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By clicking “People and their research”, you get to a list of all the scholars so far
included in the database. The database contains the following, under the headings of
specific researchers:
1. Current affiliation, academic qualifications and contact details.
2. A statement concerning willingness to form part of the database initiative,
including publications (or a selection thereof) available as PDF files.
3. A statement of about half a page covering research record and ongoing work, and
areas of expertise with regard to the Western Solomons, including periods of field
research and knowledge of vernacular language. It also includes reflections on the
potential uses of research for the present challenges faced by the Western Solomons
after the earthquake and tsunami, as well as for the long-term development challenges
in different parts of the province.
4. A list of key publications.
5. Any further ideas and reflections the researcher has on this research review and
database initiative and own potential roles in it.
Professor Edvard Hviding is the coordinator of this initiative to follow up on the
request from the Premier of Western Province. Dr. Cato Berg (Research Fellow in
anthropology at the University of Bergen) handles the everyday correspondence on
behalf of the Bergen Pacific Studies research group. The contact addresses are:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dr. Edvard Hviding
Professor, convenor of Bergen Pacific Studies research group
Department of Social Anthropology
University of Bergen, Norway
Dr. Cato Berg
Research Fellow, member of Bergen Pacific Studies research group
Department of Social Anthropology
University of Bergen, Norway