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Name: Answer Key
Atmosphere Study Guide
1. Describe what makes up the atmosphere
Gases, Particles (solids), liquids
2. Which layer does weather occur in? ___Troposphere_____
3. Which layer contains the ozone layer? ___Stratosphere___
4. Which layer do meteors burn up in? __Mesosphere_____
5. How are the layers classified? __by temperature____
6. Label the Layers and the pauses and items you would find in each layer
Exosphere - Outerspace
Thermosphere/Rocket Ships/Aurora
Borealis(Northern Lights)/Ionosphere
- meteors burn up/
Stratopause/weather balloons
Stratosphere/ozone layer
7. List the gases and amounts of each that make up the atmosphere from most abundant to least abundant
___Nitrogen - 78%_______
___Oxygen - 21 %_______________________________
___Carbon Dioxide - < 1%______________________________
___Water Vapor - < 1%_______________________________
___Trace Gases - <1%______________________________
8. What is pollution?
The contamination of Earth’s land, water, or air
9. Where does most air pollution come from?
Burning of fossil fuels (Oil, Gas, Coal) Almost half of pollution in the US is from vehicles (cars burning gas)
10. How can we reduce air pollution?
Riding a bike, carpooling/riding the bus, conserving energy
11. Why does air have pressure?
Air has mass
12. As altitude increases what happens to
Density? _decreases______________________
Air pressure? _decreases___________________
Temperature in the: Troposphere ___decreases____________
Stratosphere __increases____________
Mesosphere __decreases____________
Thermosphere ___increases_________
13. What happens to the air molecules as altitude increases?
Air molecules spread further apart as altitude increase
14. What is the greenhouse effect?
The trapping of the sun’s heat in the atmosphere - acts like a blanket of gases to keep the Earth warm
15. What gases are greenhouse gases?
Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Carbon Monoxide, Water Vapor
16. What does an increase in greenhouse gases cause?
An increase in global temperatures because it keeps heat in the atmosphere - climate change
17. What is good ozone?
Good up high Bad nearby
It is located in ozone layer (90%) in the stratosphere. It protects us from UV radiation from the sun
18. What is bad ozone?
Good up high bad nearby
Found in the troposphere (10%) it is the main ingredient for smog, causes respiratory problems, damages
19. If ozone levels in the stratosphere decrease and levels in the troposphere increase, what will happen to the
health of humans and animals?
If levels of ozone increase in the troposphere (bad nearby) humans will have more respiratory problems if
ozone levels DECREASE in the stratosphere more ultra violet rays will reach the Earth causing an increase in
skin cancer, melanoma, cataracts, impaired immune systems