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Athens was one of the first known democracies. It was powerful, stable
and had set rules which everyone could follow. Athenians followed a direct
democracy. This is where the people do not elect representatives to vote for
laws but rather vote on laws on their own, or directly. The Athenians who were
free male citizens could participate in an assembly which was an opportunity for
males to speak openly about political concerns and vote on laws. The Athenians
also introduced the idea of a trial by peers, or jury duty. Jury duty was
considered a privilege and demonstrated your citizenship and ability to make
important decisions which would affect your community.
Reasons for Government
Around 700BC most nobles were the citizens with power and chose
officials. Nobles judged major cases in court and dominated the assembly.
After Solon was appointed chief official he made an attempt at reform. He
outlawed slavery based on debt, granted citizenship to some foreigners and
gave the Athenian assembly more say in important decisions. In essence in
organized the social classes to be fairer. He also encouraged economic reform
by exporting wine and olive oil to increase the money coming into the city.
Another reformer Cleisthenes encouraged education and participation of
government. He set up the Council of 500 which supervised the day-to-day work
of the government.
The primary purpose of education was to produce thinkers and people
well trained in the arts which included painting, writing and dancing. It was only
open to males. Young boys were tutored at home until the age of 6 and then
they were sent to neighborhood schools until they were 14 years old. Schools
were private, but tuition was low to encourage poor families to send their
children to school.
During primary school, younger boys learned how to play ball games,
while older boys were taught more military-type activities such as running and
boxing. All Athenian boys were expected to read heavily, especially epic poems
such as the Iliad and Odyssey. These works were mandatory for students to
learn in elementary schools.
Roles of Women
Women also had very little say in public life. Many Athenians took this
idea from Aristotle who said “The man is by nature fitter for command than a
woman, just as an older person superior to a younger.”
Women were not allowed to attend school. However, they were allowed to
privately get tutored at home. But as a result women were primarily educated
with domestic duties. They managed the entire household, cared for the
children and prepared food. They were skilled weavers and produced all
materials for the home and their family clothing.
Rich women tried to limit their trips outside the home, sending slaves and
children to fetch water from the public well and buy food. Poorer women worked
outside the home, tending sheep or working as weavers or making pottery.
Male teens were trained to fight and hold their own in military battles as
part of their arts education. Soldiers were required to serve two years in the
military. After the first year, they were given a sword and a shield with the
state’s emblem on it. Although they served only two years, they could be called
at any moment up to age sixty if the numbers during military conflicts were low.
The army consisted of horsemen and hoplites (foot soldiers). They were
armed with swords, shields and extremely long lances. Most military success for
Athenians came from the Navy, as their location allowed the males to practice
skills eve from a young age.
Athenians believed they were superior to every one city-state for their
government as well as their well-rounded citizens. As a result Athenians valued
education above all else. They believed that good citizen decisions depended
on the education they had. They also believed that education should be well
rounded, not simply in military skills but in the arts and literature.
The arts were so important to Athenians that male children learned how to
play instruments in school as well as sing. The idea was that the arts
demonstrated the beauty of their culture and their city. For that reason they
encouraged women to spend time not only weaving clothes but weaving
tapestry and pottery. The pottery and tapestry was displayed in the homes for
guest to admire.
Athenians also valued physical beauty. They believed that humans should
be healthy and physically active. For this reason, many Athenian women were
forced to cook meals which were nutritious and encourage their children to take
part in physical activities from a young age.