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Oral Communication: Forms, Advantages & Disadvantages
When messages or information is exchanged or communicated is orally is called oral communication. It is
word based communication system but in oral form. Most of the time, we use oral communication.
Executive spend 60 to 90 percent of their time talking to people. Face to face conversations, group
discussions, counseling, interview, radio, television, telephone calls etc. is used to express meaning in
oral communication. Some definitions of oral communication are as follows:
According to Ricky W. Griffin, “Oral communication takes place in face-to-face conversations, group
discussions, telephone calls and other circumstances in which spoken word is used to express meaning.”
According to Bovee and others, “Oral communication expresses ideas through the spoken word.”
According to S. K. Kapur, “Oral communication takes place when spoken words are used to transfer
information and understanding form on person to another.”
So, oral communication is the process in which messages or information is exchanged or communicated
within sender and receiver through the word of mouth.
Principles of oral communication
The principles of oral communication are discussed below:
1. Clear pronunciation: Clear pronunciation of message sender in the main factor or oral
communication. If it is not clear, the goal of the message may not be achieved.
2. Preparation: Before communicating orally the speaker should take preparation both physically
are mentally.
3. Unity and integration: The unity an integration of the speech of the message sender is a must
for successful oral communication.
4. Precision: Precision is needed to make oral communication effective. The meaning of the words
must be specific.
5. Natural voice: The speaker’s must not be fluctuated at the time of oral communication. On the
other hand artificial voice must be avoided.
6. Planning: Organized plan is a must for effective oral communication. The speaker should take
proper plan for delivering speech.
7. Simplicity: The speaker should use simple an understandable words in oral communication. It
should be easy and simple.
8. Legality: The speaker’s speech should be legal and logical at the time of oral communication.
9. Avoiding emotions: At the time of oral discussion, excessive emotions can divert a speaker
from main subject. So, the speaker should be careful about emotion. The speech must be
10. Acting: Many people lose concentration after listening for a few minutes. So speech must be
11. Efficiency: Speakers efficiency and skill is necessary for effective oral communication.
12. Vocabulary: Words bear different meanings to different people in different situations. In oral
communication, a speaker should use the most familiar words to the receiver of the message to
avoid any confusion in the meaning of the words.
Advantages of oral communication
Oral communication involves many advantages. In a recent survey about communication it is clear that
more than 55% of the executives choose this communication. The advantages of oral communication are
as follows:
1. Time saving: When action is required to be taken immediately it is best to transmit a message
orally. If the executives work load is high then they stop writhing and by oral instructions they
complete their message transmission and released their work load and also it saves time.
2. Cost savings: Cost is involved in any communication. When the communication is needed within
the organization and if it and is completed in orally, it has not needed any paper, pen or stamp or
computer. So it saves the money of the organization.
3. More powerful: Speech is a more powerful means of persuasion and control. Therefore executives
often prefer to transmit messages orally.
4. Effectiveness: With the help of variations in the tone, pitch and intensity of voice, the speaker can
convey shades of meaning. This factor also contributes to the effectiveness of oral communication.
5. Immediate feedback: The speaker can get immediate feedback on whether it is creating a
favorable impression on the receiver or whether the receiver will protest or whether the receiver has
receiver has clearly understood his meaning or is feeling perplexed or baffled and he can mold and
adjust his message accordingly.
6. More suitable: The employees felt more suitable when the message transmits in orally. They get
an opportunity for feedback and clarification.
7. A relationship develops: Oral communication is mostly carried out helps to promote friendly
relations between the parties communicating with each other.
8. Flexibility: By the demand of the situations oral instructions can be changed easily and for these
cases maintain the formalities are not necessary. So it is very much flexible and effective.
9. Easiness: It is so easy method of communication. It needs little preparation to send a message. No
need of pens, pencils and other writing equipment’s which are needed in written communication.
10. Correction of errors: If any error is expressed at the time of oral communication. It was possible to
rectify at that time or within a very short time.
11. Informal communication: In oral communication, no need to maintain such formalities which are
needed in written communication. So it is easy and helpful to any organization.
12. Motivation: In oral communication system, top executives and sub ordinates staff can sit face-toface and exchange their views directly, so sub-ordinates are motivated day by day.
13. Special applications: Oral communication is more helpful in communicating messages to groups
of people at assembly meetings etc.
14. Maintaining secrecy: Interested parties of oral communication can maintain the secrecy of
messages easily.
Disadvantages of oral communication
Oral communication contains many advantages. In spite of this, there are oral some disadvantages which
are given below:
1. No record: In oral communication, messages are difficult to record. So it is impossible to preserve
the message for future.
2. Expensive: It is also expensive media of communication. Sometimes the audience can be
managed by paying T. A and D. A. On the other hand Technological devices that are used in this
system are costly.
3. Distortion of the word: If distortion of the word occurs in oral communication then main goals of
the organization may be filed.
4. Inaccuracy: There is very possibility of inaccurate messages to reach the destination. So, the
reverse result of expected plan may be occurred.
5. Limited use: The scope of usage of oral communication is limited. It is not suitable for lengthy
messages. It should be sued for short message.
6. Probability of omitting main subject: Sometimes, main subject may be omitted to express a
word for communicating. So, expected result may not be achieved.
7. Confused speech: Sometimes the receiver fails to understand the meaning of a message due to
habitual productions of the speaker.
8. No legal validity: there is any legal validity of the oral message. As, the oral messages are not
taped and kept records, so it can be denied easily if the situation goes against the speaker.
9. Late decision: It takes time to reach a decision. At the beginning stage, sometime is killed in the
discussion of any personal matters. Besides some time is also wasted for irrelevant discussion. In
this way decision making is delayed.
10. Less important: In oral communication, meaningless speech can mislead the main effects of the
communication. But when the information comes out in written, we take it seriously.
11. Lack of secrecy: In oral communication, the important and secret information may be disclosed.
12. Defective: Oral communication is defective for company’s policy, procedure, programs, law and
other important information.
13. Creates misunderstanding: The speaker often gives message without having properly organized
it earlier. So, it is possible that he may not be able to make himself properly to communicate with
the receiver. As a result, misunderstanding May develops.
Oral communication has been described as:
The process of people using verbal and non-verbal messages to generate meanings within and across various
contexts, cultures, channels and media. It encompasses various sets of skills including the ability to speak coherently
and persuasively, understanding of communication theory and processess, knowledge of verbal and non-verbal cues,
audience analysis, listening skills as well as communication ethics.
In this section, we will describe seven forms that oral communication often takes:
Intrapersonal communication
Interpersonal communication
Small group communication
Public communication
Intercultural communication
Intrapersonal Communication
Intrapersonal communication is self-talk or a conversation you hold with yourself under certain circumstances – for
example, when you need to make an important decision or learn something about yourself. You may wonder whether
intrapersonal communication is just another way of describing the thinking process. In a way, that would be correct.
Intrapersonal communication is a form of thinking that goes on inside us which relies on language to express itself. It
is similar to the Shakespearean “soliloquy” where the character in question engages in self-talk to reflect on events
that have transpired (please refer to Figure 1.6). Intrapersonal communication often increases self-awareness and
mindfulness, and hones critical thinking skills.
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is communication between several people. This form of communication may range
from the impersonal to the very personal. Impersonal communication is when you talk with a person you do not really
care about – there is often a coldness or an indifference in your attitude when you engage in this kind of
Then, there is social communication where you engage in niceties with people you meet in a social context. The most
personal type of communication occurs when you talk with people who are close to you, for example, your best
friend, family members and colleagues. Such relationships are interdependent, meaning that the actions of one party
very often directly affects the other party. Interpersonal communication can take place face to face as well as through
electronic channels like video-conferencing, chat rooms, e-mail and Twitter.
1.3.3 Small Group Communication
Small group communication takes place in a group, usually comprising five to 10 people (please refer to Figure
1.7). This form of communication serves relationship needs (like companionship, family bonding and affection or
support) as well as task-based needs, for example, deciding on disciplinary action or resolving conflict in the
In academic institutions, students often form small groups which meet regularly for study discussions or to work
collaboratively on projects. At the workplace, small groups may meet to discuss issues related to work, or for
problem-solving or team-building purposes. Learning to communicate effectively in teams contributes to success and
advancement in many careers. Small group communication allows you to interact with others, be it at home, in
school, at the workplace or in public. You learn to exchange ideas, solve problems and share experiences.
Public Communication
Public communication, also known as public speaking, involves communication between a speaker and an
audience. This audience may range from just a few people to thousands or even millions of people. The aim of the
speaker is usually to inform or to persuade the audience to act, buy, or think in a certain way. A teacher may address
an assembly of students on codes of behaviour or school rules. A politician may make speeches on how he will be
dealing with certain issues in order to win their votes. An executive may give a business presentation to get more
sales. It is important to understand some of the basic principles of effective public speaking so that you are able to
influence, persuade as well as entertain your audience when you communicate with them.
Mass Communication
Mass communication is communication that is sent out from a source to many receivers all over the world. It takes
place through media like films, radio, videos and television. Modern avenues of mass communication like the Internet
and blogs can be very powerful indeed as information is disseminated instantly.
Corporate Communication
Corporate communication is communication that takes place among members of an organisation, within that
organisation. Interacting in teams, conferencing with co-workers, talking with a supervisor or manager, giving
employees explanations and directions, interviewing and making presentations are some examples of corporate
communication. Effective corporate communication skills enhance corporate image and impact positively on morale,
commitment, and productivity in corporations.
Is corporate communication compatible with morality and ethics? Please view the following thought-provoking video
and form your own opinions on this matter:
Intercultural Communication
Intercultural communication is communication between people of diverse cultures and ethnicity. The world is
increasingly becoming a global village and every country has people of various ethnicities. Thus, it is important to
note differences in the communication practices of different cultures if intercultural harmony and understanding is to
be maintained. For example, in many Asian countries, students will seldom contradict or disagree with a teacher in
the classroom as this shows disrespect. In Western academic institutions, however, it is the norm for students to think
for themselves and engage their teachers in debate and discussion. It is important to make efforts to recognise and
respect the communication practices of people from different cultures and nationalities.