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Homework – Simple Time Signatures
The regular pulses or beats in a piece of music are grouped together into bars. When
writing down music the end of each bar is shown using bar-lines – single vertical lines –
and the end of the piece is shown with a double bar-line.
The number of beats in each bar is written at the beginning using two numbers called a
time signature. The top number gives how many beats and the bottom number gives how
they are written – when the bottom number is 4 each beat is a crotchet.
The most common time signatures you will come across are
time signature
may be written as
. Occasionally the
When you are writing down music you need to make sure that each bar adds up to the
correct number of beats shown in the time signature.
Time signature
In the piece of music printed above the time signature is which means 2 crotchet beats
in every bar.
Each bar has 2 crotchet beats worth of notes – in this piece, either 2 crotchets or 1 minim.
There are 4 bars of music and the end is shown with a double bar-line.
When writing music in bars down you do not use a bar-line at the beginning of the line.
You should also not split a bar over two different lines.
You should only write the time signature once at the beginning of the piece.
Exercise 1
Add the correct time signature in the box at the beginning of each line. The first one has
been done as an example.
Exercise 2
Add ONE note at each place marked with a * to complete the bar. The first one is done as
an example (with the note stems of the added notes going up.)