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Name _______________________
1. While the Renaissance was happening in Italy, northern Europe was still recovering from:
The Black Death
2. What was the impact of the printing press?
Cheaper books, spread of ideas more quickly, spread Renaissance, production of
3. Italy and Flanders were both thriving centers of what?
4. What themes (at least 2) did northern Renaissance artists explore?
Religious upheaval, realism in the human form, classical life
5. What Renaissance ideas did Shakespeare’s work address?
Complexity of the individual, realism, importance of the classics
6. Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (page 422) What about Shakespeare’s plays drew people
from all social classes to the theater?
Shakespeare wrote about themes and situations that were relevant to people of classes.
Also, the theatre was constructed in such a way that people could find seats appropriate to
what they could pay.
Match the descriptions on the left with the terms on the right. Write the letter of the correct
answer in the blank provided.
_E___ 7.
A priest who spreads Renaissance humanism
a. Johann Gutenberg
Everyday language of ordinary people
b. Flanders
A social reformer; described an ideal society
c. Albrecht Durer
__A___10. The inventor of the printing press
d. Engraving
_C____11. An artist strongly influenced by the Italian
e. Erasmus
g. Thomas More
Name _______________________
Write the letter of the correct answer in the blank provided.
__D___12. The printing revolution meant that
a. the arts lost many patrons.
b. the Bible could be read for the first time.
c. an end to illiteracy in Europe.
d. exposed educated readers to new ideas and places.
___A__13. The northern Renaissance began in the cities of
a. Flanders.
b. Germany.
c. England.
d. France.
__B___14. Rubens, van Eyck, and Bruegel were all
a. Italian humanists.
b. northern Renaissance painters.
c. northern Renaissance writers.
d. best known for their engravings.
__A___15. Which Renaissance ideal did Shakespeare’s work explore?
a. complexity of the individual
b. realism
c. religious devotion
d. feminism
16. Why is the Renaissance period called a rebirth?
Going back to studying the classical cultures of Greece and Rome
17. The Renaissance marked the transition from ___medieval________ times to the early
___modern______ world.
18. Name 4 areas that saw a great change during the Renaissance:
Education, religion, art, politics
19. What was the ideal Renaissance man?
Humanist, multi-skilled, intelligent, artistic, free-thinker, adventurous, creative
Name _______________________
20. Humanist believed that education should do what?
Spark creativity
21. Why was Michelangelo commissioned to sculpt David?
22. Why was Italy a favorable setting for the Renaissance?
Center of Mediterranean Sea, center of trade
23. How was Lorenzo Medici a patron of the arts?
Invited artists to Florence, paid them to work, created center of Renaissance in
24. How does a portrait reflect humanism?
Painters made portraits of well-known figures of the day, reflecting the idea of
individual achievement
25. What techniques (2) allowed Renaissance artists to create realistic art?
Perception, shading, oil paints to reflect light, studied human anatomy
26. How were Renaissance ideals reflected in the arts?
Artist emphasized classical subjects and the human form, employed new techniques
for showing subjects more realistically
27. How does Castiglione describe the ideal male courtier?
Athletic but not overactive, good at games but not a gambler, plays music and knows
literature and history but is not arrogant
28. How does Castiglione describe the ideal female courtier?
Graceful and lively but reserved, beautiful inside and out
29. Why does Machiavelli’s work still spark debates today?
It raises important ethical questions about the nature of government and the use of
30. How did renaissance writings express realism?
Writers focused on the human experience in the world around them
31. What were the main characteristics of the Renaissance?
New worldview based on human experience, emphasis on education and humanism,
and spirit of adventure and curiosity
Name _______________________
Describe at least three major differences between the Italian Renaissance and the Northern
Identify two major themes of the Renaissance, and describe them and their significance.