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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue5, May-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
ABSTRACT: Research in histology, genetics, and molecular biology during the past many years has revealed that
virtually all animal cells are armed with the genetic machinery to commit suicide. Under normal physiological
circumstances, damaged cells are removed through a genetically programmed type of cell death. Aberrations in the
regulation of genetically programmed cell death have been found to cause disease and deformity. Cell death, the ultimate
result of cell injury, is one of the most crucial events in pathology, affecting every cell type and being the major
consequence of ischemia (lack of blood flow), infection, toxins and immune reactions. In addition, cell death is critical
during normal embryogenosis, lymphoid tissue development and normally induced involution and is the aim of cancer
radiotherapy and chemotherapy. This article discusses role of apoptotis in pathologies of malignant and potentially
malignant lesions, immune disorders, blood disorders and some neural disorders.
Key words: Apoptotic bodies, BCL-2, Caspases, MDM2 gene, Immunologic diseases
The term programmed cell death was introduced in 1964, proposing that cell death during development is not of
accidential nature but follows a sequence of controlled steps leading to locally and temporally defined self-destruction. [1]
During necrosis, the cellular contents are released uncontrolled into the cell's environment which results in damage of
surrounding cells and a strong inflammatory response in the corresponding tissue.[2], [3] Apoptosis, by contrast, is a
process in which cells play an active role in their own death. Light microscopic identification of apoptosis usually
involves single cells or occasionally small groups of cells. The apoptotic cell shrinks and separates from its neighbors and
Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue5, May-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
is surrounded by a halo like clear space. The nuclear chromatin breaks up into irregular crescentic, beaded or nodular
masses; small basophilic apoptotic bodies may be identified. The complete absence of normal cellular detail is due to
protein denaturation and nuclear dissolution. Ultra structurally necrotic cell initially swells because cell membrane volume
control is lost; the cell then lyses, organelles disintegrate, and with nuclear dissolution, there is random DNA
The cytoplasmic contents of lysed necrotic cells excite an inflammatory reaction. Ultra structurally,
apoptosis has a characteristic morphology: initially there is loss of cell junctions and specialized membrane structures,
such as microvilli, with the fomation of contorted surface protuberances (or) blebs. Condensation beneath the nuclear
membrane is irregular, crescentic or bead like, highly osmiophilic chromatin, which corresponds to cleavage of DNA into
large fragments. The cell then breaks up into resistant, membrane bound fragments called apoptotic bodies.[5]
Important genes involved in cell cycle regulation are: c-myc,c-fos,c-jun,p53, many kinases and phosphatases.[6]
major determinants of the ‘‘apoptotic phenotype’’ in lymphocytes are the levels of expression of Bcl-2,Bcl-x L, Fas and
Fas ligand(FasL). [7], [8], [9], [10] Both apoptotic signaling pathways converge at the level of the specific proteases—the
caspases (Figs. 1 and 2). There are 14 mammalian caspases which are synthesized as pro-enzymes, which usually undergo
proteolysis and activation by other caspases in a cascade. [11], [12], [13] Peptide caspase inhibitors can inhibit down-
stream caspase activation and subsequently apoptosis. In intrinsic or mitochondrial pathway[14], [15] , internal damage to
the cell (e.g., from reactive oxygen species) causes protein, Bax, to migrate to the surface of the mitochondrion where it
inhibits the protective effect of Bcl-2 and inserts itself into the outer mitochondrial membrane punching holes in it and
causing cytochrome c to leak out. This binds to the protein Apaf-1 ("apoptotic protease activating factor-1") utilising the
energy provided by ATP , thus forming apoptosomes. Caspases are activated, thus causing phagocytosis of the cell. and
degradation of chromosomal DNA. In Extrinsic or death receptor pathway, Fas and TNF receptors with their receptor
domains are exposed at the surface of the cell. The binding of the complementary death activator (FasL and TNF
respectively) transmits a signal to the cytoplasm that leads to activation of caspase 8, which causes phagocytosis of the
cell. In AIF pathway, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) is released from intermembranous spaces of mitochondria, binds to
DNA, and then triggers the destruction of the DNA and cell death.
Apoptosis is useful for normal physiological conditions, as in formation of the fingers and toes of the fetus, sloughing off
of the inner lining of the endometrium at the start of menstruation, formation of the proper connections (synapses) between
neurons in the brain.[18] .The majority of the developing lymphocytes die either during genetic rearrangement events in
the formation of the antigen receptor, during negative selection or in the periphery, thereby tightly controlling the pool of
highly efficient and functional cells and at the same time keeping lymphocyte numbers relatively constant [Rathmell,
2002]. Programmed cell death is needed to destroy cells that represent a threat to the integrity of the organism. The process
of apoptosis is controlled by a diverse range of cell signals, which may originate either extracellularly (extrinsic inducers)
or intracellularly (intrinsic inducers). Extracellular signals may include toxins, hormones, growth factors, nitric oxide or
cytokines, and therefore must either cross the plasma membrane or transduce to effect a response. These signals may
Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue5, May-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
positively or negatively induce apoptosis. The binding and subsequent initiation of apoptosis by a molecule is termed
positive, whereas the active repression of apoptosis by a molecule is termed negative. In multicellular organisms,
homeostasis is maintained through a balance between cell proliferation and cell death. Abnormal regulation of apoptosis
has been implicated in the onset and progression of many diseases. Many disorders can be classified based on whether
they are associated with too much or too little apoptosis. During their pathogenesis, however, most apoptotic disorders
feature too much apoptosis of one type of cell and too little elimination of another kind of cell.
3.1 Leukoplakia & Lichen planus
The leukoplakia lesions showed positive keratinocyte staining for P 53 , P 21 , MDM 2 and BCL- 2 , and these positive cells
were distributed in the basal and prickle cell layers. In contrast oral lichen planus lesions shows keratinocytes positive for
P 53 , P 21 , MDM 2 and BCL- 2 , that were distributed predominantly in the basal strata of the mucosa. [19] There was a
prominent expression of FaSR/ FaSL in oral lichen planus, with a rather uniform distribution throughout the inflammatory
cell infiltrate. This expression of Fas proteins was more abundant in the basal cell area compared to the suprabasal cell
layer. Quantitative assessment of apoptosis in oral lichen planus done by Balvinder K. et al , given conclusion that,
approximately apoptotic cell was detected per millimeter
of basal layer, cell death increasing with lymphocytic
infiltration. Epithelial cell proliferation did not correlate with apoptosis, BCL- 2 expression was weak (or) absent in basal
cells, and Bax was localized to upper prickle cells. The topograpical distribution of keratinocytes expressing proteins
involved in apoptotic signal transduction pathways reflects some aspects of pathogenesis of each lesion. The percentage of
supra basal keratinocytes expressing BCL-2 and MDM2 in leukoplakia lesions were higher than those in Oral lichen
planus. Topographical distribution of two oncoproteins, BCL -2 and MDM 2 in leukoplakia suggest that leukoplakia has
more potential for malignant transformation than oral lichen planus.
3.2 Oncology
Experimental studies, known that tumor cell apoptosis is regulated by numerous oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.
Apoptotic index (AI) is defined as the percentage of apoptotic cells bodies in the total number of tumor cells. According
to Arends et al studies, tumors can have low AIs intermediate AIs, or high AIs. Tumors of a particular type had an AI that
was restricted within narrow range. There is an increase in apoptosis from prostatic intra epithelial neoplasia to prosthetic
carcinoma in which the AI correlates with Gleason grade. Increased apoptosis occurs as an anti hormonal effect during
androgen ablation. Expression of the apoptosis inhibitor bcl-2 is associated with the emergence of androgen – independent
prostatic carcinoma. Normal human melanocytes and melanocytes in benign nevi express BCL-2 and this correlates with
minimal apoptosis. (Klein-Parker et al. 1994) malignant melanomas also have a low AI. BCL -2 expression is reduced or
absent as these tumor acquire a more malignant phenotype and in metastases, correlating with the melanoma cells
acquiring independence of Bcl -2 for survival. [6] The carcinogenic transformation is postulated to result from alterations
of apoptotic signal transduction proteins in epithelial cells A recent hypothesis implicates malfunction in apoptotic
signaling events as the cause of malignant changes in a variety of cell types. (Thompson C.B. 1995). This hypothesis is
supported by the findings that several proteins identified in apoptotic signaling pathways regulate cell growth and cell
division. Such apoptotic signaling proteins include tumor suppressive protein P 53 , and cyclin dependent kinase (CDK)
inhibitor P 21 and onco proteins MDM 2 and BCL- 2 .[6] MDM 2 onco-protein, originally cloned from a spontaneously
transformed BALB/c mouse cell line, is a known inhibitor of P 53 mediated transcriptional activation. The MDM 2 genes
possess P 53 response elements, and inhibit P 53 dependent cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Similarly increased expression of
BCL -2 has been reported in nasopharyngeal and prostatic carcinomas.
Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue5, May-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
3.3 Auto-immune diseases
Physiologic regulation of cell death is essential for the removal of potentially auto reactive lymphocytes during
development and for removal of excess cells after the completion of immune response. [16], [17] Failure to remove
autoimmune cells that develops as a result of somatic mutation during an immune response can result in auto immune
disease. Fas, molecule cell surface receptor,is believed to regulate cell death in lymphocytes. Two forms of hereditary
autoimmune diseases have been attributed to alterations in Fas – mediated apoptosis. MRL- Ipr mice, which develops
fatal systemic lupus erythematosus by 6 months of age, have a mutation in Fas receptor. GLD mouse which develops a
similar illness, has a mutation in the Fas ligand. Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus have elevated levels of
soluble Fas, which may competitively inhibit Fas-FasL interactions. The resultant decreases in Fas mediated apoptosis
may contribute to the accumulation of autoimmune cells in this disorder. Role of apoptosis in the development of
rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune diabetes mellius is being investigated. [20]
Alterations in the susceptibility of lymphocytes by apoptosis in vitro have been reported in several diseases.
3.4 Viral infections
The disruption of cell physiology as a result of viral infection can cause an infected cell to undergo apoptosis (B. Levine
et. al 1993). Apotosis prevents viral propagation by inducing death of infected cells. Cytotoxic T cells prevent viral spread
by recognising and killing cells that present viral peptides in association with cell surface major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) class I molecules (P.A. Henkart, 1994). These induce apoptosis either by activation of Fas receptor on the
surface of the target cell or by introduction of proteases, such as granzyme B, which activate cell death program within
cytoplasm. A number of viruses have developed mechanisms to disrupt the normal regulation of apoptosis within the
infected cell. The EIB 10KD protein has been shown to block apoptosis directly in viral infections. The BHRF1 gene of
Epstein – Barr virus and LMWS- HL gene of African swine fever virus both have sequence and functional similarity to
BCL -2 . P35 gene and the inhibitor of apoptosis gene (IAP) found in baculo viruses can inhibit apoptosis in response to a
wide variety of stimuli. Pox virus appears to inhibit apoptosis by producing an inhibitor of the death effector molecule,
interleukin IB (IL-IB) converting enzyme (ICE). (M. Miura et. al. Cell 75, 653: 1993) establishes a latent infection in B
cells. The viral gene LMP-1 in Epstein Barr-virus, produced during latency specifically up-regulates the expression of
BCL-2, thus preventing apoptotic pathways. The Cowpox gene crmA is a member of the serpin family of protease
inhibitors and acts as a specific inhibitor of ICE. The crm A gene can inhibit apoptosis in response to a number of stimuli
and has also been shown to be required to inhibit the development of an inflammatory response to virally infected cells.
3.4 A.I.D.S
Stimulation of the CD4 T-cells occurs by binding to the soluble viral product gp 120, results in the enhanced susceptibility
of T-cells to undergo apoptosis. In vitro activation of mature T cells from asymptomatic, HIV infected individuals by
polyclonal activators such as calcium ionophore
induces apoptosis in a fraction of CD 4 + T cells and CD 8 + T cells.
Specific cell death of CD 4 + T cells is observed upon activation of T cells by major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
class II dependent bacterial superantigens. In the absence of activating agents, high background amount of apoptosis
occurs in cultured lymphocytes of HIV infected patients, which is not dependent on protein synthesis. The exl
glycoprotein gp 120-gp 41 complex expressed on the surface of HIV infected cells induces a cell death program in
surrounding cells by receptor activation. Additional mechanisms may contribute to programmed cell death induction in
HIV infection including defects in activation signaling optimal activation of T cells requires T cell receptor stimulation
and a second signal delivered from an antigen presenting cell. [21] Recognizing the importance of apoptosis in AIDs
Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue5, May-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
pathogenesis may have dramatic consequences for the conception of new strategies of research and treatment for
combating the disease. In order to prevent apoptosis, it is essential to dissect the subtle interaction of molecules involved
in process.
3.5 Neurodegenerative disorders
Many neurological diseases are characterized by the gradual loss of specific set of neurons. Such disorders include
Alzheimer’s disease. Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), retinitis pigmentosa, spinal muscular
atrophy, various forms of cerebellar degeneration. The cell loss in these diseases does not induce an inflammatory
response and apoptosis appears to be mechanism of cell death. Oxidative stress, calcium toxicity, mitochondrial defects,
excitatory toxicity, deficiency of survival factors have all been postulated to contribute to the pathogenesis of these
disorders. Over expression of BCL-2 decreases the neurotoxicity of each of these potential inducers of cell death(L.T.
Zhong et al 1993). Retinal degeneration associated with retinitis pigmentosa occurs as a result of mutations in any one of
three photoreceptor specific genes : rhodopsin, the subunit of cyclic guanosine monophosphate phospodiesterase and the
pheripherin gene. All three mutations lead to photoreceptor apoptosis. Apoptosis may be initiated in response to the
accumulation of mutant proteins or as a result of the altered functional properties of the mutant proteins. Alzheimers
disease is associated with increased apoptosis by progressive accumulation of β -amyloid peptide.
3.6 Cardio-haematopoeitic disorders
Disorders of blood cell production, such as myelodysplastic syndrome and some forms of aplastic anemia are associated
with increased apoptotic cell death within the bone marrow. [22] These disorders could result from the activation of genes
that promote apoptosis in stromal cells or hematopoietic survival factors or the direct effects of toxins and mediators of
immune responses. The regulation of hematopoiesis is influenced by a number of growth factors, including stem cell
factor, erythropoietin colony stimulating factor, thrombopoietin. (R.A. Fleischman., 1993) Hematopoietic stem cells in
which apoptosis is suppressed by overproduction of BCL 2, can differentiate in the absence of extracellular growth factors
or cell division.
Apoptosis participates in the genesis and pathophysiology of cardiomyopathy, paraxysmal arrhythmias, or conduction
disturbances, focal fibro -muscular
dysplasia of small coronary arteries and arrhythmogenic
right venticular
dysplasia. In ischemic cells of some cardiac disorders, cells in the centre appear to die rapidly as a result of necrosis
while peripheral cells appear to die by apoptosis. Free radial production and increase in intracellular calcium act as
potent inducers of apoptosis. Ultrastruturally, the death of cardiomyocytes that occurs during reperfusion, show all
features of apoptosis.
Insight into the mechanisms of apoptosis leads to a surge in research into novel therapies for degenerative, neoplastic, and
autoimmune disorders potential therapies fall into 3 broad categories.
Gene therapy (eg. Replacement of P 53 )
Injectible molecules targeted at the upstream modulators of apoptosis (eg. Growth factors (or) soluble FaSL).
Small molecule pharmaceuticals designed to regulate expression of apoptosis – related genes (eg. BCL-2).
For apoptotis based therapy to be feasible, therapeutic molecules must be delivered to and active only in specific target
cells. Indiscriminate inhibition of apoptosis could lead to wide spread hyperplasia, and in appropriate promotion of
Copyright © 2013 SciResPub.
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue5, May-2013
ISSN 2278-7763
apoptosis might lead to undesirable tissue degeneration. Considering the complexity of apoptosis signaling combinational
therapies that target multiple cell death molecules for activation or inactivation may offer the best hope of therapeutically
modulating apoptosis.
Understanding the physiological process of apoptosis at the molecular level not only affords insights into diseases
pathogenesis but also opens new avenues for developing diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tools. Understanding the
molecular apoptotic pathway will allows the development of non-pharmaceutical therapies in future.
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ISSN 2278-7763
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