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Nonverbal Textbook
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following questions AFTER reading the text pages IN THEIR ENTIRETY! Be specific
with your answers; take your time to think about your own nonverbal communication in relation to these questions.
Read pages 78-80. Then answer the following questions.
Body Basics
1. According to Mehrabian, the most important way we communicate is _____________ communication.
2. Explain why body language is important and complicated.
3. Explain how body language is diverse. List multiple examples.
Read pages 80-81. Then answer the following questions.
4. What are some positive and negative body languages enacted by people?
5. What positive and negative body language do you enact?
6. What are the 2 principle applications to positive body language?
Pages 83-85. Then answer the following questions.
Interpreting Nonverbals
7. Why do we need to interpret the nonverbal messages?
8. Draw and label the 6 basic emotional states we express with our face (kinesics & affect display)?
10. How does voice give clues to someone’s message?
11. What did Morris discover in his study? Explain it fully.
12. How does Morris’s findings relate to you? Do you find this to be true of yourself? What about your
13. On page 85, what does it say is the secret to identifying is someone’s smile is genuine?
Pages 87-89. Then answer the following questions.
Multicultural Messages
14. What is the “ultimate gesture”? What other universal gestures or expressions can you suggest?
15. What are anthropologists?
16. Summarize the history of greetings.
17. List the 3 types of handshakes and circle the one that is yours. Shake your friends had if you’re unsure.
18. If you are a man in France, what kinds of greeting could you expect from a close friend?
19. If you were to travel to Japan, what should you know about the custom of bowing? How does status
play a role?
Pages 89-92. Then answer the following questions in complete and DETAILED sentences.
20. In a study of how much couples touched each other in an hour, how did the US couple compare to
others? Explain the results of touching from around the world.
21. How did men and women compare in a study on touching patients in the hospital? Summarize the findings.
22. How do different cultures compare when they converse? Give some examples of countries and their
distances when conversing.
23. Do you find the above answer of Americans to be true? What evidence do you have?
Pages 93. Then answer the following questions.
24. On page 93, there is a list of what journalist Sheila Feeney found in her experiment on the differences
of male and female communication. What do you think? Be specific. Is there something she mentioned
that has you vigorously nodding your head in agreement? Or shaking your head no because that isn’t the
case for you?
25. Is there any other gender specific body language you see your peers doing?