West Nile Virus:
In Allopathic medicine there is no specific treatment for West Nile Virus other than symptomatic treatment.
Allopathic medicines work to suppress the body’s natural reaction. Antibiotics cannot improve the response of the
immune system. One can only use an allopathic remedy to cover the symptoms for a few hours and wait for the
virus to run its course. Homeopathic medicines work on an entirely different principle; it doesn’t interfere with the
natural immune response but works alongside it by enhancing one’s ability to fight an infection, thus making a
person more able to effectively destroy a virus. Homeopathic medicine is very different from conventional medicine,
in that the Homeopathic medicine must be matched to the patient’s individual symptoms. This means that the
Homeopathic medicine selected for an individual may be different than another individual with the same disease or
a different stage of the disease. The Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances which have been
diluted and potentised many times so that when they are used according to the Homeopathic principles, they
stimulate your body's own defense system to move you towards a healthier state without causing you any side
effects. Homeopathic treatment is safe, natural and effective for both children and adults.
Based on the classical approach of Homeopathy a Homeopathic practitioner looks at the person holistically, that is
mind, body and emotion together and not just at the symptoms of the illness. Homeopathic treatment enhances
resistance to infection. Patients undergoing Homeopathic treatment often notice that they get fewer illnesses
because their general level of health has been improved.
Some of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies that can help bring West Nile Virus symptoms under control
are given below. These remedies are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned
only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in viral infections. It is not advisable to
resort to self-medication for any disease.
Aconite: is a good choice of remedy for symptoms that come on suddenly and intensely accompanied with fever
alternating with chills, cold with violent sneezing and coughing, trembling and strong thirst. The eyes and face may
be red, and mouth dry. Emotionally there will be fear and anxiety that this is a more serious disease, and they will
not recover. Symptoms are often worst around midnight.
Arsenicum Album: is a very good remedy for symptoms mimicking stomach flu like extreme weakness,
restlessness, vomiting and diarrhea and a craving for small sips of water.
Baptisia: This is an excellent remedy for epidemic viral infectious diseases characterized by symptoms of low fever
with weakness, muscle soreness, neck stiffness, stomach pains, mental confusion and offensive body discharges
like sweat, breath, urine, stool, etc.
Belladonna: is a good remedy choice when there is sudden very high fever with red cheeks, sore throat, no thirst,
severe headache, intolerance to light and noise, and burning dry heat alternating with chills. The person’s hands
and feet may feel cold despite of high fever. You may even get delirious and children may see monsters and
frightful images.
Bryonia: is an excellent remedy for fever with thirst, and sore bruised feeling all over the body with mental and
physical restlessness, where the person is extremely irritable and complains about everything.
Ferrum Phos: This remedy may be helpful during West Nile Virus associated with symptoms like fever with
extreme weakness, sensitive eyes, short hard cough, and vomiting after eating.
Oscillococcinum: is a very popular Homeopathic remedy for viral infections. If taken just at the beginning of the
symptoms of a cold, just as the aching or sore throat is beginning with or without fever, it can completely offset the
progress of the virus.
Here are some self care measures:
Reduce Mosquito Breeding around your house:
Drain or remove all standing water that collects on your property.
Have clogged roof gutters cleaned every year.
Turn over plastic wading pools when not in use.
Turn over wheelbarrows and don't let water stagnate in birdbaths.
Aerate ornamental pools or stock them with fish.
Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor saunas, and hot tubs.
Make sure all windows and doors are fixed and have screens.
Take normal steps to prevent insect bites.
Wear appropriate and protective clothing when outdoors or when mosquitoes are most active.
Consider the use of mosquito repellent, when outdoors.
Along with Homeopathic medicines you should get plenty of rest and drink a lot of liquids.
Homeopathy shortens each phase of the West Nile Virus infection and if taken constitutionally, can prevent the
disease altogether. Hence, for a safe, natural, effective answer for West Nile Virus consider Homeopathy.
About the author:
Neepa Sevak is an experienced, registered Homeopath with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical
Examiners. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy at the Desert Institute of Classical
Homeopathy. Her mission is to “Promote Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and
Individualistic approach”.
Phone: (480) 363 0758
Email: [email protected]