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**simplest organism with: bilateral symmetry & nervous
Known as: flat worm
examples: tapeworm, planarians, flukes
Body Symmetry: bilateral with head end & tail end, left and right side
Body Plan: long, narrow without legs – flat and soft as jelly
Tissue/ organs/ organ systems: Respiratory & circulatory: not needed – body thin
Nervous: interprets info and directs animals response
Brain: knot of nerve tissue in head end
Detects: food, objects, mate, predators
Senses: light, touch, vibrations
Animal Type: invertebrate
Food: heterotroph, parasite, scavenger, predator
Reproduction: Asexually
breaks into pieces
: Planarian
some separate male & female
some have both sexes
head: cells detect
odor; smell food
eye spot: detect
Free living scavenger & predator
Digestion – outside of the body;
one opening
Live in ponds & streams, oceans
Flukes: parasite, carnivore
Live in livers, blood & tissue of host
Cause “swimmers itch” – short lived skin rash
Tape Worm:
hold prey
tapeworm uses
hooks & suckers to
attach to host
suckers: attach &
suck blood
Parasite – lives in more
than one host during
life cycle
Lives in the intestines
of animals