Download Best Workout For Improving Aerobic/Anaerobic Endurance

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Best Workout For Improving Aerobic/Anaerobic Endurance
Combining aerobic and anaerobic endurance is the primary goal of many training
individuals. The mixture of superb cardiovascular endurance and powerful muscle contraction
is characteristic for many of the Olympic champions. In order to be able to improve and
maintain this condition one has to prepare carefully his workout so that it will yield maximum
results. The purpose of such a workout is to simultaneously help promote cardiovascular
endurance combined with high intensity muscle contractions over a longer period of time.
This type of activity is attributed to swimmers, 400m, 800m sprinters, football players, sprint
cycling. To start with we have to learn the basics of muscle contractions in order to fully
comprehend the purpose of the training.
Muscles are composed of different types of fibers:
Muscle Fiber Type
Slow Twitch
Slow muscular contractions for an
extended period of time allow for
long term endurance (red in
appearance), rich in capillary
Normal intensity explosive burst of
power, high ATP activity
Easy to fatigue, extreme
weightlifting, maximum explosive
ATP power (White in appearance)
Marathons, Long Distance
Running, Endurance Events
Fast Twitch type A
Fast Twitch type B
For more information regarding muscle fibers see:
Basketball, Soccer, Swimming,
Weightlifting, Powerlifting
Muscles contract with using ATP as ht primary energy source. They obtain this ATP molecule through
several different processes according to the aerobic/anaerobic nature of the activity.
Phosphate (Creatine) System
Glycogen-Lactic Acid System
Aerobic System
ATP combines with creatine phosphate, Short
period burst of energy (weightlifting, Sprinting)
Glucose cell enters anaerobic metabolism, Lactic
Acid Build Up, 1-2 min activities
Oxygen usage for energy, Glucose slowly broken
down for energy, Long term activities
For more information regarding energy systems see:
In order to make the perfect workout for both anaerobic and aerobic endurance all of the muscle fibers
and energy systems must be carefully combines to yield the best results.
1) ATP formation as a result of the Anaerobic Glycogen-Lactic-Acid System:
Glucose >> (Glycolysis) >> Pyruvic Acid =Lactic Acid + H20 + C02 + 2-3 ATP
2) ATP formation as a result of Creatine Phosphate (1-30sec):
ATP= ADP+ Creatine Phosphate=Fast Energy, many ATP molecules produced
The Workout
Day 1 Rope jumps+Streching+Chest+Shoulders+Legs+Cardio Time to complete approx: 2 hours
Rope Jump
Stretching (all body parts
stretch intensely)
Incline Bench Pressing
Military Presses
Stiff-legged Deadlift
Calf Raises
Cardio Activity (Bike)
5-10 minutes
5 minutes
Low intensity
1 minute rest
1 minute rest
4 sets - 6-12 reps +drop
3 sets – 10-12 reps
4 sets – 10-12 reps
5 sets - 6-14 reps
4 sets – 12-14 reps
4 sets – 14-20 reps + drop
5 minutes
20-30 minutes
Normal/High Intensity
1 minute rest MAX
Normal/High Intensity
Normal/High Intensity
Normal/High Intensity
Normal/High Intensity
Normal/High Intensity
1 minute rest MAX
1 minute rest MAX
1 minute rest MAX
1 minute rest MAX
1 minute rest MAX
Low intensity
Day 2 Rest
Day 3
Stationary Bike
Bent-over row
Biceps Curl
Close grip Bench Press
Abdominal Crunches
Stationary bike
5-10 minutes
5 minutes
4 sets – 6-12 reps
3 sets – 10-12 reps +drop
3 sets – 10-12 reps +drop
3 sets – 10-12 reps +drop
3 sets – max reps
30 minutes
5 min
Low Intensity
High intensity
Normal intensity
2 minutes rest
1 minute rest
1-2 minutes rest
1 minute rest
High intensity
1 minute rest
High intensity
1 minute rest
High intensity
Low intensity
1 minute rest
Day 4 Rest
Day 5
Chose one of the options: Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Boxing.
Time to complete approx: 30minutes -1 hour
Day 6 Rest
Day 7
Jogging (Cardio): High/Low level Intensity Interval Training
Minutes 1-5 Slow
Minutes 5-10 Fast
Minutes 10-15 Slow
Minutes 15-20 Very Fast
Minutes 20-25 Very Slow
Minutes 25-30 normal
Minutes 30-35 slow
Minutes 35-40 fast
Walk for 5 minutes – END
(take 10gr. Glutamine immediately)
Combining all those different workouts and techniques will yield the best anaerobic and aerobic
endurance. Pay attention to the following factors:
*The Jogging interval training involves the Glycogen-Lactic Acid system and the aerobic system. It
develops the slow twitch muscle fibers very well and it produces an increase in endurance speed while
*The weightlifting focuses on heavy compound movements such as deadlift, bench press, squat,
military presses in a 6-12 range so that the fast twitch fibers are well activated. We focus on power
ATP surge here so that both A and N type fast twitch fibers take part in the activity. We do drop sets
to increase Lactic Acid resistance.
*Stretching is done in order to promote grater flexibility, enlarge the muscle fascia, recruit more
fibers, and lessen the chance of injury
*Stationary Bike and cardio after the weight lifting session is done in order to burn fat and increase
blood circulation. It also speeds up your metabolism allowing for better food absorption and calorie
*Practicing Basketball, Soccer, Boxing or Swimming helps increase the ATP Glycogen-Lactic Acid
performance and helps promote flexibility. Practicing boxing or swimming is perfect for promoting
anaerobic and aerobic endurance simultaneously.
*Rest days are needed so that the body recuperates efficiently
*The rest time between every exercise and sets is shortened greatly in order not to lose intensity and to
sustain a balanced heart rate
Nutrition: To successfully accomplish the training regiment and improve cardiovascular and muscular
abilities eat foods such as:
Red Meat
Skim Milk
Whole Grains
Nuts (Almonds, walnuts)
Vegetables, Fruits
Water (drink as much as you can)
**Eat foods rich in protein to promote protein synthesis and rich in iron to promote the formation of
hemoglobin (oxygen carrying molecule). Hemoglobin is composed of proteins and iron so make sure
you get plenty of both in order to increase aerobic endurance via increased oxygen-carrying molecules.
**Supplement with creatine and glutamine. Creatine is very important for this kind of training
because it helps speed up the recuperation and formation of new Creatine Phosphate molecules.
BONUS QUESTION: Do you have better aerobic or anaerobic endurance?
I previously trained cycling for 2 years and than long distance running for 2 more years. I had superb
endurance and after only 2 tears of cycling I was able to compete and train with professional cyclists. I
thought I had genetic potential to be a great endurance athlete. I weighted 72 kilos. I used different
interval training techniques to increase the 10 and 5 km times. They proved superb. Two years ago I
went to a gym near my house. Since then I practice bodybuilding. I constantly read literature
concerning weightlifting and read numerous articles in the internet. I train very intensely. I am
currently at 98 kilos 10% BF, 19 years old. After I finished running and cycling I had very small legs,
arms, chest, but it seems that those activities have promoted an extreme capillary production. The first
time I went into the gym I got an AMAZING PUMP. Since then my pump is 101%! As a result of this
I grew with each and every day. The greater the number of capillary, the better the muscle growth.
Thus I learned that practicing aerobic activities helps muscle growth as well. As a result I learned that
both anaerobic and aerobic activities have positives and negatives. Bodybuilding, however, remains
my passion.