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Unit 7
War II
World War II
Treaty of Versailles: Treaty that ends WWI it forces
Germany to give up land and pay lots of money for
the damages of WWI.
German Economy: 4 years after WWI the German
economy collapses. German money becomes
worthless. The economy makes a come back but
again collapses in the 1930’s. German people upset
and angry.
Rise to Power: Hitler rises to power by appealing to
German pride. His regime used prejudice and
preached hatred. Hitler becomes head of Germany in
1933. He declares himself dictator. He banned ALL
other political parties. He began jailing and killing
those who disagreed with him. Hitler’s goal was to
wipe out all Jews.
1936: German troops march into the Rhineland.
This breaks the Treaty of Versailles.
Demilitarized: Kept free of armed forces.
March 1938: German’s take over Austria,
England, France and Soviet Union. There is a
protest-but nobody really does anything about it.
September 1938: Hitler announces plans to
seize part of Czechoslovakia. Again England
and France protest but let Hitler take the land.
Fascist: Is a person who believes in a rigid,
militaristic, one party dictatorship government
Mussolini: Dictator of Italy: much like Hitler. He
marched armies into Ethiopia and Albania.
Japan: Military leaders very strong. Japan
fighting China over land. General Hideki Tojo is
the military leader of Japan.
European War: war breaks out in Europe on
September 1, 1939. Germany attacks Poland.
Blitzkrieg: “lightening war” sudden warfare
intended to surprise the enemy and win a quick
Axis: Germany, Italy and Japan formed a war
June 1941: 3 million German troops attack
Russia, by fall 2 ½ million Russian Soldiers are
1942: Germans resume war they head for Stalingrad in
Russia. This it the turning point of WWII. Nazi’s are on
the defense from this point.
Allies: Britain, Canada. Australia, France and others
group together to fight Germany.
Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941, Japan attacks, US
Planes and ships at Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
The Next day the US declares war on Japan.
December 10, 1941: Germany Italy declared war on
United States.
1942: American ships and planes reversed Japan’s
momentum. US lands in N. Africa, joined England to
defeat Germany in Africa.
Soviets; suffered huge losses but finally
stopped German Army in 1942.
 1943: Allies invade Italy force them to
 1944: Allies cross English Channel from
Britain into France-almost a year later
Allies defeat the Nazis and Hitler dies.
* Economy Shifts
* Shortage of sugar, coffee, gas, tires
* Women go to work
* New jobs created
Japanese Americans: Treated unfairly, badly
Americans of Japanese ancestry were forced to
live in military camps, called relocation centers.
They were nothing more than prison camps.
Big Three: Allied leaders, Roosevelt, Churchill
and Stalin, U.S., England and Russia are called
the big three.
Axis: Hitler, Tojo, Mussolini- Germany, Italy and
Japan are called the Axis,
April 1945: FDR, President of the US, dies in
office. Vice-President Harry S. Truman,
becomes president
Atomic Bomb: Truman decides to use the
atomic bomb against Japan. The Bomb
ends WWII, but begins a deadly era in
human history.
 Exhaustion: Allied troops are exhausted
from the war. Axis powers are in ruins. 45
million people died. 400,000 of them were
 United States emerges from WWII: as the
most powerful nation in the world. The
US could never return to its isolated past.
Chapter 1: Rise of A Dictator
Adolf Hitler: was an extremely powerful and appealing
speaker. He preached that the strong must trample and
rule the weak, only violence and war could make
Germany an Empire.
Nazis: National Socialist Party- Hitler’s Political Party.
Nazi’s rule all of Germany. They want to make Germany
a master race.
Hitler born in 1889: in Austria. He is part Jewish, he quit
high school. He lived in a run-down Vienna men’s
house as a young adult he was very poor. His hatred
for man is believed to have been fueled by his poverty in
Vienna. WWI got Hitler out of poverty. He joined the
army, were he was wounded 2 times and awarded
Germany's highest honor, the Iron Cross. When
Germany surrendered for WWI he was devastated. He
became involved in Politics after the war.
Germany’s 2 Great Enemies: Hitler said
Germany had 2 enemies “TRAITORS”
who had stabbed Germany in the back –
politicians who surrendered at the end of
the war signed the Treaty of Versailles
and agreed to pay reparation, the other
enemy was the “JEWS” who were
responsible for Germany’s economic
problems. Hitler's Hatred of TRAITORS
and JEWS became the basis of his
political platform.
Rise to Power: Hitler rose to power during
the Depression. He promised jobs, food,
the return of dignity and greatness.
 1932: Nazi’s planned an overthrow of
Germany’s Government. Nazi’s try, but
police stop them, Hitler arrested. In
prison, Hitler writes “Mien Kampf” which
means My Struggle. This tells of his plans
to overtake Germany and surrounding
countries he vowed to deal with the
Jewish Problem
Rise of Nazism: After getting out of prison.
Hitler devoted his life to the Nazi party. Hitler
wins support of business. Business believes
only Hitler’s severe methods can save them.
1933: Hitler appointed chancellor-He then turns
the government into his own personal
dictatorship. He becomes the Fuhrer, or leader.
Hitler becomes Fuhrer: German's loose civil
rights over night-All political parties outlawed
except Nazi
Jews Forbidden: to marry non-Jews, teach or to
work as doctors.
Gestapo: Hitler’s secret police, shot or jailed
any enemy.
Third Reich: Hitler called his German empire the
Third Reich, after 2 earlier German empires.
Hitler promised Germany that the Third Reich,
Nazi’s would control the world.
American’s Reaction to Hitler: At 1st most did not
take him seriously, Pres. Roosevelt began to
warn America, US still didn’t react. America
believed the best course was to stay neutral.
Chapter 2: “Peace For Our Time”
September 30, 1938: Prime Ministers of
England and France. Chamberlin and
Daladier made a deal with Hitler. They
gave land along the Czechoslovakian
border to Hitler. The people of France
and England thought their leaders saved
them from war.
 Summit: A meeting of high level officials.
 Appeasement: The policy of giving into
keep peace
Munich: Hitler and Mussolini, Chamberlin
and Daladier have a summit to discuss
things. Hitler tell England’s Chamberlin
and France’s Daladier if they give him the
land that borders Czechoslovakia there
would be no war. Chamberlin and
Daladier argue with Hitler for hours- they
finally decide to give into Hitler and give
up Czechoslovakia, which is not theirs to
give, to keep peace. This agreement
becomes known as an appeasement.
Czechoslovakia: Became doomed
because of the appeasement. They
needed the mountainous land France and
England gave up to Germany for
protection. They now had no hope of
defending themselves. Czechoslovakia
felt England and France betrayed them .
Blitzkrieg: sudden warfare intended to surprise
the enemy and win a quick victory
Poland’s Blitzkrieg: Tanks, planes and troops
bombed and destroyed Polish cities. Setting on
fire and killing anything left standing that was in
their way.
Polish Soldiers: fight back but guns are old and
the polish army was unprepared.
Polish Territory: Hitler wants the Polish territory,
so he could have more land in the East. Hitler
miscalculates world’s reaction to his
“BLITZKRIEG” of Poland.
September 3, 1939: England and France
declare war on Germany in response to Hitler’s
“BLITZKRIEG” of Poland.
Polish Army: England and France can’t help
Poland. Germany crushes the Polish Army in 1
month. Poland surrendered on September 27,
Secret Agreement: Germany and Russia had a
secret agreement signed before the war started.
They agreed to divide Poland between them.
America Ignores Problems: To most, war is far
away- FDR Worried- He slowly persuades
congress to help the Allies of England and
Helping the Allies: At first the US sells guns to
England and France then Congress gives them
money to build 1000’s of planes
June 1940: Germany defeats France- England
is left standing against Germany all alone.
Sept. 1940: US sends 50 old war ships to help
England. In return England lets the US “rent”
naval bases in the Caribbean and North
Draft: Congress set a law in 1940 that all men
between the ages of 21 and 35 were required to
sign up as candidates for military service.
Total number of inductees for WWII (1940-1946)
including draftees before Pearl Harbor
By Year:
1940 - 18,633
1941 923,842
1942 - 3,033,361
1943 - 3,323,970
1944 - 1,591,942
1945 - 945,862
1946 - 183,383
Drafted: Called to military service
 German Bombers: Germans pound
England in nightly bombing attacks called
raids. England was fighting Germany on
tanks in Africa. The English were spread
very thin and Roosevelt knew England
would need more help with weapons but
they didn’t have the money to pay.
 FDR’s Lend-Lease Program: FDR
proposes to Congress that the US lend or
Lease weapons to England. They’ll pay
later. Congress agrees. US sends
weapons in March 1941.
Fall 1940: FDR runs for President for the
3rd time. He easily wins making him the
1st President to be elected to 3 terms in
 Factories: 1941-US factories very busy
making guns to send to Great Britain.
Chapter 4: The Holocaust
Concentration Camp: A Prison camp for those the Nazis
considered enemies.
Holocaust: The slaughter of Jews and other people by
Nazi’s during WWII.
Anti-Semitism: A violent hatred and prejudice towards
Final Solution: Hitler and his advisor plan to destroy the
entire Jewish population in Germany, then all of Europe.
His dream for a “new order” called for a “master Race”
in which all “sub humans (Polish and Russian people,
Jews, Gypsies, the handicapped and homosexuals)
were “eliminated” by killing them.
Auschwitz: A concentration camp in
Poland. It had 4 huge gas chambers. 2 ½
million Jews died in Auschwitz’s gas
chambers. At least another 500,000 died
there from starvation, abuse or disease.
 Dr. Joseph Mengele: A Nazi doctor who
used human’s (mostly children) as guinea
pigs in horrible medical experiments.
 Genocide: The deliberate murder of an
entire group of people.
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: 1940: 400,000 Polish
Jews are sealed off in a section of Warsaw. If
they tried to leave they were killed. No food,
water or medical supplies were allowed in.
Many died of hunger and disease.
Warsaw Jews Fight Back: German tanks move
in to kill the remaining Jews. The Jews use
what little ammunition they had to fight back.
They hid in cellars and sewers and fight off the
Nazi’s for 4 weeks. 60,000 Jews die fighting in
the Ghetto.
1942: More than 300,000 Jews were sent to
concentration camps
1943: The remaining survivors of the Warsaw
Ghetto are slaughtered.
Crimes Against Humanity: Hitler continues to
have Jews slaughtered until the end of the war
in 1945. After the war some Nazis were brought
to trial for their “Crimes Against Humanity”
5,700,000 Jews: ½ of all the Jews in Europe are
killed by Hitler
56 million other people die as a result of WWII
61 Million people total die as a result of WWII
Chapter 5: “This Is No Drill”
Premier: Japan’s head of government is
General Hideki Tojo.
 Iron: US puts an embargo on Iron sell to Japan
in 1940.
 Oil: US puts an embargo on all oil that sails to
Japan in 1941
 Japan-US Peace Talks: US holds peace talks
with Japan in Nov. 1941. They didn’t
accomplish anything. US wants Japan out of
China. Japan won’t agree to leave.
Nov. 29, 1941: Japan secretly sets this
days as the cut off for peace talks- If no
agreement is reached by 11/29/41- Japan
would secretly plan to bomb Pearl Harbor.
 Nov. 26, 1941: A large Japanese Fleet of
Ships secretly sails towards Hawaii.
 “Climb Mount Nitaka”: was the code sent
to tell the Japanese fleet to bomb Pearl
Dec. 7, 1941: The day that is set for the attack.
7:02 am: 2 army privates see blips on their
radar screen. They phone their Commanding
Officer who tells them not to worry that they are
just US Planes on a drill
7:55 am The 1st Japanese plane attacked.
Navy loudspeakers blare: AIR RAID-PEARL
10:00 AM: The attack ended. Pearl Harbor was
a burning wreck
2, 400 People are killed, 1200 people are
wounded, 18 ships are sunk, 188 US
planes are destroyed.
 Pacific Fleet Gone: In 2 hours most of the
Pacific Fleet is destroyed. The next day
FDR goes to congress to ask congress to
declare war on Japan, takes congress 40
minutes to vote and WAR IS DECLARED.
Chapter 6: The War at Home
12 million Americans: joined the arm forces
1941-1945: 15 million Americans move from
farms to cities to help the war effort.
African Americans, the disabled and women:
see rise in job opportunities
African Americans and women: faced
discrimination in the military so they looked for
jobs to help in the war effort.
Army: accepted African Americans but kept
them in segregated units under the command of
white officers
White women: recruited for clerical and nursing
jobs, black women kept out because of quotas.
Quota: the number of people of a certain race or
sex allowed for a job
Rosie the Riveter: women hired to do all kinds
of “man” jobs.
Rationing: dividing up goods during ties of
Sugar, coffee, tires, gasoline, nylons, shoes:
were all rationed. The government issued
coupons to buy.
Victory Gardens: gardens planted to help
supply food for the army
 War Bonds: people bought bond to help
finance the war.
Homelessness: So many people move to
the city to help the war effort that they are
homeless, looking for houses.
 1943 Riots: Whites riot in the summer of
1943 against African Americans. 34
people die and 800 are injured
 Baby Boom: After WWII Americans want
stability- they begin marrying younger and
having more children
Chapter 7: D-Day and Kamikazes
D-Day: The invasion of Western Europe by the
Allies on June 6, 1944. 4,000 ships carried
175,000 men From the English Channel to
Normandy in France.
Hiding in the Sand: Nazi Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel had gunners hide in the sand. As the
allies cam in range they popped out of the sand
and opened fire.
Omaha Beach: Americans’ gained little and lost
a lot. Troops kept pouring in and the tide
started to finally turn. Hitler thought that the
news of the attacks were fake. Allies broke
through the German line and chase the German
army across France.
Japanese Admiral Masafumi Arima: suggests
using “unskilled” pilots as kamikazes to strike at
US aircraft carriers.
USS Franklin: US aircraft carrier hit by a
kamikaze pilot which killed 1000 US sailors.
Kamikaze pilots: believed that they would honor
their families when they crashed their planes.
These pilots were not trained on how to land the
plane because they were not expected to make
it back
Iwo Jima: Feb. 1945: Wave of Kamikazes struck
and sank an aircraft carrier that killed or
wounded 700 men.
America bombs Kamikaze airfields: They bomb
airplane factories and the countryside, but
Japan will not surrender
Chapter 8 : A-Bomb
Hiroshima: August 6, 1945, 8:15: Air
sirens sound, A bright Flash occurs, The
Enola Gay dropped the 1st atomic bomb
on Hiroshima.
 Scientists: begin work on the atomic bomb
in 1941. The project was top secret. It
was called The Manhattan Project.
 Harry S. Truman: becomes President after
FDR dies in office. He did not know about
the Manhattan Project until after he
became President.
Atomic Bomb or A Bomb: equivalent to
20,000+ tons of TNT for power. Stronger
than any other bomb ever used.
 Almogordo, New Mexico: Test sight for the
 July 1945: US, England and China give
Japan one last chance to surrender or
face “prompt and utter destruction.: Japan
Okinawa: US drives Japan from Okinawa in
June 1945. Very bloody battle, 11,260
Americans die and 160,000 Japanese die.
Truman realizes that any battle on the mainland
of Japan is going to cause huge losses of life,
he felt he had no other choice but to drop the ABomb when Japan refused to surrender after
Okinawa’s bloody battle.
US drops A-Bomb: The heat given off from the
bomb is so hot that the steel in buildings melts
and bubbles like boiling water. It reduces the
city to a rubble filled wasteland in seconds.
1,000’s buried alive from the blast, some
were able to dig out, Fire raged
throughout the city. Those who survived
were dazed, bleeding and had no where
to go for help. The hospitals were gone or
wrecked and the doctors were hurt or
 Radiation Sickness: 2 weeks after the
blast thousands become sick, their hair
falls out, they become week, had fevers,
loose teeth and have red spots all over
their skin. They were suffering from
radiation sickness
70,000-80,000: people die in the blast or from
the blast within a year. 80,000 are injured
Japan Keeps fighting: Japan keeps fighting
even after the A-Bomb is dropped.
August 9, 1945: US drops 2nd A-Bomb on
Nagaskai-it completely destroys the City and
anyone who lived there.
August 10, 1945: Truman warns Japan more ABombs will be dropped unless they surrender.
August 14, 1945: The Emperor of Japan
surrenders. WWII comes to an end.